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Vitamin Deficiency - How Can You Trace It Early?

M.Sc - Dietitics/Nutrition, B.Sc - Dietitics/Nutrition, Diploma In Sports Science & Nutrition
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Mumbai  •  23 years experience
Vitamin Deficiency - How Can You Trace It Early?
Deficiency of Vitamin B12 leads to extreme fatigue, weakness, and depression.
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Vitamin Deficiency - How Can You Trace It Early?
Which of these conditions are signs of Vitamin D deficiency?
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Vitamin Deficiency - How Can You Trace It Early?
Lack of Vitamin B1 and B2 leads to neurological problems
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Vitamin Deficiency - How Can You Trace It Early?
Which of the diseases is caused by Vitamin D deficiency?
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Vitamin Deficiency - How Can You Trace It Early?
Easy bruising, bleeding gums and rough, dry skin are signs of Vitamin C deficiency.
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