Top Health Tips on Gaining Strength

Watch What Happens When You Drink Water Along With Your Food. It'll Leave You Thinking!

B.Sc. - Dietitics / Nutrition, CAFE, MMM, M.Sc - Dietitics / Nutrition, Nutrition Certification, PGCDE, PhD
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Kolkata
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Sit at the dinner table, and you'd find yourself invariably extending your hand to the glass of water on the side of your plate. While you may think it's absolutely necessary to have a glass of water during your meals, the truth is this habit of yours might be damaging your health. Read on to find out how.

1. It dilutes your gastric juices -
When the digestive acids (acids responsible for the digestion and breakdown of food as well as for killing infectious agents ingested with food) present in your stomach are diluted with water, they bring about a slowdown in the functioning of your entire digestive system. This slowdown results in food remaining lodged in your stomach for a longer period than normal, thereby causing indigestion.

Additionally, the reaction caused by the dilution of water and stomach acids can give rise to cramps in your tummy.

2. It reduces the saliva in your mouth -
The same thing that happens to the acids in your stomach, happens to your saliva as well. Water dilutes the saliva, which stops the breakdown of food in your mouth. Also, your saliva is responsible for stimulating your stomach to release digestive enzymes and prepare itself for the process of digestion. By drinking water with your meals, such signals sent by your saliva to your stomach become much weaker. All these together can make digestion very difficult.

3. It causes acidity -
Studies show that drinking water with your meals not only leads to the dilution of digestive enzymes, but also brings about a reduction in the secretion of digestive enzymes. This causes the undigested food in your stomach to leak into the lower part of your oesophagus (food pipe), causing acidity and heart burn.

4. It increases insulin production -
Sipping on water in the middle of lunch (or any other meal for that matter) causes a spike in your insulin levels just as glycaemic foods (foods with high starch or sugar content such as honey, potatoes, white bread, rice to name a few) would. When your body is unable to digest food properly, it usually tends to convert the glucose filled part of that food into fat and stores it, reason why your blood sugar levels see an upsurge.

5. It adds to your weight -
Since drinking water causes an increase in insulin levels in your body (as the food you eat is converted to fat), it can result in the piling of extra weight on your body. This is because a weak digestive system is one of the major causes behind obesity.

Try having your meals with less salt and drink water 30 minutes before each meal to control your thirst when you're eating. This can help you in controlling the negative effects that drinking water with your meals can have on your health.

Make a wise choice and stay healthy. Feel free to ask me more questions you might have.
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Almonds - What Happens When You Eat Them Everyday?

Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (BAMS), Certificate In Osteopathy, Panchakarma Training, D.P.CH, MSc in Yoga and Life Science
Ayurvedic Doctor, Udaipur
Almonds - What Happens When You Eat Them Everyday?
It is a well-known fact that natural and unsalted almond are a tasty snack with a lot of nutrients and health benefits packed within. Loaded with a lot of minerals, they are considered the healthiest nuts. Munching on a handful of nutrient rich almonds every day can promote a healthy heart and inhibit unwanted weight gain while helping you to fight diseases such as Alzheimer s and high blood sugar. Here are some of the benefits of eating almonds every day-

