The larger the kidney stones the more acute the symptoms will be. In most cases, kidney stones do not exhibit any symptoms until they begin moving around in the kidney or pass into the urethra. Along with the above-mentioned symptoms, you may also notice an urge to urinate more frequently and may also suffer from fever and chills. Pain caused by kidney stones may also change with respect to the location and intensity of the pain. Do not wait for the pain to have become intolerable. If you notice a persistent pain in your left side, consult a doctor immediately.
Kidney stones can pass without showing any symptoms
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If the kidney stone is very small and can easily pass through the urethra, a person may not realize that he is suffering from kidney stones. Kidney stones often cause no symptoms while they are contained in the kidneys and begin to exhibit symptoms only when they move into the urethra. Along with plenty of water, drinking lemonade or cranberry juice can also help a kidney stone pass out of the body faster.
The most common type of kidney stones are:
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Calcium stones are the most common type of kidney stones. They are usually made of calcium and oxalate but may also be made of calcium and phosphate. People who take calcium supplements have a high risk of developing these stones if they do not drink enough water. However, if you have been prescribed calcium supplements, do not stop taking them without consulting your doctor. Try eating more foods that are rich in calcium so that you do not have to depend on supplements.
The risk of suffering from kidney stones is higher, if either parent has suffered from the condition
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Kidney stones are usually caused by drinking inadequate water but the risk of suffering from kidney stones increases if either parent has suffered from the same. In such cases, the patients usually experience recurring episodes of painful kidney stones from early childhood onwards and frequently require hospitalization. An inherited condition called cystinuria can cause an excessive secretion of certain amino acids which further leads to the development of cystine stones. Exercising regularly can help lower your risk of developing kidney stones as it restricts the amount of calcium being released by your bones.
Kidney stones can be prevented
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In most cases, kidney stones can easily be prevented. The first step to preventing kidney stones is to drink a minimum of 8-10 glasses of water a day. Your diet should be low in salt, animal proteins and oxalate-rich foods. Medication can also help control the amount of uric acid and mineral deposits in your urine and hence lower the risk of kidney stones. Dark yellow urine is a clear indication that your body is not getting enough water so drink up.