Smokeless tobacco contains at least 28 chemicals that cause cancer.
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Smokeless tobacco contains as many as twenty-eight chemicals that stand the chance of causing over 15 types of cancer. Smokeless tobacco such as snuff and other chewable ones contain nitrosamines. Nitrosamines develop within tobacco during various stages such as growing, curing, fermenting and aging. Nitrosamine is by far the most damaging chemical.
There are a number of smokeless tobaccos.
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There are many categories of smokeless tobacco that are consumed by people. These include chewable tobacco and snuff. Chewable tobacco includes plugs, loose leaves and twists of rope. These pieces are placed in the mouth where they are either kept for prolonged duration or chewed. The saliva is then spit out or swallowed. Snuff is powdered, that is either kept in the mouth or inhaled from a pouch or small container from time to time.
Which of these is an addictive component of tobacco?
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All kind of tobacco products contain nicotine. Nicotine is highly addictive and those who are cigarette smokers as well as consumers of smokeless tobacco end up with a high level of nicotine in their bloodstream.
Smokers are more likely to die from one of these cancers than those who are non-smokers.
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Smokers who are women stand higher risk of dying from breast cancer. Similarly for men who are smokers, they are more likely to die from prostate cancer.
Cigarette Smoking causes over 15 types of cancer.
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The chemicals, contained within cigarettes. when gain entry into the blood stream end up affecting our entire body from within. This majorly hampers the body's immune system and causes a number of disorders. Cigarette smoking can lead to over 15 types of cancerous growths in addition to various pulmonary and cardiac disorders.