Diploma in Tuberculosis and Chest Diseases (DTCD), Board Certified in Pulmonary Medicine, FCCP - Pulmonary Medicine
Pulmonologist, Nagpur
34 years experience
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What are the risk factors for lung cancer?
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The chances of lung cancer are increased due to various risk factors. Chain smokers are in the high-risk zone. Radon, a gas that emanates from rocks and gets deposited in buildings has no taste or smell. This causes lung cancer. Family history is another risk factor. Harmful substances in the air and polluted air are a few other causes for lung cancer. Diets that can reduce risk factors are being researched. Take steps to quit smoking and test your houses for radon levels.
What are the symptoms of lung cancer?
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A cough that is persistent, coughing up bloody mucus, shortness of breath, hoarseness, respiratory infections that keep recurring, new wheezing, swallowing difficulties, and swelling is the face and the neck are a few symptoms that indicate the occurrence of lung cancer. It may spread to the spine causing pain in the back or it may spread to the brain causing headaches, seizures, or changes in the vision. A decrease in weight and loss of appetite are also indicators of cancer. Approach a medical practitioner immediately if you notice any of the above symptoms.
Passive smoking causes lung cancer
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Secondhand smoke means inhaling smoke from cigars or pipes of other people. This is also a risk factor. Two out of five passive smokers are affected by lung cancer due to passive smoking. Even children who inhale smoke are affected. The death rate of passive smokers due to lung cancer is increasing day by day. It is said that approximately 7000 people in the US die due to lung cancer caused by passive smoking. Stay away from people when they are smoking and spread awareness of lung cancer risk factors.
Lung cancer survivors can develop another lung cancer
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Personal history of lung cancer may repeat. A lung cancer survivor can develop another lung cancer yet again and this is possible if he or she smokes. Patients who have undergone chest radiation therapy are very much into the risk zone of developing lung cancer. Exposure to radon substances, certain forms of silica, diesel exhaust, asbestos etc. can cause lung cancer. For certain substances, the risk of getting cancer is higher than for smokers. Regular check-ups and appointments with a doctor can help in early diagnosis.
Lifestyle changes can prevent lung cancer to an extent
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Maintenance of a healthy diet with an intake of fruits, vegetables, minerals, and vitamins can prevent lung cancer. This is especially true for smokers. High-fat foods are to be avoided, and alcohol intake should be avoided or to be limited. If your work area is exposed to harmful materials, try to limit exposure to such areas. Smoking or second-hand smoking is to be avoided. A healthy diet and awareness about risk factors can help a great deal in the prevention of lung cancer. Take meals that can help you overcome the risk factors and stay away from harmful chemicals as much as possible.