Anal fistulas are caused when which of these in the anal canal doesn t heal properly?
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An anal fistula is an ano-rectal condition that requires medical attention. It is formed when there is an abnormal growth in the anus region, usually the formation of a tunnel like structure from inside the anus to somewhere outside it. It can form as a result of several conditions, one of them being a past infection that has not healed properly. In that case, you need to revisit your doctor to treat the leftover injury to your body from the last time, as well as treat this new condition of infection.
Drinking a lot of water is an Ayurvedic remedy for helping with your fistula?
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Drinking large amounts of water daily has umpteen proven health benefits, and helping prevent the formation/worsening of anal fistula is one of them. Drinking water keeps you hydrated, and improves digestion. It is also a cleansing agent, leading to lowered chances of infections occurring in the anal region. Moreover, it softens stool, leading to less painful bowel movements and reduced risks of conditions like anal fissures many birds killed with one stone.
Which of these is an Ayurvedic treatment for fistula?
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Ayurveda advises going the holistic way for treatment of any and all kinds of body disorders. For fistula, instead of surgery, it advises Ksharsutra. It is a process in which a cotton probe is inserted into the anus with Ayurvedic medication coated on it, and it is taken out after the medication has been provided well enough for it to take effect. There are many advantages to this mode of treatment in comparison to traditional ones. No surgery means less downtime, less danger of trauma and scarring of internal organs, and reduced hospital costs.
Ginger can provide you a lasting relief from fistula?
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Ginger is a natural herb that has been in medicinal use throughout history. Along with being analgesic, antibacterial, antimicrobial and a host of other good things, it is also antiseptic the primary requirement to treat a condition like Gingerfistula. Along with primary treatment, it also provides relief from additional painful symptoms like vomiting, abdominal pain and a feeling of dizziness.
Which of these is used in Ayurvedic treatment of fistula?
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Potassium alum is used widely in Ayurvedic treatment for fistula, as it helps in removing germs it basically acts like an antiseptic. For proven, non-surgical cures to fistula, you have to sit in a hot water bath containing the alum and calcium, for very short times in a day (5-10 minutes). Doing so, you actually get relief from the discomfort. This bath is referred to as the sitz bath .