MBBS, DNB ( General Surgery ), DNB - Urology/Genito - Urinary Surgery
Urologist, Pune
20 years experience
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What are some common causes of losing bladder control?
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Passing urine is a complex activity involving the function of many muscles in the pelvic area. With age, these muscles become lax and so there is a possibility of inability to control urine movement. This is medically known as urinary incontinence (UI). There are however other causes for it, including an overactive bladder (OAB) and weak pelvic muscles. There are also many drugs which can cause UI. Women are more likely to have UI than men overall, but men over 60 who have prostate enlargement also complain of UI.
What are some risk factors for developing urinary incontinence?
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While with age, anyone can develop stress incontinence, it has been proven that women are more at risk. This could also be due to the active gynecologic structures, which puts extra pressure on the bladder. Obesity, stress, smoking, and diabetes are known to be other risk factors for developing urinary incontinence. When you are coughing or sneezing and realize that urine was passed, it is an indication of having UI.
What are some ways to confirm urinary incontinence?
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UI is not complicated to diagnose as the patient can confirm that there is an involuntary release of urine, sometimes with coughing or sneezing, other times without any trigger. The person could also have increased the urge to pass urine and this could be worse when the person is stressed. The key thing is UI is often a manifestation of an underlying problem, and so scanning and other tests help in identifying those and treating them.
Urinary incontinence can be prevented or reduced in incidence.
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The main issue causing UI is weak muscles of the bladder, which work on their own causing release of urine. The key is to have these muscles strengthened with what is known as Kegel exercises, which can strengthen them and prevent UI to a large extent. Women after a certain age should be taught these so they can practice and improve bladder control. Kegel exercise can be self-taught and can be done anywhere sitting or standing, so controlling UI is made easy (if worked at!).
Urinary incontinence can be treated nonmedically.
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There are multiple home remedies that are available to control urine loss. Also, getting a person to keep a bladder diary and visiting the bathroom every hour even when there is no urge is a good way to manage UI. One can also learn Kegel exercise which can be done anywhere anytime to improve bladder control. Diapers can be used also where frequent visits to the bathroom are not possible The medicines are available but they are usually reserved for severe cases. There are various medicines that induce urinary incontinence and unless really required, non-medical treatment is advisable.