Get access to the much-needed nutrition: If you eat around 20 almonds every day, you would be able to incorporate different essential nutrients in the daily diet. These little nuts contain copious amounts of calcium, vitamin E, potassium, and magnesium. Almonds are an excellent source of fiber and protein while being low in sugar content. Of all the tree nuts you can think of, almonds rank first when it comes to containing fiber, niacin, riboflavin, calcium, and B vitamins by weight. There are 160 calories in 23 almonds, and it is a good source of healthy unsaturated fats.
Prevent unwanted weight gain: All nuts including almonds are beneficial for maintaining a healthy weight. The protein, fat and fiber content of almonds can keep you full and feel satiated for a long time which means you will not have the urge to overeat. Magnesium in these nuts can regulate blood sugar levels which are helpful for controlling food cravings. Since they are a rich source of calories, it is recommended to limit yourself to one ounce of almonds daily.
Provide you with energy: If you feel lethargic and tired most of the time, then consuming some soaked almonds in the morning would aid in replenishing the lost nutrients of the body. This is because copper, manganese, and riboflavin present in almonds are known to boost metabolism.
Protect your heart health: According to the reports of FDA, around 1.5 ounces of almonds every day can reduce the risk of developing heart disease. Many of the nutrients present in almonds help in contributing to heart health. Magnesium in almonds can inhibit hypertension and heart attacks. As the belly fat and LDL levels are reduced with regular consumption of almonds, the risk factors for cardiovascular disease are reduced significantly.
Keep cancer at bay: Soaked almonds have the power to shield you from the risk of developing colon cancer. Almonds contain high levels of fiber which helps the foods to move through the digestive tract easily so that they don t build up in the colon. This is one of the most significant benefits of having almonds every day.
Thus, make it a practice to have a few almonds every day and enjoy the benefits it offers.
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7 Reasons Why Japanese Live A Really Long Life!

MBBS, Diploma in Cardiology
General Physician, Gorakhpur
7 Reasons Why Japanese Live A Really Long Life!
Japan had the biggest mortality turn around post the world War 2 era. But, it has consistently topped the global charts in terms of living a longer and healthy life as compared to people of other countries. Although there is no one reason for this, scientists believe that there is a host of factors which has helped Japan to achieve this feat.

Vegetable intake: The Japanese, unlike the countries in the West, consume a lot of fresh vegetables, seaweed means, fermented soy, rice, and fish. It ensures adequate phytochemicals, vitamins and minerals. The eating habit surely adds the extra mileage as far as mortality is concerned.
Different style of cooking: Typically, the preparation of Japanese cuisine involves a lot of steaming, fermenting, slow-cooking, pan-grilling and stir-frying. Apart from this, the Japanese prepare small dishes and have the habit of drinking a bowl of soup before every meal. When a small amount of all vegetables along with rice and fish is consumed daily, the body gets enough fibre.
The tea culture: The tea drinking culture of Japan goes a long way in fighting diseases owing to its anti-bacterial properties. While coffee doesn t harm our body, tea varieties such as matcha are far more useful for the body.
Fresh Food: Japan is one of the few countries where people consume serious fresh food. Japanese are one of the fortunate ones who eat their food hours after production. The vast amount of arable land and not so big population helps the demand and supply to be in the balance. The fresh food helps the body to produce more energy and be active throughout the day.
Smaller plates: Portion control and etiquette are a big part of the Japanese culture. They eat from small pots, use chopsticks, garnish their food lightly, serve food in small dishes etc. Japanese never eat until they are too full to walk. Typically, Japanese eat till they are 8 percent full. This helps in easy digestion and more agility.
More body activity: Japanese love to commute in public transport. They get up, go to their nearest station, wait for the train, stand in the train and walk to their workplace from the station. Although there are an ample number of cars in the country using it is considered to be a luxury. Japanese also get a wake-up call for exercise every morning. This results in an increased level of energy, more focus at the workplace and better athleticism.
Healthcare: Japanese have got a full proof healthcare from the year 1960. They visit their doctors more than a dozen times a year. This is 4 times as compared to their US counterpart. What s fascinating is the fact that it costs the Japanese Government only 8 percent of the GDP. It goes without saying that Japanese get to know about any probable diseases that they might have well before any damage could happen. If you wish to discuss on any specific problem, you can consult a General Physician.
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Aphrodisiacs - How They Can Improve Your Libido?

MD-Ayurveda, BAMS
Sexologist, Haldwani
Aphrodisiacs - How They Can Improve Your Libido?
An aphrodisiac is a substance such as food, drink, music, scent, behavior that can enhance one s sexual desire when consumed. Most popular aphrodisiac foods include hot chilli, figs, oysters, avocado, chocolate, asparagus, coffee, honey, etc. Incorporating some of these ingredients or making them, a part of your diet is known to enhance your libido as they contain ingredients as well as minerals like zinc that enhance the production of the testosterone hormone hence enhancing sperm development.

