Top Health Tips on Diet and Nutrition

Cow Milk vs Buffalo Milk - Which is More Healthy?

Net Qualified In Community Health And Social Medicine, M.Sc - Dietetics and Community Nutrition
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Durgapur
Cow Milk vs Buffalo Milk - Which is More Healthy?
Cow Milk vs Buffalo milk - Which is healthier for you?

We can differentiate between the milk from a cow or a buffalo by looking at its color and thickness. While being different from one another in terms of composition and richness, both cow and buffalo milk possess properties that give them their unique nutritional value and health benefits. Including them in your daily diet can help you to stay fit and strong. Here's a look at what they offer, and which one can be the most appropriate for you:

1. Fat content - It's the fat content of these two milks that instantly make them different from one another. Of the two, buffalo milk has a higher percentage of fat content, which keeps your stomach fuller for a long time. On the other hand, cow's milk is easier to digest due to its low-fat content. When it comes to the fat percentage in buffalo milk, on an average it is two times more than that of cow milk. So, if the average fat content in cow milk is 3-4% that of buffalo milk is about 7-8%.

2. Protein content - Buffalo milk contains more protein in comparison to cow milk, which can make it more difficult to digest. It comes with a protein content that is in the range of 4.2%-4.5% and is 11% higher than that of cow milk.

3. Cholesterol content - Cholesterol levels differ in both the milk, with buffalo milk being significantly lower in cholesterol. While buffalo milk has a cholesterol content of 0.65 mg/g, cow milk records 3.14 mg/g of cholesterol.

4. Water content - Cow milk reports higher water content compared to buffalo milk. This is because it contains fewer solids with about 90% of the milk being composed of water. It's this high water percentage that gives cow milk its hydrating quality.

5. Calorie content - Since buffalo milk comes with more proteins and fat, it has more calories. For every 100ml of buffalo milk, you consume about 100Kcals. On the other hand, cow milk contains about 70 Kcals.

If you're on a diet to lose weight and improve your metabolic processes, cow milk would be the most appropriate option as it is low in fat, protein and calorie content. On the other hand, if you want to gain weight and strengthen weak bones, buffalo milk is what you should have daily.

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Chicken VS Egg- Which has more protein?

Bachelors Of Physiotherapy, Diploma in Nutrition and Health Education
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Gurgaon
Chicken VS Egg- Which has more protein?
Chicken VS Egg- Which has more protein?

Protein comes in ample amount from foods such as meat, eggs, legumes, dairy products, soy, and fish. It serves as the building blocks for the body's cells, muscles, skin, tissue, and organs.
Although, both chicken and egg are infused with high amounts of protein, they do vary on the grounds of the actual protein content per serving. So which is a better source of protein?

Nutritional facts of 100g chicken

Protein: 27g
Fats: 4g
Calories: 153
Sodium: 51mg
Cholesterol: 75mg

Nutritional facts of 100g eggs

Protein: 13g
Fats: 11g
Calories: 155
Sodium: 124mg
Cholesterol: 373mg

Both chicken and eggs are a low calorie and high protein option. However, chicken contains double the amount of protein than eggs per serving, emerging as a clear winner. Not only that, chicken also contains less cholesterol in comparison to eggs, making it a much healthier food choice.

Nevertheless, eggs possess a number of other health benefits, and should not be ruled out of your daily diet.

1. Eggs contain riboflavin or Vitamin B2 in abundance, which helps in improving your metabolism
2. Egg whites are a rich source of Vitamin D, B6, B12 and minerals such as zinc, iron, and copper, all of which are essential for the proper functioning of your body
Even though both chicken and eggs are almost equally healthy, the key to proper health is to eat all you want but in a moderate manner.

If you would like to consult with me privately, please click on 'Consult'.
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Would You Like To Burn Fat While You Sleep? Food & Nutrition
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Mumbai
Would You Like To Burn Fat While You Sleep?
Burn fat while you sleep

Its unbelievable but true! you can lose weight even as you sleep if you strictly follow these lifestyle changes.

1. Eat small frequent meals every 2 hours during the day: your body needs energy for metabolic functions. Your body may crave for sweet and junk food, but have that in portions like cheese, butter, chocolate of your finger tip size, chicken/fish of your palm size is absolutely okay to have once a week, either you can substitute your cravings with healthy food like a date or a piece of dark chocolate for sweet cravings.
There are certain foods that burn fat while you sleep.

A. Whole grains - including whole grains (whole wheat, barley, brown rice, quinoa, wheat germ etc), legumes (lentils, chickpeas, beans etc), dairy foods, spicy foods, green tea, and citrus fruits, in your daily diets.
B. Have citrus foods daily - citrus fruits which includes vitamin c plays a role in body's fat burning process.
C. Consume green tea - it boosts your metabolism as it is rich in antioxidants.
D. Spicy foods - spices are known to improve metabolism. If you've had a tasty dinner, sleep without worry that your body will be losing calories while you sleep.

