M.Ch - Urology/Genito-Urinary Surgery, MS - General Surgery, MBBS
Urologist, Mumbai
47 years experience
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Which of these are the most prominent symptoms associated with kidney stones?
1 of 5
Nausea, vomiting, the presence of blood in urine, and severe pain in the groin region are the most common ones. When suffering from kidney stones, the pain one experiences in the back, side, and belly can be very intense. Generally, kidney stone pain, or also known as renal colic, starts all of a sudden and as the stone moves so does the location and intensity of pain changes. Once any of these symptoms are noticed, one should visit a urologist right away for a confirmed diagnosis.
What can be the type and frequency of pain in the groin when suffering from kidney stones?
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The pain that one experiences when suffering from kidney stones can be of different types. While some people suffer from a contestant intense pain in the abdomen, some people experience short duration of groin pain that both comes and goes all of a sudden. Experiencing pain at certain intervals with same or different intensity is also common for many. If left untreated for long, kidney stones may affect any part of the urinary tract.
Pain and burning sensation every time one urinates can also be a sign for kidney stones.
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Often many people report that they feel a burning sensation accompanied by pain every time they urinate when suffering from kidney stones. This is another symptom of kidney stones that happens when the stone reaches the junction between the bladder and the ureter, known as dysuria. Such pain can be similar to something burning and sharp. If the kidney stones are diagnosed in the early stage, they cannot cause any permanent damage to the urinary tract.
Smelly and cloudy urine has nothing to do with kidney stones.
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When you're healthy, your urine is healthy too and healthy urine doesn't have a strong odor of any kind. But when the urine turns foul smelling and cloudy, then one needs to consider this to be a sign of infection if the urinary tract or in the kidneys. As often, kidney stones lead to kidney infections and infections in the urinary tract, smelly urine can be considered as a symptom of kidney stones. The urologist may recommend kidney stones preventing treatment as well, in case you re at risk of developing kidney stones again.
Kidney stone patients often suffer from fever and chills along with the pain the groin portion.
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Fever and chills are not direct symptoms of kidney stones. But when kidney stones lead to infection in the kidneys or somewhere in the urinary tract, it leads to one suffering from chills and fever along with pain in the abdomen or burning sensation during urinating. In such conditions, fever can go up as high as 100.4oF with shivering chills. Depending on the severity of the symptoms, the treatment for kidney stones may vary from person to person.