Around the world, people are defining aphrodisiacs as culinary delights that produce a physiological effect on the body, for example, pepper is known to increase one s body temperature, which stimulates nerve endings on the tongue. Stimulation of the nerve endings releases epinephrine that increases the heart rate and releases endorphins, which act on the opiate receptors in the brains, to reduce pain and boost pleasure, especially when having sex. The addition of ingredients such as ginger also gives a tingling sensation to the tongue and plumps the lips enhancing the sexual appeal.

Alcohol, especially red wine and champagne are an aphrodisiac that physically affects the body. Red wine is a powerful antioxidant, gained from resveratrol compound from the skins of grapes helps to reduce inflammation getting your blood pumping and in the mood for sex. It also enhances blood flow, especially in the genitals and has an aroma, which stimulates the brain. Therefore, making a plateful of love such as fresh oysters served at ocean side with a glass of wine will help put you in the mood for a night of pleasure. Serving a platter of oysters eaten as a communal food is seductive on its own. Oysters are rich in zinc that is important in the production of testosterone and sperm. Oysters also contain a brain chemical called dopamine, which increases desire.

Serving a plateful of salmon with asparagus over the fragrant grains of jasmine rice can go a long way in enhancing your libido. Salmon is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which helps your libido by facilitating the supply of the building blocks for the production of estrogen, testosterone and progesterone. Asparagus contains vitamin E that increases blood and oxygen flow to the genitals. It also contains high levels of potassium, which enhances the production of sex hormone.

Furthermore, incorporating some fruits into your salads such as avocado, bananas with desserts including chocolate also helps enhance your libido. Avocados and bananas have high levels of folic acid, vitamin B9 and vitamin B6, which helps increase testosterone production and provides the body with the energy required during sex. Chocolate also contains a stimulant that elicits excitement.

Gokshura or Gokhru (Tribulus Terrestris), Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera) and Shatavari (Asparagus Racemosus) are some of the Ayurvedic medicines which can solve the problem of low libido effectively.
11590 people found this helpful

Loose Motion: 4 Natural Ways to Cure it!

General Physician, Gurgaon
Loose Motion: 4 Natural Ways to Cure it!
Loose motion, commonly known as diarrhea refers to a state where the affected person suffers from frequent passage of loose, watery or unformed stool. It may lead to exhaustion and dehydration as with frequent passage of stool the body loses water and essential minerals. Here are some natural remedies which are capable of relieving you from loose motion effectively.

1. Lemon

Lemon juice has anti-inflammatory properties that assist in cleansing of the stomach. After extraction of the lemon juice it should be mixed with a tablespoon of sugar and salt. This solution should be consumed every one hour until you feel that all the toxins from your bowels have been flushed out.

2. Fenugreek seeds

Fenugreek or methi seeds have antibacterial and antifungal properties. You need to mix one to two tablespoon powder of dried up fenugreek seeds in a glass of water and have it in an empty stomach in the morning for three to four days. It may taste bitter might but it's bound to completely relieve you from loose motion.

3. Buttermilk

Butter milk not only works wonders for soothing your stomach but also assists the process of digestion. The acid content in buttermilk fights the bacteria and germs in your digestive system. Adding a pinch of turmeric powder or cumin powder or black pepper powder to your buttermilk increases its efficiency to cure loose motion.

4. Adequate rest

If you are suffering from several bouts of loose motion it is bound to cause weakness and dehydration as the body is drained of essential minerals and water. It is advisable that you take complete best rest for two to three days to recover from this fatigue completely. Using heat bags on your stomach can relieve you of cramps and pains. During this period you should abstain from rich and oily foods.
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Ginger - 13 Health Benefits You Never Knew

Ayurvedic Doctor, Nashik
Ginger - 13 Health Benefits You Never Knew
There is probably no house in India, where dishes are prepared without the use of ginger. It forms an amazing spice that is savoury, both for spicy and sweet dishes and as a result, most Indian dishes include this spice for making them tastier and healthier. But did you know that both fresh and dried ginger has medicinal properties as well?

