Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS), Diploma in Naturopathy & Yoga - NDDY
Ayurvedic Doctor, Ahmedabad
18 years experience
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Which of these are the symptoms of fever?
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Treatment of common fever in Ayurveda is very effective and aims to remove the toxins out of the body. Fever caused by Vata dosha leads to a host of symptoms such as dry coughs, an occurrence of cold, gruff voice, headaches and runny nose. People suffering from Pitta dosha is bound to suffer from aching throat, a constant snarl of the nasal passage, yellowish nasal discharge. Regardless of the cause of fever, Ayurveda has wonderful solutions to alleviate this problem.
Which of these is the cause of fever?
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Fever is a common condition in kids where the normal body temperature is disrupted. Fever is the body s way of removal of toxins. When the immune system is weakened, the individual becomes affected with such infections leading to fever. Sometimes, vaccination and immunization shots can also lead to fever. Fever can be caused by a variety of factors, and they can be easily eliminated with the Ayurveda treatment.
Basil leaves and ginger are proven effective in treating fever.
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Ginger and basil leaves are known for having antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which are useful in treating common cold and fever. You will have to take a handful of holy basil leaves and crush it with a small ginger and place the total mixture on the sieve. You will have to press it for extracting the juice and mix it with honey. Consuming this mixture about 3 to 4 times in a day can alleviate fever and other allied symptoms. When suffering from fever, you should seek the advice of an Ayurvedic expert without any delay.
Cinnamon is very effective in treating common cold and fever.
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Cinnamon is always considered beneficial for treating common fever in Ayurvedic treatment. According to the experts, one suffering from fever should boil a glass of water along with a pinch of honey and pepper. This reduces the aching throat problems and also prevents the cold from turning chronic or getting changed into something severe such as influenza and pneumonia. You can consume cinnamon as a whole or boil it into a glass of boiling water and have it when it cools.
Fasting for a day can eliminate the toxins required to get rid of common fever.
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Dietary treatments in Ayurveda are known to have convincing effects in removing toxins from the body. Patients suffering from common fever are advised to fast for a day and consume water so that the toxins get eliminated easily. This opens up a healthy passage for the further Ayurvedic treatments which can help in removing fever absolutely. It is advised to refrain from foods which are difficult to digest such as cheese, yogurt, spicy foods and milk.