2. Sleep well: how long you sleep and how well you sleep, are both equally important for your body. Minimum 8 hours of sound sleep is very important.

3. Resistance training: for your hormones to function properly and for your body to burn fat
Weight or resistance training is a must if you want to keep your metabolism high. When you lift weights, you increase the amount of calories your body burns. Hours after you lifted weight, your body continues burning the fat.

20935 people found this helpful

How Does Food's Natural Color Decide Its Goodness?

Dietitian/Nutritionist, Delhi
How Does Food's Natural Color Decide Its Goodness?
Benefits of foods by colour

Did you know that foods can be divided into categories based on their colours and each category has a collective set of health benefits? this not only makes foods interesting, but also helps remember which food is good for which health aspect.

Foods are broadly divided into six categories based on their colors.

1) white - these foods assist in immune support. Garlic, onions, white beans, potatoes, mushrooms and cauliflower fall under this category. While garlic & onions help reduce the risk of cancer in stomach, colon & rectum, white beans & potatoes help lower blood cholesterol levels. Mushrooms are known to provide the important nutrients and cauliflower contains antioxidants & is also beneficial for women who are pregnant.
2) green -these foods assist in detoxification. Peas, spinach, green beans, capsicums, kiwi, and green tea are some green foods that we can consume. They are good for your health, provide the required nutrients and also assist in detox.
3) yellow - these foods assist in beauty. Banana, yellow capsicum, squash, corn and bananas are some of the yellow foods that we eat. They are full of carotenoids and bioflavonoids which all help maintain our skin, bone and teeth health.
4) orange - these foods assist in cancer prevention. Carrots, oranges, etc are some orange foods that we eat. They are good for the heart, protect our eyes and also boost our immune system.
5) red - these foods support better heart health. They are packed with antioxidants and vitamins. Red chillies, red capsicum, cherries and tomatoes, apples, etc are some red foods that we eat.
6) purple - these foods assist in longevity. Few purple foods that we eat are onions, blackberries, grapes, etc. They fight ulcer, help kill cancer, prevent urinary tract infection and are good for the heart & the liver.

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17355 people found this helpful

Green Tea - How Having it Right after Your Meal Affects You?

B.Sc.(Hons), P.G.Dietetics
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Gurgaon
Green Tea - How Having it Right after Your Meal Affects You?
Caffeine is said to be good for the body if it is consumed in limited quantity. It is also to be kept in mind that the form in which it is consumed is also important, and green tea is said to be very good. But what about having green tea very soon after a meal is finished?

There are a lot of health benefits of green tea and as a drink, it has a reputation for being a wonder drink, and quite rightly so, it is to be kept in mind that having the right time to drink green tea is a must. You must avoid consuming just after the meal as there are chemicals, which exist in green tea which are known as phenols. What happens with these phenols if the green tea is taken not long after a meal, is that they can interfere with the absorption of the iron present in the food.

In addition to not drinking green tea at mealtime, or post mealtime, it is perhaps also a good idea to stay away from drinking it when milk and items which are made from milk such as cheese are being consumed. There is a reason why this is the case is that the proteins which exist in milk do not let green tea have its normal effect on the metabolism of the person i.e. raising the metabolism and making the challenge of losing weight a bit easier.

If it is still the case that drinking green tea with or after a meal is a habit, which has no chance at all of being shaken off, then what can be done is that the meals should be changed to an extent to contain a greater amount of iron-rich food. This will go some way in counteracting the effect the phenols have. Apart from just iron-rich food, food that is rich in vitamin C is also to be consumed.

However, that being said, people who are anyway deficient in iron are better off steering clear of green tea consumed after a meal. Instead, what they can do if have it between meals and also at the start of a day. What this will accomplish is that all the benefits of the green tea can be imbibed by the body and none of the nutrition value of the food is lost either. Furthermore, green tea drunk between meals can also reduce the appetite and help weight loss. What could be better? If you wish to discuss any specific problem, you can consult a doctor.

Related Content: Auric mind rejuvenation drink, the magical beverage that calm and energises the mind.

There are a lot of health benefits of green tea and as a drink, it has a reputation for being a wonder drink, and quite rightly so, it is to be kept in mind that having the right time to take green tea is a must. You must avoid consuming just after the meal as there are chemicals, which exist in green tea which are known as phenols. What happens with these phenols if the green tea is taken not long after a meal, is that they can interfere with the absorption of the iron present in the food.
16223 people found this helpful

Fox Nuts (Makhana) - 12 Reasons Why You Should Eat Them!

