MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, MS - General Surgery, Mini Fellowship in Bariatric Surgery
General Surgeon, Meerut
38 years experience
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Stapling is an effective way of treating prolapsed hemorrhoids.
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Hemorrhoidopexy commonly referred to as stapling is the same day surgery performed in a hospital that is quite effective in treating prolapsed hemorrhoids. This surgery is done under local, regional or general anesthesia and a surgical staple fixes the prolapsed hemorrhoids back to its place inside the rectum and severe the blood supply so that the tissue shrinks and subsequently, reabsorbed. Consult with your doctor to know if stapling is effective in treating your hemorrhoids.
Which of these are the complications of hemorrhoids?
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At times, hemorrhoids can pave the way for further complications. For instance, external hemorrhoids may cause blood clots, and this condition is referred to as thrombosed hemorrhoids. On the other hand, internal hemorrhoids may prolapse which indicates that they drop through the rectum and hang out from the anus. Both these types of hemorrhoids may become infected or irritated and may require surgery. According to the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons, less than 10 percent of these cases need surgery. When you have hemorrhoids, you should eat a fiber-rich diet to soften your stool.
Which of these surgical procedures can be done without anesthesia?
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Banding for hemorrhoids is a procedure used for treating internal hemorrhoids. Also referred to as rubber band ligation, it involves the use of a tight band around the base of the piles for cutting off the supply of blood. It normally requires two or more processes taking place at a gap of about 2 months. Though it is not painful, some people report that it causes mild discomfort and pressure. If you are taking blood thinners, then banding may not be the best surgical option for treating hemorrhoids for you.
Hemorrhoidectomy is the comprehensive surgical treatment option for piles.
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The most comprehensive surgery for piles is hemorrhoidectomy where the doctor makes a small incision around the anus for slicing off the piles. After this surgery, the patient is given local anesthesia, which means you will be awake through the process. Hemorrhoidectomy is an outpatient procedure. So, you will be able to go home the same day. You can recover from the process within 2 weeks after the surgery, but make sure you follow the instructions of your doctor carefully.