Pain Management Specialist, Mumbai
18 years experience
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People with a smoking habit are more likely to experience pain in various parts of the body.
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Smoking is not just bad for your mouth and lungs. It hampers the functioning of the circulatory system which means that blood containing oxygen and nutrients does not reach the different parts of the body which need it. This makes these body parts more prone to pain, injury and inflammation. If you have a smoking habit, you should quit immediately for avoiding all these health hazards.
Sleeping on your stomach can induce chronic and acute pain in your lower back.
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Your sleeping habits can make you prone to body pain, especially along your back. Certain sleeping positions are more likely to induce back pain than others, such as sleeping on your stomach. This particular position should be avoided if possible. If you cannot sleep in any other position, place a pillow beneath your hips so that your lower back does not experience too much compression and pressure for an extended period of time.
Which of the following items of clothing is known to induce body pain?
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Skinny jeans or any kind of tight clothing is known to induce body pain. These clothes restrict the circulation of blood in the body and prevent the person wearing them from walking, bending and or sitting with ease. This causes pain in certain parts of the body such as the back and the hips and also aggravates pre-existing pain. It is best to stick to loosely fitted clothing as much as possible, especially if you plan to wear them for long hours at a stretch.
Which of the following can help prevent body pain induced by stress?
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Stress and anxiety are known causes of body pain, both acute and chronic. Cognitive behavioural therapy, also known as the talking cure, has been known to prevent chronic pain by helping people cope with the sources of stress in their lives by changing the way they think and perceive the world around them. It also helps deal with the symptoms of body pain when flare-ups occur.
Watching your diet will help you prevent knee pain.
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One of the world s leading causes of body pain is obesity. Being overweight puts extra pressure on the knees and makes them go through excessive wear and tear, leading to arthritis. This inevitably leads to chronic knee pain over a long enough period of time. It is thus important to watch what you eat and maintain an optimum body weight to prevent pain in the knees or any other part of the body.