Integrated Oncology refers to a holistic approach to the treatment of cancer. It helps with the management of cancer by taking care of the treatment goals, the side effects associated with the treatment of cancer, relieving stress associated with the entire process of treatment, and enhancing the results of the treatment of cancer. It addresses the control of symptoms of cancer with nonpharmacologic therapies.
Integrated Oncology can work alone for the treatment of cancer, without requiring the standard methods of treatment.
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Integrated Oncology cannot work alone for the treatment of cancer, without requiring the standard methods of treatment. Rather, it works together with conventional medicine and with the treatment methods like surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, and hormonal therapy in the management of cancer. Integrated Oncology utilizes complementary therapies for achieving this goal.
Which of the following does Integrated Oncology heal in a cancer patient?
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Integrated Oncology heals the mind, body, and soul of a cancer patient by holistic treatment and helps the patient to lead his/her normal life. There are number of techniques involved which are used for the holistic healing process, along with changes to the lifestyle practices majorly by managing stress and fatigue.
Integrated Oncology has no side effects unlike the conventional method for the treatment of cancer.
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Integrated Oncology has no side effects unlike the conventional methods for the treatment of cancer which have strong side effects. On the contrary, it helps in managing the symptoms and the side effects associated with the conventional treatment of cancer and hence improve the overall quality of life.
Which of the following therapies does Integrated Oncology combine?
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Integrated Oncology combines several therapies for the management of cancer, like meditation, yoga and other forms of exercise, massage and acupuncture, aromatherapy, arts, music and expressive therapy, and lifestyle and nutrition. These work together for optimizing health and the clinical outcomes of the conventional methods of treatment, and for improving the overall quality of life. Moreover, Integrated Oncology encourages people by making them active participants even much after the end of cancer treatment.