MD - Oncology, Senior Residency in Radiation Oncology
Oncologist, Bhubaneswar
18 years experience
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You should avoid working at night in order to decrease the risk of breast cancer.
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Studies have shown that there is a link between exposure to light at night and the risk of breast cancer. Women who work night shifts are at a higher risk of breast cancer than those who work during the day. Residing in areas with a lot of artificial nighttime lighting can have the same impact. Therefore, it is recommended that you adjust your work schedule to avoid doing your job at night as much as possible.
Which of the following factors increases the risk of breast cancer?
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Long term hormone therapy is often prescribed to deal with various health issues. This, however, is extremely detrimental as it increases the risk of breast cancer. If hormone therapy cannot be avoided, it must then, be reduced to the smallest possible dosage. The same goes for the consumption of alcohol; best if not consumed at all, otherwise should only be consumed in very small quantities and as infrequently as possible.
Obesity has no impact on the risk of breast cancer.
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Obesity is the home of various diseases and health problems and breast cancer is one of them. It is important to watch your weight, particularly as you reach the age of menopause.
Excess body fat from being overweight can lead to an imbalance in the level of many hormones, especially that of estrogen and insulin. Such a situation carries a high risk of breast cancer and therefore, must be monitored and controlled as closely as possible. Be sure to follow a healthy diet and workout regularly to avoid obesity and all its associated perils.
Which of the following is necessary for decreasing the risk of breast cancer?
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Breastfeeding has a positive and protective effect on the body. It has been established that breastfeeding reduces the risk of breast cancer. The act of breastfeeding improves the amount of estrogen in the body, which effectively makes a woman far less prone to any sort of breast cancer.
Sitting for long hours at a stretch increases your risk of breast cancer
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As per research conducted, it has been established that women who sit for long hours at a stretch are more likely to be affected by breast cancer. It is very important to get moving and exercise as much as possible, so as to avoid a sedentary lifestyle. As it not only reduces the risk invasive breast cancer, but also gives boosts your overall health and immunity.