MD - Ayurveda, Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)
Ayurvedic Doctor, Gurgaon
31 years experience
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Itching, scaling or flaking of skin are all signs of a fungal infection.
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Apart from itching, scaling or flaking of skin, other symptoms of fungal infections are reddish discolouration in ringworm infection and dark or light discolouration in tinea versicolor infection. Since stress and low immunity both can cause fungal infections, eat right and sleep well and also keep your stress levels under check to keep fungal infections at bay. Also, avoid nylon clothes especially undergarments to prevent fungal infections in the groin area.
What does Ayurveda suggest as a treatment for fungal infections?
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For fungal infections or any kind of skin disease, Ayurveda recommends the usage of both internal as well as external medicines and treatment procedures for cleansing and detoxifying the body and to purify the blood through vamana, virechana, and raktamokshana. Kapha dosha is the predominant dosha in most of the fungal infections. Hence, medicines and diet to balance your body s doshas are recommended.
Gulgulutiktaka kashayam tablets are an Ayurvedic medicine for treating fungal infections.
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Gulgulutiktaka kashayam is to be taken twice a day one hr before food for treating fungal infections. You can also take Kaisoraguggulu before food and Arogyavardhini tablets at bedtime for succor. Avoid spicy deep fried foods, as well as refrigerated foods, sweets, curd, fish and minimise the intake of dairy products to keep fungal infections at bay. Also, avoid fermented and sour foods.
What are the common causes of fungal infections?
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The fungus grows when the skin is warm and moist. The space between your toes, the skin folds in the groin and the armpits must be kept dry to prevent such fungal infections. Hormonal shifts also change the environment of the body and predispose you to these infections. Do not walk barefoot in areas that are wet like grass or floor in your bathroom and swimming pool changing rooms. Dust your feet with anti-fungal powder to keep safe from fungal infections and wear slippers.
Is Candidiasis a fungal infection?
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This yeast infection is usually harmless and the yeast candida is present without symptoms in the digestive system or the vaginal area. But those who have depressed immune systems are susceptible to a chronic type of candidiasis whose symptoms are itching, burning, a rash or patches of rough skin that ooze white fluid. Raz oil is recommended for topical use to get rid of candidiasis, a particularly virulent and troublesome fungal infection. Other ways to get rid of this yeast infection are to keep the area clean and dry. And avoid itching and scratching and avoid borrowing personal napkins, towels, combs and hair brushes as they may be infected.