According to Ayurveda, sinus is a medical condition triggered by impairment of the
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Ayurveda believes that for a sound physical and mental health, all the three doshas- Vata Dosha, Pitta Dosha, and Kapha Dosha should be in proper equilibrium. Sinusitis, also known as Pinas in Ayurveda is a condition where there are inflammation and blockage (with mucus) of the sinuses (minute cavities or air-filled sacs in the skull). Sinusitis, as per Ayurveda, is an infection triggered by the imbalance of all the three doshas. The dosha imbalance can be an outcome of an unhealthy lifestyle and dietary practices.
One of the Panchakarma therapies that can bring about significant improvement in the case of Sinusitis include
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The vitiation of the three doshas results in the built up of toxins or Ama in the body. To treat sinusitis, it is thus essential to eliminate the toxins out of the body. This detoxification is often carried out through the use of Ayurvedic nasal applications, a procedure known as Nyasa. Before the detoxification process, a person is given oil massages (forehead, face, and neck region) to soften the toxins (ensuring their better elimination).
Some of the herbs and spices used in treating sinusitis include
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The mucus blocking and congesting the sinuses can be dissolved using the spices Ginger root and Turmeric. These both are laden with anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antibacterial properties. Daily consumption (2-3 times) of ginger juice (fresh) with organic honey (a teaspoon) can work miraculously to provide relief from sinusitis. Alternately, the use of turmeric powder (preferably freshly pounded) and ginger shoot in hot tea can go a long way to clear the sinuses of the mucus. Over-consumption of ginger roots can result in heart burns or diarrhea.
Dietary changes seldom bring about improvements in the case of sinusitis
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Ayurveda advises some healthy dietary changes to ensure a successful treatment and management of sinusitis. Cold, stale, oily, greasy foods can aggravate the doshas further and are best left avoided. One should also avoid ice creams, cold drinks, and beverages. Instead, enrich your diet with fresh fruits and vegetables. Avoid stress and follow a healthy sleep cycle with 6-8 hours of sleep daily. Drink lots of fluids (water, fresh fruit juice, vegetable or chicken soup). Meditation and yoga, especially Kapalbhati and Anulom Vilom can go a long way to help unblock the sinuses of mucus.
Garlic plays a pivotal role in the treatment of sinus infection.
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Garlic, scientifically known as Allium sativum has been used since ages to treat the sinus infection. Allin and Scordinin, the active compounds found in garlic are known for their antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and a host of other properties that provides a defense from the bacteria that triggers the sinus infection in a person. For maximum results, always crush the garlic before eating.