General Surgeon, Gandhinagar
23 years experience
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Stripping of varicose veins involves pulling out the damaged veins from underneath the skin.
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In this procedure several incisions are made in the leg. The first one is made in the groin area and the other in the calf and the ankle. With the help of a thin plastic wire, the damaged vein is then pulled out. The incisions are then sutured and dressed to allow it to heal quickly. The patient may be given elastic stockings to put on.
Excessive exercise in the gym may cause varicose veins.
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Exercise will always be beneficial for blood circulation. Blood circulation will be streamlined if you work out regularly. Varicose veins are caused mainly due to prolonged sitting or standing. In such situations the blood does not flow freely for long periods. Obesity, increasing age and pregnancy are also the common causes of varicose veins.
Which disorder requires varicose vein stripping?
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Varicose veins may cause ulcerations of the skin and the veins because the veins become swollen as the blood cannot flow freely through them. Due to increased pressure in the veins near the ankles, the tissue experiences fluid build-up. This affects the veins and causes ulcers on the skin. These ulcers are usually very painful and hence warrant a varicose veins surgery.
Which drugs must be stopped before the surgery?
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Medications containing aspirin drug and a few others like warfarin, naproxen etc., whose function is to make the blood thin, must be stopped before the surgery. The other drugs help in blood clotting. Before the surgery, it is important to stop any medication that cause thinning of blood, otherwise it can cause excessive bleeding and severe blood loss.
Untreated varicose veins can necessitate amputation of leg.
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Varicose vein is a condition where the valves in the veins of the legs are either absent or are damaged. Valves present in the veins help the blood to flow towards the heart. If the valves are damaged, the blood cannot move freely towards the heart. Such cases lead to blockage of veins, accumulation of blood and swollen painful veins. If they are left untreated they can even cause ulceration in the leg and eventually require amputation.