Masters in Nutritional Therapy, Lifestyle & Weight Management, Sport Nutritions, graduation in Nutrition & Dietics
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Delhi
Fox Nuts (Makhana) - 12 Reasons Why You Should Eat Them!
When we think of a light evening snack, we often think of a packet of fried chips or Kurkure. However, it is time to think of something healthier, as we are already aware of the ill effects of these snacks all around us. This is where snacks like fox nuts are gaining popularity. Grown in the wetlands of Asian countries, they are also known as phool makhana (because of their flowery appearance) and lotus seeds.

They are a great snack and have multiple benefits. Read on to know about this wonderful, economical, tasty, and healthy dish.

They are low in calories, fat, and sodium. They are therefore the perfect in-between-meal snack. They also make you feel full, so further cravings for binge eating are reduced
Their low sodium and high potassium and magnesium content makes them very useful for people with high blood pressure
The high calcium content is good for bone and teeth health
Their sugar content is low, and so are highly useful for diabetics, who have the urge to eat at short intervals
The fox nuts have astringent properties and are useful for kidney ailments
People looking for weight loss should try makhana, as they are very low in calories but can fill the stomach. This helps control hunger pangs and intake of high-calorie foods
It is rich in fiber and so can be used in weight loss as well as for digestion problems like constipation
Fox nuts are rich in antioxidants and therefore useful in fighting ageing and chronic inflammation and stress in the body
In both men and women, makhana is believed to improve fertility rates. The sperm quality and quantity is believed to improve when makhana is consumed
Given its multiple benefits, especially calcium and iron, pregnant women are given makhana. It also helps prevent hypertension and diabetes in the pregnant mother
Fox nuts are believed to help get rid of insomnia
If addiction to coffee is your problem, try some fox nuts to get rid of the addiction
Methods of use:

The seeds are actually tasteless and so whether it is salt or sweet, they take on the added taste
Roast the seeds with a little ghee on a light flame. Sprinkle salt, and the yummy snack is good to go
Other spices like cinnamon or oregano can be added to suit one s taste
They can also be used in sweet dishes like kheer and other desserts
If you are looking for a super snack that is highly healthy, economical, and has little hazards on your health, grab a bowl of fox nuts.
15908 people found this helpful

Milk Or Curd - What Has More Calcium?

Certified Diabetes Educator, Diploma In Sports Nutrition, Diploma in Yoga, IDEEL
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Delhi
Milk Or Curd - What Has More Calcium?
Curd vs. Milk- how should you get your daily dose of calcium?

Calcium is an essential mineral that is required by the body for various functions. It is used for building and maintaining strong bones and teeth. It is also used in the cardiovascular and nervous systems for preventing all kinds of health conditions such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, lyme disease, etc.

It is, thus, extremely necessary to have calcium-rich foods as a part of your daily diet. Dairy products constitute as the primary source of calcium on an everyday basis. Of these, milk and curd are the two most important. But in case, you're wondering which one of the two is better for you, read on to find out.

Calcium content

There has been much debate about which is the better source of calcium - milk or curd. In very simple terms, milk ranks higher than curd in terms of calcium content. 100g of milk contains around 125mg of calcium, whereas 100g of curd has a lower calcium content of approximately 85mg. So if you really want to up your calcium intake, milk will be a better choice.

Other health benefits

If one is to take into consideration other health benefits provided by these two food products, curd takes the lead by a landslide.

Following are the known benefits of curd:

- it is far easier to digest

- it is a suitable dairy product for those who are lactose intolerant

- it cleanses the digestive tract

- it prevents infections of the stomach and intestines

In the end, it's for you to decide what your body needs more. If it requires more calcium, choosing milk would be wise; but if you cannot digest milk, opting for curd will ensure you get a healthy dose of calcium along with scores of other health benefits.

If you would like to consult with me privately, please click on 'consult'.
Related Tip: Why it's Important That Your Child's Diet is Calcium-Rich
15139 people found this helpful

Eggs - 6 Reasons That Make It A Super Food!

MSc. Foods & Nutrition, BSc. Dietitics
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Mumbai
Eggs - 6 Reasons That Make It A Super Food!
Eggs are usually the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of a protein source that is cheap and easily available. You can eat them boiled, fried, scrambled or pair them with other foods. They are a powerhouse of nutrients such as vitamins and minerals that nourish your body.

