Diabetics are prone to dry skin and thus are highly susceptible to skin conditions arising from dry skin. This is because when a patient s blood sugar level spikes, the body loses fluids and thus the skin dries. Thus keeping the skin moisturised is essential to prevent skin problems. The best time to use a moisturiser is immediately after a shower so as to lock in the moisture from the shower.
Uncontrolled diabetes usually affects the skin of
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The skin condition is caused by uncontrolled diabetes and typically affects young men suffering from type1 diabetes. It appears in the form of yellow, firm bumps on the skin. These may be itchy and can usually be seen on the back of a person s arms, legs, hands, feet and buttocks. It can also affect a person s face. This condition resolves itself when the patient s sugar stops fluctuating and diabetes is brought under control. In some cases, medication to control fat in the blood may be required.
Vitiligo is more commonly seen in cases of type 1 diabetes as compared to type 2 diabetes
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This skin condition is marked by patches of white, discoloured skin. People suffering from type 1 diabetes have a higher risk of vitiligo as compared to people suffering from type 2 diabetes. This condition destroys melanin in patches and thus makes the skin in that area lose colour. These patches can usually be noticed on the chest, abdomen and face of the patient. Vitiligo can be treated with topical steroids and micro pigmentation. Using sunscreen is a must for people suffering from this condition.
Characteristic symptoms of Necrobiosis Lipoidica Diabeticorum are
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Necrobiosis Lipoidica Diabeticorum is a rare skin condition and is characterised by the formation of brown patches on the skin that appears circular or oval in shape. Adult women have the highest risk of suffering from this skin condition. As compared to the patches caused by dermopathy, these are larger and fewer in number. They are also generally painful and quite itchy. With time, these patches may develop a violet or red border and appear to shine. Treatment is required only if the patches open and starts oozing.
Dermopathy is harmless
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This is considered a harmless skin condition. Diabetic dermopathy is also known as shin spots. This appears in the form of brownish, scaly patches on the skin that typically occur on the legs. These may be round or oval in shape and can easily be mistaken for age spots. Dermopathy is caused by changes in the blood vessels under the skin. These patches are painless but in some cases may cause a little burning sensation. As long as the patches do not open up medical treatment is unnecessary.