You should apply the moisturiser soon after your bath. These ointments, lotions or creams work by trapping the moisture present in the skin. To trap this moisture on your body, you must apply moisturizer within few minutes of your shower. You need to moisturise your hands every time you wash them so that the evaporating water does not cause more moisture from your dry skin to exit. Make sure to wash your skin so that it feels soft and smooth after a wash, not dry or tight.
Ointment or cream should be preferred to lotion.
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Ointments and creams are less irritating and much more effective than lotions. The products containing olive or jojoba oil or shea butter are considered very effective. Thicker creams like Eucerin, Cetaphil or Lubriderm are better retainers for moisture. What is better is oil which moisturises even better by preventing water evaporation. Almond or vitamin E oil can be chosen for this purpose. Always carry a non-greasy hand cream as you will notice that fingers dry up the most.
Lips can also suffer from dryness and need care.
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Always use lip balms that do not sting or feel itchy on your lips. Try few different products until you end up with the one that suits you perfectly. Also, make sure that the balm has sun protection. One with SPF 15 should be enough. Further, it should be made sure that your lips are covered with a scarf or a hat while outside. If there is extreme dryness consult a dermatologist.
You do not need to maintain a proper diet to prevent dryness.
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You ultimately are what you eat. A nutritious diet that is rich in green vegetables, nuts, fruits, seeds and grains are good for you both inside and out, that is, they keep you healthy as well as keep your skin fresh and smooth. There are certain food items, which are known to improve complexion like avocados. Also make sure to not inculcate unhealthy practices, like smoking. Nicotine constricts blood vessels including the tiny capillaries and deprives the skin of oxygen and nutrients. You should visit a dermatologist if none of the safekeeping measures work for you because you might be in need of a prescribed ointment or cream.
What should you use while having a bath to avoid skin dryness?
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Though a steamy hot shower might feel rejuvenating, it actually strips your body of the natural oil barrier. This oil barrier is extremely necessary for trapping and retaining moisture and helps your skin to stay soft and smooth. So, the temperature of the water should be kept mild warm. Also, it is recommended that the warm bath or shower should not be longer than 5 or 10 minutes in any case. Avoid using soaps, and mostly those with fragrance and antibiotic properties, which are harsh on the skin and destroy the natural oil layer.