Top Health Tips on Brain Aneurysm Imaging

Milk - Is It Good or Bad for Your Weight Loss Plan?

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS), MD (AM), PGDPPHC, ACLS
Alternative Medicine Specialist, Chandigarh
Milk - Is It Good or Bad for Your Weight Loss Plan?
Milk is nutritious, but sometimes, avid dieters shrink away from consuming milk. It is generally believed that the fat content in milk hinders weight loss. On the contrary, milk has a lot of benefits.

Here are some facts you need to remember before you say no to milk:

Nutrients and milk: Particularly, milk is an excellent source of zinc, vitamin B, protein and most importantly, calcium. So when you ditch milk in your crusade of weight loss, you skip out on calcium, the mineral primarily responsible for good bone health. Some studies suggest that calcium can actually add to weight loss, but this needs more research to back it up.
Health and milk: Previously milk did get a bad reputation when it was linked as a supposed cause of stroke and heart attack. But a recent study produced a result which proved the complete opposite, milk can actually prevent stroke and heart attack! According to research, milk can actually lower your blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
Muscles and milk: Milk contains whey and casein protein, both of which are high-quality proteins if you are looking to build muscles. Whey is a fast protein (gets digested faster) while casein is a slow protein (gets digested slowly). Your body gets a good and healthy supply of proteins when you consume milk, so don t write it off just yet.
Fat and milk: As mentioned before, calcium can cause your body to burn fat. There is research pending on it, but the preliminary results suggest that dieters shouldn t skip out on milk. You might argue that you can just consume calcium supplements in that case. However, it has been discovered that other milk proteins to add to fat burning, which you cannot get from supplements. Milk is good for you, but it isn t a miracle weight loss food. So yes, you will need to follow a healthy diet as drinking a glass of milk with a couple of doughnuts will not help you at all.
So, milk is not all evil as people think it to be. It could be good for your weight loss plan. And the best way to incorporate milk into your weight-loss diet is to consume the low-fat skimmed milk variant than the whole fat milk as you get 90 calories from one cup of skimmed milk as compared to 150 calories from whole milk with nearly the same protein and calcium content. This way you get the best of milk without worrying about the fat in it plus an extra fat loss of 1 kg (9000 calories) from 150 cups over the time with a saving of 60 calories in each cup.
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Alcohol - How Much Should You Drink Everyday?

MD, House Job Certificate ( SKIN & STD) , MBBS
General Physician, Gurgaon
Alcohol - How Much Should You Drink Everyday?
How much alcohol can you safely drink every day? Moderate, say the experts. Alcohol abuse has serious health downsizes, but moderate drinking can actually be good for your heart. Moderate alcohol use has a few other health benefits too. Let s see what these are.

Reduces risk of developing and dying from heart disease
Reduces your risk of ischemic stroke during which the arteries to your brain become narrowed or blocked, causing reduction of blood flow to your brain
Reduces your risk of diabetes
The link between alcohol and health is tenuous at best and the health benefits of moderate drinking are by no means certain. Also every one may not benefit from alcohol. Moderate alcohol use - Guidelines
One drink a day is considered moderate for healthy women of any age and men older than 65, and up to two drinks a day for men younger than 65. This alcoholic drink can be:

Beer: 12 ounces
Wine: 5 ounces
Distilled spirits : 1.5 ounces
Moderate alcohol use can be counter-productive for you, if you have risk factors for heart disease. It s always better to take care to lead a healthy lifestyle and eat a heart-healthy diet to reduce your heart attack risks.

