Fellowship In Neonatology, MRCPCH(UK), Diploma In Child Health (DCH), MBBS
Pediatrician, Delhi
39 years experience
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Washing your hands is the best method to avoid getting a cold
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The easiest way the virus can be transmitted from one person to another is through the droplets released in the air from sneezing or coughing. However, the most common method of transmitting the virus is by touching surfaces which are infected. Some examples of these surfaces are door knobs, water faucets and railings among other things. When you touch your face with the infected hand, the microbes can then move into your body through the nose, causing a cold. Thus, the best way to combat this is to regularly wash your hands and keep them disinfected.
In case of infants, which of the following symptoms should be considered an emergency?
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If your infant is not breastfeeding or refuses to breastfeed while also having a cold and cough, it could be an ominous sign of some underlying disease. Many infants and young children die from symptoms of cold and cough which may develop into pneumonia. The symptoms are especially hard to understand among infants as they look like symptoms of common fever and cold.
Vitamin C cures cold.
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Trying to give vitamin C to kids in order to cure common cold will not help. However, Vitamin C helps to boost body s immunity and can reduce the duration of common cold and cough. Some of the best sources of Vitamin C for your child could come from organic milk, garlic, dark leafy greens such as kale, spinach and other similar vegetables, and herbs such as turmeric.
The best food to lessen the symptoms of cough and cold is:
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Simple warm water can help relieve the symptoms by attacking the problems from multiple fronts. For example, warm water will help clear nasal blockages due to the steam and the temperature. Certain studies have also shown that ingredients within warm water help reduce the inflammation within the body and thus help you reduce the symptoms of cold and cough.
Antibiotics are the best medicines to treat common cold and cough in children.
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Common cold and cough cannot be cured with the use of antibiotics. This is often a misconception as common cold and cough usually go away by themselves. If anything, antibiotics may have a very bad effect which may result in allergic reactions, thereby causing more harm than good. Excessive use of antibiotics actually helps generate resistant bacteria which cannot be effectively treated with the same medicine later.