Masters In Nutritional Therapy, Diploma In Diet & Nutrition
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Nagpur
18 years experience
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Spinach is a potential food to fight against ovarian cancer.
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Spinach has an anti-carcinogenic compound called kaempferol. This compound has high potential in killing cancer cells. But spinach is also rich in vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants that are very effective against cancer. Spinach is a very versatile food and can be added and had in salads, pasta, smoothies etc.
Onions have been reported to aggravate ovarian cancer.
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Onions are high in compounds that fight effectively against ovarian cancer. Anthocynin, myricetin and apigenin are the cancer fighting agents present in onions. Red onions are especially effective against ovarian cancer as they contain more of these compounds. Onions taken in any form can help prevent and counter the disease.
Which food among the following must be avoided to prevent the destructive effects of ovarian cancer?
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It is recommended to limit consumption of meat and especially red meat. Red meat has been reported to use up and reduce the level of enzymes chymotrypsin and trypsin in the body. These two enzymes are crucial in boosting the immune system. Hence, it is better to switch to vegetables proteins that do not consume the enzymes.
Choose the odd one out.
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If a woman with ovarian cancer suffers from digestive ailments like dehydration, constipation etc, she must avoid not only excess coffee and carbonated sodas, but dairy products and milk also, which are actually rich in protein. But despite being protein rich, dairy products and milk can have negatives effects on digestion. Therefore, to keep your body hydrated and also take in sufficient nutrients, it is recommended to have more fresh fruit juices, soups and a lot of water.
Blueberries help fight ovarian cancer.
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Blueberries may sound fancy as they are mainly used in savoury foods like cakes, cheesecakes, ice-creams, candies and so on. But blueberries are also rich in not just anti-oxidants but in aniti-carcinogenic agents phytochemicals called anthocyanins too. Anthocynin pigments are actually responsible for the colour of blueberries and are extremely effective against ovarian cancer.