MBBS, MD - Aerospace Medicine, Eular Certification in Rheumatology
General Physician, Pune
39 years experience
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Caffeine should be avoided when suffering from food poisoning
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Most cases of food poisoning can be treated at home. Medication is usually needed only in severe cases. Caffeine should be avoided in all cases of food poisoning. This is because caffeine can irritate the digestive tract. Instead, drink plenty of water and fresh fruit juices to keep the body properly hydrated. This also relieves fatigue. Opt for decaffeinated teas such as chamomile tea and dandelion tea.
The best foods to eat in cases of food poisoning are:
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When suffering from food poisoning, you must eat simple, home cooked food. Avoid spicy, oily and fried foods. Foods like toast, rice, oatmeal and boiled vegetables are easy to digest. Fruits like bananas are also good for an upset stomach. A simple chicken broth will ensure that your body is kept hydrated and receives all the necessary nutrition. You could start with a liquid diet and gradually move on to solid foods as your digestive system heals.
Apple Cider Vinegar can be used to treat food poisoning
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Natural remedies can be very beneficial in cases of food poisoning. Simple things that you will have in your kitchen like apple cider vinegar are great remedies for food poisoning. This is because apple cider vinegar has antimicrobial properties. Drinking a diluted solution of this type of vinegar can help flush the toxins out of your system and kill the bacteria causing the infection. Mix 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar with a cup of water and sip it through the day.
Foods to avoid in cases of food poisoning are:
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The first things to avoid in cases of food poisoning are the foods that may have caused the infection. Avoid other foods and drinks that are hard on the stomach. This includes fiber-rich foods, oily foods, fried foods, processed foods and dairy products. You should also avoid alcohol, sodas and energy drinks. Instead, eat light, easy to digest foods. Avoid over the counter diarrhea medication unless prescribed by your doctor.
Dehydration is one of the common complications associated with food poisoning
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Food poisoning is characterized by diarrhea or nausea. In both cases, the body loses fluids along with food matter. Thus, there is a high risk of dehydration. Thus, along with soothing the digestive system, you should also aim at replacing lost fluids. In cases of severe food poisoning, hospitalization may also be required to give the patient fluids and necessary salts such as sodium, calcium, and potassium intravenously. ORS solutions should be freshly made and consumed while suffering from food poisoning.