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Constipation, as known to all, is characterized by
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One of the characteristic features of constipation is lesser bowel movements often with hardened, dry, and small stool. The belly may also swell up followed by pain and discomfort. In severe cases, a person may have bowel movements only once in a week and that too with great difficulty. Constipation could be an indication of serious health complications such as colon cancer. Thus, it would be foolish to neglect the condition for long.
The factors often resulting in constipation include
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The diet can play a significant role in the bowel movements. A diet lacking in fruits, whole grains, vegetables (source of high fiber), fluids (water, fresh fruit juice, vegetable soup) can wreak havoc with your bowel movements. Alcoholic beverages, caffeinated drinks, high consumption of dairy products, fast foods or foods rich in fats can also trigger constipation. Constipation can be an outcome of using drugs and medications such as antidepressant drugs, diuretics, anticonvulsants, or narcotics.
People with constipation need to
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Being a couch potato will make the condition of constipation go from bad to worse. Regular exercises and physical activities, be it jogging, aerobics, swimming, yoga, can work wonders for the digestive system, thereby regularizing the bowel movements. Aerobics, in particular, plays a significant role in ensuring a proper contraction of the intestinal muscles necessary for a healthy bowel movement. Never exercise (especially strenuous and rigorous) immediately after a meal.
Drinking water and healthy fluids can help to manage constipation and associated discomfort better.
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One of the factors responsible for constipation is the dehydration of the colon or the large intestine. Thus, one should drink water and healthy fluids (especially coconut water) throughout the day to keep the body hydrated. Drinking warm water early in the morning can also bear fruitful results. Fruits and vegetables such as kiwi, plums, nuts (pecans, almonds, walnuts), apple, pears, berries, sweet potatoes, broccoli, flax seeds can provide relief from constipation. Green or unripe banana because of their high starch content can cause constipation.
People with severe constipation should avoid taking laxatives.
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Laxatives come as a much-needed relief for people struggling with constipation. While there are many over-the-counter laxatives (such as Colace, Miralax, Correctol) available, it is best to go for natural laxatives such as chia seeds, green leafy vegetables, flax seeds, aloe vera, coconut water or probiotic foods. The laxatives are known to stimulate the intestinal muscle contraction to facilitate bowel movement. It also prevents the stool from getting hard and dry. One should avoid overuse of laxatives (laxative abuse) which may result in organ damage, rectal bleeding, weakness, blood in the stool, to name a few.