Risks of heavy alcohol use
We know about the definition of moderate drinking, but what s heavy drinking? It is defined as more than three drinks a day for women and men older than 65 (or more than seven drinks a week), and more than four drinks a day for men less than 65 (or more than 14 drinks a week).
Binge drinking is even worse. If you drink four or more drinks within two hours as a woman and five or more drinks within two hours as a man, it is referred to as binge drinking. Heavy drinking, including binge drinking, can increase your risk of serious health problems, like:

Cancer, including breast cancer and cancers of the mouth, throat and esophagus
Pancreatitis or inflammation of the pancreas
Sudden death due to pre-existing cardiovascular disease
Alcoholic myopathy or damage to heart muscle, which causes heart failure
High blood pressure
Liver disease
Brain damage in fetuses
It s best to ditch alcohol altogether. It is the healthiest thing you could ever do. The guidelines make it very clear that you shouldn t start drinking alcohol, albeit moderately, to make your heart healthy. The best way to have a healthy heart is to eat and exercise right. However, if you are an occasional drinker, you could make sure that your alcohol intake is within limits and you drink moderately at all times so that you don t attract any health penalties associated with heavy alcohol use.
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Cerebral Ischaemia And Cerebral Congestion - Homoeopathic Treatment For It!

BHMS, VLIR Belgium, Canadian Academy Of Homeopathy
Homeopathy Doctor, Navi Mumbai
Cerebral Ischaemia And Cerebral Congestion - Homoeopathic Treatment For It!
Cerebral ischaemia or brain ischemia is a medical condition that restricts the flow of blood to the brain, resulting in an unmet metabolic demand. This leads to limited oxygen supply in the brain, which could result in death of brain tissues, cerebral infarction or an ischemic stroke. Thus, a cardiorespiratory arrest, a stroke, and irreversible brain damage are few possible consequences of cerebral ischaemia.

People with compressed blood vessels, low blood pressure, congenital heart defects or sickle cell anaemia have a high risk of developing cerebral ischaemia, since compressed blood vessels or very low pressure can lead to restricted blood flow. Also, sickle-shaped cells have a greater tendency to clot, causing obstructed blood flow.

Patients with cerebral ischaemia experience a host of symptoms, such as weakness in the body, problems in coordination and movement, vision and speech impairment and unconsciousness.

Cerebral congestion, on the other hand, refers to excessive quantity of blood in the brain vessels, causing pressure on the cerebral substance. Cerebral congestion is of two types. It is termed as active when there is too much arterial blood flow and passive when there is undue quantity of venous blood in the veins of the brain. Both conditions cause symptoms, such as severe headache, insomnia, irritability and unconsciousness. The patient gets little sleep and is disturbed, often followed by dreams. When awake, the patient s mental activity in the brain is very high.

Homeopathy is now a well-established school of medicine backed with years of research and practice. Gone are the days when homeopathy was considered no more than an extension of herbal home remedies. Homeopathic laboratories around the world produce large number of medicines covering almost all ailments. The benefits of homeopathic treatment are now well established due to its holistic approach and minimal side effects. Homeopathy is undoubtedly a ray of hope for patients with cerebral ischaemia and cerebral congestion, as it delivers a comprehensive treatment plan designed to target the signs and symptoms of the disease and address its non-occurrence.

The medications deal with mild to severe symptoms, including inflammation of the brain, headache, vomiting, insomnia, stroke/convulsions and seizures. The stramonium drug, for example, deals with seizures. Belladonna is an effective remedy for sharp shooting headaches, a common symptom of cerebral congestion. Ferrum is believed to be a valuable remedy for brain ischaemia. Few drugs deal with the symptoms of both ischaemia and congestion nux is a suitable drug for the treatment of ischaemia as well as for passive cerebral congestion. Similarly, phosphorus can be used to treat brain ischaemia and congestion. Zincum metallicum is a highly recommended drug for chronic cases of ischaemia.

The treatment is comprehensive and long term and shows substantive results. Regular follow-ups and consultation with a homeopath specialist is the key to an effective treatment.
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Sugar - 5 Reasons to Avoid It

M.Phil Biotech & PGD Dietitics
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Panchkula
Sugar - 5 Reasons to Avoid It
Simple sugar is also known as monosaccharide, is the basic unit of carbohydrates. The simplest forms of sugar are usually colourless and crystalline and exist in forms of glucose, fructose and galactose. Simple sugar is deemed to be a major concern according to all health nutritionists.

