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Premature Menopause - Facts Associated With It!

MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, D.G.O
Gynaecologist, Bangalore  •  23 years experience
Premature Menopause - Facts Associated With It!
What are some symptoms associated with premature menopause?
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Premature Menopause - Facts Associated With It!
What are some complications arising out of premature menopause?
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Premature Menopause - Facts Associated With It!
Menopause is more an emotional phase than a physical phase for a woman.
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Premature Menopause - Facts Associated With It!
What are the primary causes that could lead to premature menopause?
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Premature Menopause - Facts Associated With It!
Menopause can be better managed with emotional support than just hormone replacement.
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