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Dehydration is among the most common causes of itchy throat.
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Dehydration can dry out every part of your body, and your throat is not an exception to this. Dehydration can make the mucus lining of the throat inconsistent where they can either disappear or get clogged with overproduction. When there is less amount of mucus, the exposed tissues can be susceptible to irritation. If you always feel that there is something stuck up in your throat, drink water.
Which of these germs can be responsible for causing sore throat?
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Normally, having a sore throat is something about which you should not be much worried as they are commonly caused by cold and flu virus. But sometimes, you can have a sore throat due to the much dreaded Ebola virus and strep bacteria that affects children particularly. These bacteria can be very harmful if it gets admixed with the blood and can damage the brain, kidneys, liver and other organs. If your throat itches for over a week or ten days, consult with an expert to rule out any underlying problems.
Which of these can cause itchiness in the throat?
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If you are talking loudly or having an ice cream or have gone to a smoky area, it may strain your vocal cords which in turn can result in soreness of the throat. Not only that, if you have allergies or suffering from hay fever, they can further aggravate a sore throat. Find the root cause of the problem and treat it to help the itchiness of the throat to subside.
Itchy throat caused by viral infection can be treated easily.
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If you have a cold and flu along with soreness of throat, the latter can be easily eliminated once you get rid of the infection. To help the condition, you should drink a lot of warm fluids mixed with honey and ginger to soothe the throat. Soreness of throat caused by a virus would not respond to antibiotics, and thus, you will have to wait for the problem to subside. You can suck some throat lozenges for easing the discomfort.
Allergies are not related to a sore throat.
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Seasonal allergies can trigger itchiness in the throat along with several other symptoms such as sneezing and runny nose. Even allergies from certain food items can make your throat itchy. Mild asthma affects the immune system and can aggravate your throat that may make you feel uncomfortable. You should see a doctor and get a throat culture done in order to understand what is causing the problem and how to get rid of it. Treat the allergy using medications in order to get rid of the pressing itchiness in the throat.