Dialysis doesn t cure kidney failure but certainly extends the life of the patient if he/she routinely follows the treatment. It is a procedure where the blood is purified using a machine. On an average, dialysis extends the life expectancy of a patient by up to 5-10 years. However, there have been cases where patients have survived up to 30 years on dialysis. It all depends on the patient's condition and the treatment plan. Patients undergoing dialysis should regularly follow the physician s instructions carefully and never miss any scheduled appointment.
Which of the following is a common symptom that may indicate kidney problems?
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Fatigue is a common symptom that may indicate that the patient is suffering from kidney disease. A healthy kidney produces a hormone called erythropoietin or EPO that helps in the production of oxygen-carrying red blood cells. However, if the kidney is damaged, it makes less EPO as a result less red blood cells are there to carry oxygen to the muscles and the brain tires quickly. Due to this, the patient may feel exhausted all the time. If you are experiencing these symptoms, it is imperative to consult a licensed physician immediately.
Certain drinks like wine and citrus juices can be beneficial for kidney health
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Drinks like wine and citrus juices if consumed moderately can keep the kidneys healthy. Moderate wine drinking has been shown to have positive effects on kidney function. And citrus juices like lemon and other lime-based juices that have high citrate content can be highly beneficial for kidney stone prevention. The citrate content of lime juices prevents calcium from binding to other minerals in the body. Drink moderate wine, lemon, and lime based juices to keep your kidneys healthy.
Which of the following tests are performed by doctors to diagnose kidney problems?
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Urinalysis involves checking a urine sample for high levels of bacteria and amount of red and white blood cells. Kidney disease also can be determined by the urine volume measurements. Low urinary output normally suggests kidney problems due to the urinary blockade. Some physicians may recommend blood tests. A rapid rise in substances like blood urea nitrogen and creatinine that are typically filtered by the kidney may indicate acute kidney failure. Although the damage cannot be reversed, if proper medications are taken it will stop further complications.
Diabetes and hypertension/high blood pressure are the most common causes of kidney disease
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Diabetes and hypertension/high blood pressure are the most common causes of kidney failure although it is not necessary that patients suffering from any of these would develop kidney problems. By damaging the blood vessels and stressing the heart respectively, these conditions can slowly harm the kidney, regardless of the patient's age. If you are suffering from these conditions it is essential to should check if their kidneys are affected.