You should replace your shoes that are worn out to reduce heel pain caused by plantar fasciitis.
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Most people, develop heel problems since they use shoes that have become worn out or have become a misfit. One should, therefore, aim to replace the shoes once in a few months as the padding tends to wear out with regular usage. Though replacing shoes can be an expensive ordeal, it has to be done to avoid long-lasting heel problem.
Which of these simple measures can help in healing the pain caused by plantar fasciitis?
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When you have severe pain in the heel caused by plantar fasciitis, you should restrict your movement as far as possible. You should also stop any activities that may contribute to heel pain. You should also consider wearing supportive footwear and applying ice on the affected area which can help in reducing inflammation and pain in the heel. In case ice doesn t help in healing the pain after two or three days, you may try applying heat at a low temperature.
Night splints are very effective in reducing the tightness and pain in the heel.
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You should wear night splints which can gradually stretch the plantar fascia ligament as well as Achilles tendon that tends to get tight during the night. With the night splints, you will not feel the tightness and lack of mobility in the morning as you wake up. You may come across different types of night splints, and therefore, it is safer to opt for the one that your doctor has recommended.
Which of these classes of medications can help in reducing the pain in the heel?
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When a person is affected by heel pain caused by plantar fasciitis, your doctor may recommend taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as naproxen or ibuprofen for reducing pain and inflammation. This class of medicine comes in cream and pills which can be rubbed on the affected area or taken orally respectively. You should be safe with medicines and take only the ones that your doctor has prescribed.
One need not start the treatment of plantar fasciitis at its early stage.
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The pain and inflammation caused by plantar fasciitis tend to go away in some time when a person regularly stretches and wears good shoes. But one should not expect that the symptoms will subside on its own as the longer you take to start off with the treatment process, the longer it would take for the feet to heal. The healing process may take a few months to even a year, and you should be patient through the treatment process. If you are overweight, losing some of your body weight can help the problem to subside to a considerable degree.