What are the different types of fungal infections?
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Fungal infections of the skin are prevalent and include athlete's foot, jock itch, ringworm, and yeast infections. Athlete's foot is a widespread infection. The fungus develops best in a moist, warm environment such as shoes, socks, swimming pools, locker rooms, and the floors of public showers. Jock itch thrives in temperate, humid areas of the body and as a result, the infection can affect the genitals, inner thighs, and buttocks. Infections occur more frequently in the summer or warm, and wet climates. Heat and humidity may help to spread the infection, so try to avoid such atmosphere and take a bath regularly.
How should one deal with fungal infections in the feet?
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Keep feet cool, dry and fresh. Replace socks. Wear shoes that are rather than plastic "breathe" like leather. Make sure shoes fit perfectly and are not too tight. Apply an anti-fungal cream, like or Lamisil, or Lotrimin as a prescription antifungal cream on the nails and to the base of the feet for twice a week. This may assist in blocking quick re-growth of the fungus. Oral medication may be prescribed in some cases. Apply an anti-fungal powder, to the shoes daily, to inhibit the growth of the spores.
Apple cider vinegar is a conventional treatment for any fungal infection.
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It is true that dealing with fungal infection becomes much more accessible with apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar has antimicrobial properties and hence are known to kill the fungus causing the infection. Plus, its mild acidic nature helps prevent the disease from spreading and promotes the speedy recovery. Mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in one cup of warm water and drink it twice daily.
Tea tree oil does not have antifungal property.
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Traditionally, tea tree oil has been used as an antifungal and antiseptic treatment. Tea tree oil has antifungal compounds that are natural and aids in killing the fungi that produce fungal infections. Moreover, its antibacterial properties prevent the expanse of the virus to different body parts. Mix equal amounts of pure tea tree oil and olive oil or sweet almond oil. Apply this solution on the affected skin area several times a day.
Tea is also another way to deal with the fungal infection.
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Your daily cup of tea can help in warding off fungal infections. The tannins in tea can destroy the fungi useful for elemental for fungal infections. Also, the antibiotic and astringent properties present in tea help get rid of the symptoms of a fungal disease like the burning sensation, swelling, and skin irritation. Steep four black tea bags in 3 cups of boiling water for five to six minutes and soak the affected feet for toenail fungus or athlete s foot.