Here are five reasons why you should avoid them:

Sugar is the biggest cause of obesity: Sugar present in all kinds of junk food is considered to be the biggest cause of obesity as fructose easily converts into fat inside your body. Consuming too much sugar can put too much pressure on your liver as it is responsible for converting fructose into fat. Large amounts of sugar are directly converted into fat, thus, putting you at a very high risk of becoming obese.
Increases risks of contracting heart diseases: Consuming too much sugar throughout the day causes a hike in your insulin levels which can further affect your nervous system. An excess of sugar in your blood stream also causes your blood pressure to rise which makes you more likely to get a heart stroke. Thus, to avoid cardiac problems at a young age, you must cut down your sugar intake.
Weakens immune system: Sugar is a major reason for inflammation which affects the central immune system adversely. With an excess intake of sugar, the body becomes less effective in dealing with infection and common cold because phagocytes (white blood cells) cannot do their job properly of engulfing dangerous bacteria. Thus, you should aim at boosting your immune system by cutting down on sugar completely.
Sugar can make you age faster: The sugar content in your body creates molecules known as AGEs (Advanced glycation end products) which attack the fibres in elastin and collagen (the building blocks of the cells on your skin). A study also proved that consuming too much sugar can result in acne as the collagen in your skin weakens. Thus, to maintain youthful looking skin for longer, you should remove sugar from your diet completely.
Sugar can be addictive: Most people who consume too much sugar get addicted to it. According to a study, the addiction to sugar is very similar to addiction to tobacco and drugs. You might start craving sugar and depending on it to change your mood more often than required.
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Brain Ischemia - Does Homeopathy Has An Answer For It?

BHMS, MD - Homeopathy
Homeopathy Doctor, Vadodara
Brain Ischemia - Does Homeopathy Has An Answer For It?
Cerebral ischaemia or brain ischemia is a medical condition that restricts the flow of blood to the brain, resulting in unmet metabolic demand. This leads to limited oxygen supply in the brain, which could result in the death of brain tissues, cerebral infarction or an ischemic stroke. Thus, a cardiorespiratory arrest, a stroke, and irreversible brain damage are a few possible consequences of cerebral ischaemia.

People with compressed blood vessels, low blood pressure, congenital heart defects or sickle cell anaemia have a high risk of developing cerebral ischaemia since compressed blood vessels or very low pressure can lead to restricted blood flow. Also, sickle-shaped cells have a greater tendency to clot, causing obstructed blood flow.

Patients with cerebral ischaemia experience a host of symptoms, such as weakness in the body, problems with coordination and movement, vision and speech impairment and unconsciousness.

Cerebral congestion, on the other hand, refers to the excessive quantity of blood in the brain vessels, causing pressure on the cerebral substance. Cerebral congestion is of two types. It is termed as active when there is too much arterial blood flow and passive when there is an undue quantity of venous blood in the veins of the brain. Both conditions cause symptoms, such as a severe headache, insomnia, irritability and unconsciousness. The patient gets little sleep and is disturbed often followed by dreams. When awake, the patient s mental activity in the brain is very high.

Homeopathy is now a well-established school of medicine backed with years of research and practice. Gone are the days when homeopathy was considered no more than an extension of herbal home remedies.

Homeopathic laboratories around the world produce a large number of medicines covering almost all ailments. The benefits of homeopathic treatment are now well established due to its holistic approach and minimal side effects. Homeopathy is undoubtedly a ray of hope for patients with cerebral ischaemia and cerebral congestion, as it delivers a comprehensive treatment plan designed to target the signs and symptoms of the disease and address its non-occurrence.

The medications deal with mild to severe symptoms, including inflammation of the brain, headache, vomiting, insomnia, stroke/convulsions and seizures. The stramonium drug, for example, deals with seizures. Belladonna is an effective remedy for sharpshooting headaches, a common symptom of cerebral congestion. Ferrum is believed to be a valuable remedy for brain ischaemia. Few drugs deal with the symptoms of both ischaemia and congestion nux is a suitable drug for the treatment of ischaemia as well as for passive cerebral congestion. Similarly, phosphorus can be used to treat brain ischaemia and congestion. Zincum metallicum is a highly recommended drug for chronic cases of ischaemia.

