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Sinus - How Ayurveda Helps Treat It!

Ayurvedic Doctor, Gurgaon
Sinus - How Ayurveda Helps Treat It!
Garlic plays a pivotal role in the treatment of sinus infection.
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Sinus - How Ayurveda Helps Treat It!
According to Ayurveda, sinus is a medical condition triggered by impairment of the
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Sinus - How Ayurveda Helps Treat It!
One of the Panchakarma therapies that can bring about significant improvement in the case of Sinusitis include
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Sinus - How Ayurveda Helps Treat It!
Dietary changes seldom bring about improvements in the case of sinusitis
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Sinus - How Ayurveda Helps Treat It!
Some of the herbs and spices used in treating sinusitis include
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