BAMS, MD - Ayurveda Pharmacology, Ph.D - Diabetes Prediction Thesis, BA (Sanskrit), MA (Entire Russian Language)
Ayurvedic Doctor, Pune
33 years experience
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According to Ayurveda, which of these is the cause of nosebleeds?
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According to Ayurveda, the primary cause of nosebleeds is vitiation of Pitta since when Pitta goes up, it may lead to bleeding from the nose. Bleeding from the nose may begin when the blood pressure goes up or due to nasal infection or due to unwanted fluctuations in the environment which are all somewhat related to vitiation of pitta. Whenever there is nasal bleeding, one must sit up straight with the head posed upwards.
Which of these are Ayurvedic remedies for the treatment of nosebleeds?
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There are numerous Ayurvedic remedies which are meant for curing bleeding of the nose. Nasal bleeding may occur due to the formation of a nasal polyp, and this occurs when the person suffers from cold. In this case, Chayavana prasha can offer some relief and stop nasal bleeding. Anu taila is recommended for a person who suffers from chronic nose bleeding while Vasavaleha is effective against signs and symptoms of nasal bleeding. You should talk to an Ayurveda expert to know which remedy is right for you.
Pomegranate flower juice cannot help in curing nasal bleeding.
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Extracts of pomegranate flower are known for its effects in healing nosebleeds to a great extent. If you are suffering from nasal bleeding, you should apply around 10 drops of this juice to each nostril and inhale it deeply. This will heal the damage that's causing bleeding and slowly cure the issue. You should take enough fluids and a light diet to improve your digestive system as it plays a significant role in nasal bleeding.
There are numerous home remedies available for curing nasal bleeding.
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When your nose is bleeding profusely, you can put a few drops of lemon juice in the nostrils and get instant relief from the problem. Also, you may use the juice of coriander leaves. Similarly, one can take drops of rosewater and mixture of honey and holy basil. But you should avoid the ingredients that you know may cause allergic infection. Cold water can provide instant relief from nasal bleeding. Hence you can apply a cold-water towel on your nose and forehead.
There are many unique Ayurvedic treatments available to stop nasal bleeding. Answer -
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Ayurvedic treatments such as alum treatment, camphor treatment, and red sandal powder treatment are known for its effects in reducing nasal bleeding. Alum is pulverized and added to pure clarified butter to cure nasal bleeding. Similarly, camphor soaked in the juice of coriander leaves can have a similar effect. Numerous kosher ingredients are mixed with red sandalwood powder to offer relief from nasal bleeding. This powder should be consumed thrice daily to get desired results. When your nose is bleeding, you should take the right diet as prescribed by your Ayurveda expert and avoid fried and spicy foods at all costs.