The treatment is comprehensive and long term and shows substantive results. Regular follow-ups and consultation with a homeopath specialist is the key to an effective treatment.
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Obesity And Metabolic Syndrome - What Should You Know?

Multi Speciality Clinic
Multi Speciality, Pune
Obesity And Metabolic Syndrome - What Should You Know?
'Metabolic' are the biochemical processes that are involved in the normal functioning of your body. Risk factors are common traits, habits or conditions that raise your risk of developing a disease. Metabolic syndrome is the term used for a group of factors that increase your risk of developing the cardiac diseases and other health issues, like stroke and diabetes. Metabolic syndrome is becoming a prevalent disorder due to a sharp rise in the rate of obesity among adults. Metabolic syndrome may soon overtake smoking as the dominant risk factor responsible for heart disorders.

The following are some of the dominant symptoms of metabolic syndrome:
1. Abdominal obesity
2. A high level of Triglyceride( 150 and higher)
3. A lowered level of HDL (good cholesterol)
4. Blood pressure of 130/85 and above
5. Increased level of blood sugar(fasting) of 110 or more

It is not impossible to prevent the onset of metabolic syndrome. Slight lifestyle alterations can help to delay the onset of the disorder. In order to control metabolic syndrome effectively, you need to require long term dedication towards your health.

The following are some tips that may help you to control your metabolic syndrome:
1. Lead an active life: Studies suggest that if you lead an active life, you run a lower risk of developing metabolic syndrome. If you exercise on a regular basis and participate in physical activities, it will help you to reduce your blood pressure level. Active lifestyle is also known to improve your insulin sensitivity, which will help you to control your metabolic syndrome effectively.

2. Healthy diet: A healthy and balanced diet that comprises of fresh leafy vegetables, seasonal fruits and whole grains carbohydrates is good for your overall health and helps to prevent or slow down the onset of metabolic syndrome.

3. Drink in moderation: A glass of wine on a daily basis is beneficial for your health. According to recent studies, moderate intake of wine may lower a person's risk of developing metabolic syndrome. It must be kept in mind that wine is only helpful when consumed in moderation. In fact, over indulgence in wine is actually injurious to health.

4. Maintain an ideal body weight: Obese people are more prone to suffer from high blood pressure and increased blood sugar level; all of which fuel the risk of developing metabolic syndrome. Reduce your excessive body fat to achieve an ideal body weight to lead a healthy life.
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Blood Pressure - Effective Ways To Control It!

Doctor of Medicine (M.D.), MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
General Physician, Bangalore
Blood Pressure - Effective Ways To Control It!
Hypertension or increased blood pressure is one of the modern lifestyle diseases. The changing lifestyles including altered dietary habits and lack of physical activity are the main reasons for the high incidence of hypertension. With this, it brings a host of complications including other chronic diseases like diabetes, kidney failure, risks of stroke and heart attacks.

Alternative medicine proposes quite a number of remedies in addition to just increased physical activity. Read on to know more about how you can eat healthier and control your blood pressure.

Eat walnuts: As most books and media depict, heart disease is directly related to physical reaction towards stress. Regular eating of walnuts helps control this response, thereby controlling blood pressure. It is also a great source of antioxidants and fibre, which adds to its heart-healthy features.

Load up on minerals: Eating a diet rich in calcium, magnesium, and potassium is extremely beneficial for the heart. Sweet potatoes, bananas, dry fruits, dairy products, etc., have shown to reduce blood pressure extremely well in various experiments.

Avoid salt: While the natural sea salt is almost out of use, most of us have switched to the processed variety, which is devoid of all minerals. This is one of the major contributors for increased blood pressure. Studies have shown that reducing salt intake helps in a big way in controlling blood pressure. Most of us are also used to adding extra salt so the food tastes better. This should be avoided. With increased consumption of processed food items, everything from bread to cookies to cheese has salt, which also should be reduced, and if possible, avoided.

