Does homeopathy play an effective role in cancer care?
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Homeopathic treatment has proven its effectiveness in cancer care. The biological action of homeopathic drugs has been proven for cancer treatment in humans as well as animals. Both in vitro and in vivo studies are available which have shown its effectiveness in lower as well as higher potencies.
How homeopathy should be used in the treatment of cancer?
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Homeopathy used as a complementary treatment with other conventional treatments provides significant benefits to the cancer patients. There are many cases reported which have shown that correct homeopathic recommendation helped the patients recovered efficiently. Homeopathy has also resulted in resolution of tumors and reversal of the cancer process.
Which of the following approaches of homeopathy is/are used by the homeopaths to treat cancer?
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Homeopaths use several treatment philosophies when it comes to treating cancer. They may use a combination of different approaches to treat the patient. Few of the common cancer treatment approaches in homeopathy include selecting remedies which match the symptom picture of the tumor itself with the primary focus on targeting the tumor, using drainage remedies to heal the eliminative channels and strengthen cell detoxification process, and addressing all the symptoms (physical, mental, and emotional) and finding the best constitutional remedy.
Which of the following homeopathic remedies is most frequently recommended for stomach cancer?
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Condurango has achieved a considerable reputation in treating the cancer of the stomach and various forms of carcinoma. Epithelomia is believed to be the field of this therapy, especially in open and ulcerated types. Calcarea fluorica and Lapis albus have been used to treat the symptoms associated with breast cancer. Silicea is used to manage pain in cancer.
Which of the following is true about homeopathy treatment for cancer?
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Most of the conventional treatments for cancer are associated with adverse effects, sometimes fatal too; homeopathy is found to be extremely safe. Besides India, homeopathy is extensively used in other Asian countries along with many European and Middle-East countries. It also has an excellent track record in treating animals with cancer.