Royal College Of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists (MRCOG)
IVF Specialist, Alwar
47 years experience
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What is menopause?
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Menstrual cycle in a woman is a process in which the woman undergoes the process of ovulation every month. This sets at the age of 13 or 14 and ends at the 40s or 50s. The end of the menstrual cycle is marked by menopause. The ovaries which produce estradiol degenerate functionally and thus the menstrual cycle stops. This is a natural phenomenon. Menopause is totally normal but interrupted periods at a younger age is not attaining menopause. You must visit a gynecologist in that case.
The hormones used in Hormone Replacement Therapy to combat the symptoms of menopause are,
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The Hormone Replace Therapy is also known as simply the Hormone Theory or the Estrogen Replacement Theory is used in women when they are about to attain menopause or have already attained it. It involves the two main female sexual hormones progesterone and estrogen. These hormones are cumulatively used to treat the symptoms that occur due to menopause and the process of aging. Hormone Replacement Therapy if not administered properly can lead to breast cancer so consult a reputed gynecologist.
Taking estrogen without progesterone can be dangerous.
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For the women who haven t removed their uterus and are taking doses of estrogen but not taking progesterone are always at a risk to develop a tumor in their endometrium which may turn to be cancerous. The endometrium is the lining of the uterus. When you are not having periods the endometrium cells don t get to leave the body and so they start accumulating in the uterus thus causing cancer. Go for regular USG examination after menopause to check whether your uterus is in good condition.
High dosage of estrogen is administered after hysterectomy.
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Doctors administer a very low dosage of estrogen to women when they have recently undergone a hysterectomy. The operation through which the uterus of a woman is removed is termed as hysterectomy. It may have been removed for various issues like endometriosis or any abnormal bleeding or pain but the estrogen dosage should remain low in all cases. Whenever you visit a gynecologist for the Hormone Replacement Theory, be sure that you have told the doctor everything including the operations that you have had in the past.
Hormone Replacement Therapy should not be administered to women who have blood clots.
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Women who experience blood clots should not undertake the hormone replace therapy. It has been proved through research that prolonged use of the therapy can lead to many more health risks than there are benefits. These risks include cancer, heart diseases, severe blood clots and even stroke. If a woman has already suffered a heart attack then she too should not take the theory. If you suspect that you are going to become pregnant then don t take undergo the HRT.