M.S. (Ayurveda), Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)
General Surgeon, Delhi
38 years experience
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Can obesity lead to pilonidal sinus?
1 of 5
Being overweight is one of the risk factors for pilonidal sinus. But that doesn?t mean it certainly causes pilonidal sinus. The other risk factors include a sedentary lifestyle, having a hairy natal cleft, and a family history of the condition. This condition is common in jeep drivers and therefore, sometimes called jeep seat. The bumpy rides for hours were held responsible for the jeep drivers to develop this condition.
Do symptoms appear at the onset of the condition?
2 of 5
In the initial stages, it is not possible for anyone to know about the condition because there are no symptoms. In the acute stage, pain and swelling can be experienced, as the pus is formed in the cyst. Intense pain is experienced in a chronic condition.
Is a surgery necessary for pilonidal sinus?
3 of 5
Because After surgery the incidence of recurrence is very high. However with ayurveda kshar sutra therpy it heals permanently . Ksharsutra therapy is a nonsurgical procedure in which first sinus tract is defined with respect to its depth direction & branching pattern & then a medicated thread is applied to the sinus tract. This thread is to be changed at weekly interval. The healing rate is 0.5 to 1 cm per sitting. No. 0f sittings depend on the length of the tract .
Is removing the hair in natal cleft necessary to keep off pilonidal sinus?
4 of 5
The pilonidal sinus consists of dirt, hair, and debris. When hair is shaved or removed properly with other methods, the chances of developing the condition are minimized to a great extent. Also, one should keep the area dirt free. Even after treatment removing hair and keeping the area dry and clean helps a lot.
Can pilonidal sinus be prevented?
5 of 5
Even though pilonidal sinus runs in the family, it can be kept at bay by maintaining personal hygiene and also by removing the hair in the natal cleft. Avoid sitting for long hours, and keep away from friction-causing factors. Consider losing weight and maintain a healthy weight range.