Here are the reasons why eggs are considered to be the perfect super foods:

Eggs contain Antioxidants: Eggs contain antioxidants such as Lutein and Zeaxanthin that help in providing nourishment to the eyes. It prevents certain diseases such as macular degeneration and eye cataracts.
They are a nutrient powerhouse: They contain heart healthy fats, protein, Vitamins, minerals and other trace nutrients. They are also rich in Phosphorus, iron and Vitamin A. Don t throw the yolk away fearing its cholesterol content as it contains most of the egg s nutrients.
They promote satiety: The carbohydrate content in eggs not being excessive, it spares the blood sugar levels from the dreaded spikes. Also, the high protein content of eggs tends to promote satiety. Eating eggs on a regular basis as a part of a healthy diet is known to reduce weight and lead to fat loss.
They are good for your hair and skin: They contain Vitamin B12 and sulphur, both of them being panaceas of skin and hair related woes. Eggs are known to be the best sources of keratin (a type of protein present in nails and hair) in terms of bioavailability. (Bioavailability is how well a nutrient is absorbed by your body.)
Boosts good cholesterol levels in the body: Regular egg consumption has been shown to increase good cholesterol levels (HDL) in the body, which in turn reduce chances of stroke and other heart diseases.
They contain protein in good amounts: Eggs are the cheapest source of proteins and also the most readily available ones. They contain all the 9 essential amino acids that are required by the body. Eggs are one of the most preferred foods to gain muscle as the protein from eggs can easily be absorbed by the body. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a dietitian-nutritionist.
Also Read: What are the benefits of eating antioxidant seed mix snacks daily?
14068 people found this helpful

4 Recommended Natural Sex Boosters

Sexologist, Panchkula
4 Recommended Natural Sex Boosters
Viagra doesn t boost your libido, it simply works when the man is sexually aroused, by giving him the power to perform and enjoy a passionate stance. Instead of depending on an external drug, go natural by adopting the following means by not only increasing your libido but also enhancing performance.

4 powerful ways to make your sex life better

1) Natural Nitric Boosters - They are a must have if you want a better sexual health. Nitric oxide is one of the main reasons behind an erection and therefore, it can be directly taken in the form of food or as a supplement. It helps in preventing blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases and improves the blood flow. There are certain foods that can boost nitric oxide naturally, such as dark chocolate, walnuts, pomegranate, watermelon, brown rice, beets and garlic.

2) Exercise - It is important to exercise and stay fit if you want a healthier sex life. You shouldn t have to do furious strength training. Instead, simply opt for cardio exercises, do strength training or weight lifting if you like.

3) The greens - There are several greens that, when combined with the bacteria in your gut can help in transforming nitrites to nitric oxide. This includes cabbage, iceberg lettuce, parsley, spinach, celery and collard greens.

4) Sunlight - Sunlight provides us with Vitamin D and also gives the skin an opportunity to synthesize more nitric oxide.
12825 people found this helpful

Lemon Water - Did You Know You Were Drinking It The Wrong Way?

Diploma In Diet & Nutrition, Diploma In Dietitics, Health & Nutrition
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Delhi
Lemon Water - Did You Know You Were Drinking It The Wrong Way?
Lemons are known worldwide for the amazing health benefits they offer. Lemons are indeed a perfect source of so many nutrients like riboflavin, thiamin, magnesium, iron, pantothenic acid, potassium, vitamin B6, etc. And, when it s the combination of lemon and water, it becomes as tasty and refreshing drink as beneficial to one s health. The practice of drinking lemon water is quite common among people as it is not only rich in nutrients, but also very easy to make. But there can be a possibility that you might be drinking it the wrong way and missing the many health benefits of lemon.

The common practice of drinking lemon water
People choose to drink lemon water regularly to enjoy all its benefits. But often, what they misunderstand is the ideal way in which the lemons need to be used in making the lemon water. And as a result, they miss out on a number of health benefits, offered by lemons.

The majority of people simply slice up the lemons, squeeze out the juice from them and then throw the lemon peels right away. And, it is exactly where the whole way of drinking lemon water gets wrong. Because it is the lemon peels that are mostly the nutrient rich parts of the entire lemon fruit.

The proper way in which lemon water should be drank
The best way to drink lemon water in the right way is by adding the peels to it. You must make sure to buy organic lemons that are fresh and seem juicy enough. Wash them properly and cut them into thick or thin slices, as per the preference of one. Then, squeeze the freshly sliced lemons into either hot or cold water. But be certain not to dispose of the peels.

Rather, one needs to grate the peels of the already squashed lemons into the lemon water, to make it filled with all the nutritional values of lemon and also the right way of having a healthy glass of lemon water.
One can also put the rest of the lemon slices aside in a travel cup or mug and fill it up with cold or boiling water to have another healthy cup of lemon water later.

The benefits of having lemon water the right way
When one includes both the juice of the lemons as well as the grated peels in his or her lemon water, the drink becomes the best source of consuming all the nutrients of the entire fruit. Lemon peels are known to contain 5 or 10 times more the vitamins that lemon juice does. As a result of adding all the parts of the lemon to the lemon water, one can receive a boost in the intake of antioxidants, vitamins C and B, volatile oils, and an increase in the resistance power of the body s immunity system.
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