Have a colourful meal: Load up your plate with peppers, berries, dry fruits, and organic fruits and vegetables. Pomegranate juice is believed to control angiotensin, converting enzyme, which is responsible for controlling hypertension. They are also rich in antioxidants and help control blood pressure by reducing inflammation.

Know your cholesterol: While cholesterol is generally used with a negative connotation, it is not always true. There is good and bad cholesterol and the bad one should be avoided. Watch out for labels, and ensure you are eating less of the bad cholesterol. Good cholesterol is required for the production of hormones and proper functioning of the body.

Watch your medicines: While it is easy to just pop an ibuprofen when there is a headache or a back ache, it is advisable to watch out. These are best avoided in the long run, as they can induce hypertension and induce heart disease.

In addition, meditation, relaxation, green tea, dark chocolate, red wine, music, and quitting smoking are also shown to be helpful in controlling blood pressure.
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Coffee - Is that Second Cup Really Good For You?

Registered Dietician, Post Graduate Diploma In Dietetics
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Mumbai
Coffee - Is that Second Cup Really Good For You?
Most of us wake up to a cup of hot coffee every morning. Coffee is like an indispensable part of most of our lives. But, there has been a lot of debate regarding the effect of coffee on human health. While some believe that coffee is a performance booster and prevents against certain diseases, others express doubt on the goodness of caffeine in coffee. Rather, the presence of caffeine keeps a lot of us worried about the adverse effects of coffee.

But, one needs to keep in mind that coffee is a complex beverage. It has both its pros and cons. One needs to know all about coffee before ordering the second cup for himself or herself. Reasons for having that second cup of coffee:

Coffee activates your system: It contains caffeine that increases the level of adrenaline hormone in your body. This hormone is responsible for getting you ready for fighting against odds or physical tasks.
Coffee checks your body weight: It contains minerals like magnesium and potassium. These minerals maintain the insulin level in your body. Therefore, by drinking coffee, your appetite for quick snacks gets killed. However, the sugar levels stay intact. It also burns fat.
Protection against cancer: A recent study claimed that coffee can provide protection against cancer. It is said to have the potential to reduce the chances of having prostate cancer in men and endometrial cancer in women.
Guard against other serious diseases: Coffee is believed to provide prevention against some serious diseases Type II diabetes, Parkinson s disease, Alzheimer disease and stroke. It contains antioxidants that boost body s immune system. Caffeine can lower one s sensitivity towards insulin and provides impairment to glucose tolerance, reducing chances of developing Type II diabetes.
Reasons for not having that second cup of coffee:

Toxic: Coffee has the possibility of being toxic. It can be adulterate with a lot of harmful impurities. The cheaper and poor quality coffee can prove to be highly toxic sometimes.
Don t overdrink: Coffee can prove very harmful and even lethal, if taken in larger quantities. It has the potential to kill an individual, if 80-100 cups are consumed in a shorter session.
It gives sleeplessness: Coffee can turn you into an insomniac, if consumed in larger amounts.
Nothing is good, if overdone or overused. The same goes for coffee as well. It is good for your health if taken in small amounts at measured intervals. You can definitely order the second cup of coffee for yourself, provided you keep a check on the number of cups you have consumed in the entire day. A sensible individual will drink less, but drink regularly to get blessed with the goodness of coffee beans. An irresponsible drinker will just get addicted to see the worst in future.
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Benefits of Botox Is Not Just Limited to Wrinkles

Benefits of Botox Is Not Just Limited to Wrinkles
The quest to look and feel young is never ending. Almost everybody feels they could look a couple of years younger with a few wrinkles less and firmer skin. While this was within access of only celebrities who could afford the various plastic surgical procedures a few decades ago, times have changed now. Scientists and doctors are doing researches to find more affordable and non-surgical ways of getting to look younger.

Botox was one of the wonderful results of this search. Clostridium botulinum causes food poisoning and produces a toxin known as botulinum. In extremely minor amounts, this toxin can paralyze muscles and this property of it is used to treat facial wrinkles and fine lines.
How Botox works
The muscles react when they receive a message from the nerve through chemicals known as neurotransmitters. Acetylcholine is one such chemical, which is present in the face and sends messages to the facial skin from the nerves. What Botox does is prevent the release of acetylcholine and so the muscle does not receive any message, and so does not contract. This reduces the amount of wrinkles and fine lines.

