Cosmetic/Plastic Surgeon, Hyderabad
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It is important to avoid all kinds of strenuous physical activity right after undergoing breast reduction surgery.
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Exerting yourself physically while recovering from breast reduction surgery will cause damage to your body and interfere with the healing process. It may even lead to the formation of permanent scars and stretch marks. Experts recommend that you take complete bed rest for a certain period of time post the surgery and avoid all types of heavy lifting and other physical activities.
Which of the following interferes with the healing process after a breast reduction surgery?
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The nicotine absorbed into the bloodstream of a smoker will do great damage to overall physical health and also interfere with healing processes, especially after undergoing surgery. Certain medications also have the same effect, particularly over-the-counter painkillers. It is advisable to quit smoking and stop taking these medicines at least a few weeks prior to going in for the surgery.
Going under the knife for breast reduction will leave you with scars and stretch marks on your chest.
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Breast reduction surgery is often accompanied by little to no scarring or formation of stretch marks if the right kind of surgical procedure is used. Cosmetic surgery aims to maintain aesthetic appeal and balance in the physical appearance of those who opt for it. That being said, it is also necessary for adopting adequate measures after the surgery to prevent the development of permanent scars and marks of any sort. Temporary scarring will fade with time.
Which of the following conditions generally requires the surgical reduction of breasts in men?
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When the breasts of a male get abnormally enlarged, he is said to be suffering from a condition known as gynecomastia. The most effective and recommended way to deal with gynecomastia is to undergo breast reduction surgery which removes all the extra fat and glandular tissue from the breasts, making them appear more flat, firm and masculine.
Gynecomastia occurs only in middle-aged men who are in poor physical shape.
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This condition is mainly caused by hormonal imbalance in the body, which may be triggered by a variety of factors. It often occurs in teenage boys going through puberty and young able-bodied men in their 20s and 30s. It happens when there is too much oestrogen produced by the body in comparison to testosterone. An imbalance between the production levels of these two hormones causes gynecomastia and can happen at any age during or after puberty.