Aesthetic Medicine Specialist, Jabalpur
15 years experience
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Systemic allergies are caused by which of the following -
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There are two types of allergies; dermal and systemic allergies. Dermal allergies are those caused by direct contact with an allergen while systemic allergies are those caused by ingesting a substance. The four main groups of allergens that cause systemic dermatitis are medications, metals, plants and preservatives. Skin eruptions that occur within a few hours of ingesting an allergen is a common symptom of systemic allergies. The only way to prevent systemic allergies is to avoid eating substances that you are allergic to. An allergy test can help determine these substances.
Smoking and alcohol consumption can aggravate skin allergies.
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Smoking and alcohol affect not only the internal organs but the way a person looks as well. This can cause skin discolouration and premature aging as well as aggravate symptoms of skin allergies such as dryness and rough skin. Alcohol can also dehydrate the skin. Avoid smoking and alcohol when treating skin allergies and instead drink plenty of water to flush your system.
The marigold flower is also known as -
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Marigold or calendula is a great herb for skin care. Calendula tea can be used as a skin wash while applying a compress of calendula flowers on a wound can stop bleeding and speed up the healing process. Calendula petals have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties that can help treat many forms of allergic dermatitis such as eczema. Infuse a jar of olive oil with dried calendula flowers and apply this oil topically to treat sunburns, diaper rash, bedsores etc.
Aloe vera gel can be used directly from the leaf.
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Aloe vera is famed for its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. While it can be bought in a store the best source for aloe vera is the plan itself. Vitamin E in aloe vera helps reduce itchiness, redness and inflammation. To benefit from aloe vera, the gel can be applied topically over the affected area or ingested. To retrieve aloe vera gel from the plant, cut off a small section of a leaf and scoop out the gel from inside. Do not use the skin of the leaf.
Honey can prevent and treat skin allergies.
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Eating or applying locally found honey topically on a skin rash can help soothe the irritation and manage the allergy. The use of honey to treat skin allergies can be compared to immunotherapy as it exposes the skin to a tiny amount of pollen from the local flora. This helps desensitize the immune system to the effects of pollen. You should be able to find local honey at a farmer's market.