Medical Indications
Botox is one of the most powerful toxins identified to date. About 2 kg of the toxin is sufficient to wipe out the entire human race from Earth. That being its potency, the dosage and administration should be done only under experienced medical supervision.

For cosmetic purposes, they are most frequently used to reduce wrinkles on face and fine lines under the eyes and on the forehead. The wrinkles appear softened after the use of Botox, producing a younger, firmer skin. Aside from its cosmetic use, there are various other conditions for which Botox is medically approved for a number of medical ailments like

1. Chronic migraines
2. Blepharospasm (spasm of the eyelids)
3. Chronic neck spasms
4. Excessive sweating
5. Overactive bladder (resulting in frequent urination)
6. Spasticity resulting from stroke
7. Crow's feet (outer corner of the eyes)
8. Urinary incontinence
9. Lazy eye (strabismus)
10. Bruxism (tooth grinding)
11. Esophageal motility disorders

The list is only set to get longer as more indications for Botox are identified. However, as mentioned, being an extremely toxic substance, it should be used only under complete medical supervision.

Side effects: Needless to say, there are side effects to this too, but when administered properly, it is an extremely safe procedure.

1. Allergic reaction: Very few people might have an allergic reaction to the toxin
2. Mild pain or redness at the injection site
3. Temporary numbness
However, these are very transient and will subside in a couple of days, by which time the effect of Botox will be visible. Have a thorough discussion with your doctor before going for it.
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The Healing Power Of Yoga After A Stroke!

MD - Ayurveda
Ayurvedic Doctor, vijapur
The Healing Power Of Yoga After A Stroke!
Yoga is a spiritual practice combined with both mental and physical disciplines which for the first time emerged on Indian soil and later split into various schools but the actual fragrance of yoga remained same throughout the time. Nowadays, with increasing studies and researchers on various pre-Vedic traditions put an entirely new light on the practice of Yoga. While until now it has mainly been considered as a spiritual practice, a new study from Indianapolis University claims that yoga is a kind of practice which is not only limited to psychological phenomena rather the practice of yoga enables one to withstand the effects of stroke.

After You Survived Of A Stroke: In most of the cases, strokes finally lead to prolonged disabilities. It is due to the fact that a stroke takes place when a part of a brain fails to get a steady supply of Blood rich in Oxygen. Apart from this blockage in a vessel may hamper the blood supply in the brain. Similarly, the after effect of a stroke entirely depends on which part of the brain is affected. So a stroke may cause dysfunction of normal speech or steady movement of arms and legs. It is why after a stroke one has taken recourse to rehabilitation with the aim of resolving life-long disabilities. The rehabilitation process includes certain exercises basically opting for movements and physiotherapy. Sometimes the effort of therapists bears fruit and sometimes all goes in vain
Yoga As A Healing Power: The new research from Indianapolis has voiced in favour of adding yoga to stroke rehabilitation because it consists of poses, breathing and meditation. In this study, forty-seven male stroke survivours were divided into two groups and between these two groups, one attended yoga session for eight weeks. After eight weeks it has been seen that those who attended yoga session has successfully completed the rehabilitation session in a comparatively shorter period.
Practice Of Yoga Increases Your Chance To Recover Soon: According to the researchers, the added advantage of yoga is that besides improving balance it improves the quality of life and reduce the fear of falling. If you or any of your family members has survived of a stroke, yoga is not the first step you would be advised to take recourse to rather the researchers say that at first begin the rehabilitation programme but add the practice of yoga with it. But before you add yoga to your checklist, you should consult it with your doctor whether the yoga would suit or not.
Yoga Develops A Style Of Life: In conclusion, it can be said that recovering from a stroke is actually to prevent the second attack. So you need to ensure a proper lifestyle without those addictions like smoking and drinking which are harmful to you. Afterall yoga develops an upliftment in thinking which would further help you to maintain a healthy life.
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