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How Can Vitamin D Deficiency Be Managed?

MBBS, M.S., M.Ch - Orthopaedics
Orthopedic Doctor, Lucknow  •  24 years experience
How Can Vitamin D Deficiency Be Managed?
If left untreated, vitamin D deficiency can damage the density of the bones and result in various bone diseases.
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How Can Vitamin D Deficiency Be Managed?
Which of these are the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency?
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How Can Vitamin D Deficiency Be Managed?
Vitamin D deficiency can be treated with proper diet and increased sun exposure.
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How Can Vitamin D Deficiency Be Managed?
Which of these are responsible for causing vitamin D deficiency?
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How Can Vitamin D Deficiency Be Managed?
Having dark skin has nothing to do with vitamin D deficiency.
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