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Sunfeast Farmlite Protein Power for ₹50 Free
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Pay only shipping charges of ₹25
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Help Fuel Your Day with Protein Power!

Contains Chana Sattu

All natural, most indigenous protein sources helps fuel your day with sustained energy.

No Maida

No cholesterol, No trans fat, No artificial sweetener and is made from aashirvaad whole wheat atta.

Tastes like Besan Ladoo

Health biscuits will no longer be bad on taste. Here's a truly healthy tasty offering.
Get Your FREE Pack Now

User Testimonials

I have seen a significant change in my energy levels after taking Active Protein Power Biscuits. I am active throughout the day and have even managed to reduce some weight. I have started taking Active Protein Power biscuits with my tea every day. Tastes Good too. Try it today.
I am a foodie who was also struggling with high cholesterol levels. My wife heard about Active Protein Power Biscuit which were low on cholesterol. We tried it and now I am hooked on the taste. It took care of my hunger pangs as well. I love both my wife and the biscuits.
I am a working professional in Gurgaon. It is difficult to maintain a balanced diet routine everyday which many times include unhealthy snacks. Now with Protein power I know I can contribute to the protein requirements of my body.
Rajat Kumar, Age 24, Kolkata
Rajesh Singh, Age 37, Bangalore
Shubham Shekhar, Age 27, Gurgaon

Doctor Testimonials

Active Protein Power Biscuit contain sattu which is a rich source of protein. Sattu is high on insoluble fiber,which makes it good for gut, and is low on glycemic index, making it safe,for diabetics. These biscuits are suitable for most Indians. I recommend Active Protein Biscuits to all my patients.
Indian diet has excess starch and fat but low on proteins. Protein deficiency leads to poor muscle mass. Proteins are the building blocks of life and an essential part of the daily balanced diet. Active Protein Biscuits unique ingredients take care of the basic protein requirements of the patients.
Active Protein Power Biscuit are made up of whole wheat flour which has a natural ability to control weight, especially in women.It also has Omega-3 fats which reduces risk of heart disease.These biscuits provide a fiber-rich diet which takes care of problems such as flatulence, nausea, constipation & bloating.
Dr. Deepali Jain Dr. Deepali Jain, Noida
Dr. Sukhvinder Singh Dr. Sukhvinder Singh, Delhi
Dr. Manish Batra Dr. Manish Batra, Nagpur
Disclaimer: While we ensure that all product information on the platform is complete and accurate, however, we advise you not to solely rely on this information. It is recommended to refer to the product manual and/or specifications provided by the manufacturer either on their website or along with the product. This is applicable for all warnings, labels, ingredients and usage directions as well. The use of any information provided on this platform is solely at the user's risk. Nothing contained on this platform shall be considered as medical advice. Consumers are advised to contact the manufacturer for any further information and assistance. The results from the products will vary from person to person, No individual result should be seen as typical.