Vitamin supplements are responsible for your fatty liver problem.
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You can take vitamin supplements to boost your immune system and general health. However, excessive consumption of vitamin A or build up from supplements has been known to cause fatty liver disease. It is not a good idea to self medicate as supplements may end up causing more harm than good. It is best that you consult with your doctor before taking any supplements, herbal or conventional.
You can get fatty liver disease, only if you have alcohol addiction problems. Answer -
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Although, fatty liver disease is often caused due to excess consumption of alcohol, but in maximum cases it is the end result of bad diet, excess sugar consumption and lifestyle issue. NAFLD is the most common type of fatty liver disease, which if not diagnosed on time, can progress to nonalcoholic cirrhosis. Lycopodium, Phosphorus and Calcarea carb are some of the effective medications, which can be used in such cases to arrest the fatty liver condition.
Which among the following is the leading cause of fatty liver among most patients?
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Although alcohol, high sugar diet and other bad lifestyle related problems do cause fatty liver disease, it is also caused due to due to viral infections such as hepatitis. All the three forms of hepatitis, i.e. Hepatitis A, B and C can result in liver damage or may result in fatty liver disease. However, this should be arrested before it develops into cirrhosis or scarring of liver. Homeopathic remedies, such as Chelidonium, Phosphorus and Nux Vomica are helpful in treating fatty liver disease.
Fatty liver disease can cause thyroid problem
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The production of thyroid hormones are triggered by the thyroid gland, most of it happens in the liver. Fatty liver or a dysfunctional liver will result in the disruption of the production of the thyroid hormone in the body. Calcarea Carb and Nux Vomica are two great medications in homeopathy to correct this problem.
Which of the following form of sugar build-up within the body causes fatty liver disease?
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Build-up of fructose is the most common reason behind fatty liver disease. Normally, the sugar is transformed into glucose, but the liver uses fructose to convert it into fat. However, if there is a build-up of fructose in the body, it will result in fat build-up and thus, results in fatty liver disease. Nux Vomica, Calcarea Carb and Phosphorus are a few great homeopathic medications that can remedy fatty liver issues.