BHMS, Certificate in Sex Education & Parenthood, PG Dip (Preventive & Promotive Healthcare), Dip in LSM (Prescribing Exercises), Dip in LSM (Metabolic Disroders & Nutrition), Dip in Occupational health & industrial hygiene., MBA (Healthcare), Certificate in Good Clinical Practice, Dip in Healthcare Quality, Core Competency In Lifestyle Medicine, CHWA-USA, Fellowship in Cardiac Rehab
Homeopathy Doctor,
26 years experience
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Having a cold bath is a good way to bring down fever in children.
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It is a common belief that putting a child in a cold bathtub can help in bringing down the temperature. The truth is that it s not a very good idea. The cold water can increase the core body temperature by cooling your skin. This may lead to shivering. A lukewarm bath is a more recommended and comfortable option. Apart from that, homeopathic medicines such as Aconite, Gelsemium, Belladona, etc. can prove to be excellent remedies for fever.
You will never get dengue fever twice in your life.
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You may have this misconception that if you suffered once, you will never again be diagnosed with dengue fever. This is just a myth. You can get dengue more than once in your lifetime. A dengue fever can occur due to four different strains of the virus that are related to one another. If you have suffered from one virus, you can be affected next time with a different strain of the virus. Being affected with one virus does not necessarily mean that you have protection from the other virus strains. For natural remedies, homeopathic medicines like Eupatorium Perfoliatum, Gelsemium, China and Ipecac can provide you with fast relief.
A fever is always a symptom of an illness or a major disease.
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It is not necessary for a fever to always be an indication of something more serious. It can sometimes be just a reaction of the immune system of your body. Coming down with fever is an indication that your body is fighting with an infection. The higher your body temperature, the harder it is working to fight with the infection. If the temperature is abnormally high and does not come down, you can then go for homeopathic medicines like Nux Vomica, Rhus Tox and Gelsemium for fast and effective results.
Which of the following is a highly effective home remedy for fever?
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Apple cider vinegar can be considered as a highly effective and affordable home remedy to treat a fever. The acid present in it helps to draw heat out from your skin. Moreover, apple cider vinegar is rich in minerals which also help to replenish the minerals that are eliminated from your body when you are down with fever. You can drink it as well as mix it in your bath water for quick results. You can also opt for homeopathic medicines such as Bryonia, Rhus Tox, Belladonna and Aconite to help you get rid of your fever.
Which amongst the followings should be avoided when you are down with fever?
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It is important that you keep your body hydrated when you are down with fever, as the increase in your body temperature can lead to dehydration. Caffeine stimulates the drainage of water from your body which can further complicate your situation. An overdose of caffeine can cause dizziness, irritability, headaches or nausea when you are already ill. It is advisable not to use caffeine supplements too until you have completely recovered. You can try the homeopathic medicine Gelsemium if you are suffering from dizziness and weakness.