Allergist/Immunologist, Kolkata
28 years experience
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Stinging insects only sting once.
1 of 5
Only honeybees sting once as they have barbed stingers which stay stuck in the skin. Wasps, hornets, fire ants, etc. can sting multiple times.
Out of the following, which insect sting causes allergy?
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Five insects can cause allergic reaction by stinging. These are hornets, honeybees, wasps, fire ants, and yellow jacket.
Insect sting can cause which of the following?
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Stinging insects cause allergy, and allergy can cause simple localized hives and rashes and even tightness in chest and breathing difficulty in extreme cases.
The stinger left behind by the insect must be removed swiftly to reduce allergic symptoms.
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The stinger left behind on the skin keeps pumping venom, increasing the allergic symptoms. However, only honeybees leave the stinger behind in the skin, other allergy-causing insects do not leave the stinger behind.
Stinging insect allergies are common throughout the year.
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Stinging insects like bees, wasps, etc. are more common in the spring and summer months, and so is the occurrence of allergies caused by their stings.