Which of the following helps in relieving the discomfort in hemorrhoids?
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Most people are suffering from the irritation and annoyance caused by hemorrhoids. It is actually the result of dilation of the vascular tissue in the anal canal. They are utterly painful and cause a lot of discomfort to the people having them. There are few ways to deal with them. Suppositories work better for external hemorrhoids. Also, applying over the counter creams can be effective in releasing the pain and itchiness caused by them. You can also take help of a numbing agent to soothe irritation, and do not use cream if you have any other skin disease without a doctor?s recommendation.
What kind of food should you avoid in hemorrhoids?
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Low fiber food instigates hemorrhoids. People should definitely eat more food that has a higher content of fiber in them. Foods like split beans, lentils, black beans are rich in fiber. A diet that excludes essential omega-3 fats contributes to hemorrhoids. Intake of lots of water to keep the body hydrated is also very essential. To avoid hemorrhoids obesity should be controlled, and less alcohol intake is advisable.
You should take a warm sitz bath for relief in hemorrhoids.
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A very effective way of comfort from hemorrhoids is to take a warm sitz bath. It is for the buttocks and hips. Experts recommend a 20 minutes sitz bath for a relief from itching and irritation. Moreover, a warm sitz bath every day, is considered to improve the personal hygiene as well. Always remember to gently pat the anal area dry after every bath, never rub it.
Good bathroom habits reduce the chances of having hemorrhoids.
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Good bathroom habits can always reduce or limit the chances of your having hemorrhoids. Basically, you do not need to push yourself to fix the bathroom every time you use the bathroom. Taking care to keep it clean is just enough. Do not hold it if you have the urge to use the bathroom. Never wait for a better time and place.
Do not consult a doctor immediately, and try to fix things on your own.
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An essential thing in dealing with hemorrhoids is to immediately consult the doctor. A doctor is your savior, and he will treat you to relief and provide you medication. They know what is best for you and would always recommend ways to ease your pain. It is advisable to see the specialist when the condition seems to be persistent for over a week. Always follow the doctor?s advice and do not hump on medications on your own, it might turn out worse.