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If a headache is severe, it can be a migraine
1 of 5
A headache is not same as a migraine. The former is just a sore pain that generally occurs on both sides of the head. On the other hand, the latter is a neurological disorder that comes with other symptoms such as nausea, sensitivity to light and even vision loss.
Which of these foods can be possible migraine triggers?
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Citric fruits are rich in histamine and tyramine (catecholamine secreting agents) which are considered to be the main triggers for migraine. Chinese foods are also possible migraine triggers because of the high content of Monosodium Glutamate in them. Fatty fish such as salmon and mackerel, on the other hand, are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which are not only migraine pacifiers, but are good for your overall health. Recurring migraines can be a result of your diet. Certain food items such as aged cheese, processed meat, caffeine and alcohol may trigger migraine. It is advisable to closely observe your body's reaction to various foods and beverages and eliminate the ones which have adverse effects.
A headache is always caused by neurological problems of the brain
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There are a variety of factors that can lead to headache. Neurological disorders certainly are a cause, but not necessarily true for every case. Some of the other occurrences that can trigger headache are stress and anxiety, fluctuations in hormone levels, sudden and loud noises, dehydration and even changes in the weather.
Which of the following is an effective way to deal with tension headache?
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Tension headache is the most common type of headache and is mainly caused due to high level of stress, anxiety and muscle strain. Yoga, meditation and deep breathing exercises are known to effectively cure all kinds of ailments arising from these factors if performed the right way.
A really bad headache can be a sign of brain damage
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Not always, but severe headache accompanied by stammered speech can be an indication of brain damage. Brain damage and neurological degeneration are generally accompanied by headache along with various mental and cognitive signs. Examples of these include slurred speech and behavioral disorders, such as agitation and mood swings.