Here are the top 13 benefits proffered by ginger

Healing properties: Ginger can be used as a fresh root or a milled powder for healing all kinds of sores and cuts and it prevents spread of infections.

Helps in relieving pain: If you can boil ginger for a short time and drink the liquid, it can help in alleviating the chronic and acute pain caused by arthritis, rheumatism, abdominal cramps, back pain, bronchial asthma and bronchitis, neck stiffness, inflammation in the kidney and liver.

Regenerating properties: Ginger can help in increasing the blood circulation, eliminating toxins and regenerating the tissues that have been harmed with any kind of disease.

Fat burning abilities: Ginger can act as a fat burner and aids in weight loss. It can create a feeling of fullness and reduces sudden food craving so that you will not have to snack in between meals.

Anti-inflammatory properties: Regardless of what has triggered the cause of pain, ginger has the potential to set you free from it owing to the anti-inflammatory properties contained in ginger roots.

Helps in relieving sinusitis: Ginger has a notable impact on the health of those suffering from sinusitis. If you are suffering from asthma, you may have it too.

Alleviating nausea: Ginger root can soothe the nerve and can prevent headache, vomiting and migraine. It can relieve you from tiredness and soreness of muscles caused due to long voyages.

Fighting abdominal discomfort: By consuming ginger tea on regular basis, your digestion, as well as food absorption, can be prevented.

Reduction of inflammation: Ginger root helps in soothing swollen joints and tired muscles. It is also recommended for relieving pain and burning sensation.

Fighting menstrual problems: Dipping a towel in ginger tea and putting in the region of the uterus can aid in relaxing the muscles.

Relieving stress: A cupful of ginger tea can aid in improving the mood and reducing stress and tension.

Empowering the immune system: The antioxidants contained in ginger roots can help in strengthening the immunity system by reducing stroke risk and cleaning arteries.

Treating cancer: It has been proven that ginger tea can kill cancer cells.

There are specific rules and ways of consuming Aadrak (ginger) by people of different constitutions and regions. An Ayurvedic constitutional examination can help you in understanding which and when is the best way for you to consume ginger.
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Expired Medicines - What to Check Before Throwing Them Away?

Diploma In Cardiology
General Physician, Kolkata
Expired Medicines - What to Check Before Throwing Them Away?
When it comes to health, there is no taking a chance. Most of us are in the habit of storing some medicines at home, which could come in handy, say for a headache or an acidity attack. However, these often remain in the medicine kit for a long time before they are actually used. So, finally when the day arrives when there is an actual need for it, we are not sure if it is still usable. The one thing we dread is the use of a medicine, which is past its expiry date.

What if there is an adverse event? What if there is a complication or a side effect?
Then, if we are not in a position to get a fresh pill, we would rather endure the pain or acidity than pop that outdated pill. Is it really prudent to do so? I say otherwise. Most medicines have the expiry date to indicate the date or time, until when the drug would have the most potency and efficacy. Meaning to say, the drug may become weak (take longer to act or may require more of the drug to produce the same effect) when taken after the listed expiry date.

The truth is that most pharma companies list a date, which could be months, if not years, ahead of the actual expiry date. In reality, a drug never really expires. Most medicines can be used up to a few months after this date. Some medicines may even be useful after years of their expiry date.

It depends as to what the medicine is for:

Painkillers are usually harmless to take beyond the expiry date. If there is no effect (even prolonged), then try to get a fresh one.
Chronic medications like anti-hypertensives and anti-diabetic medications can be used up to a few months at the most, not beyond. Make sure to monitor readings to check for the efficacy. Often times, a greater dose may be required to get the desired effect, but this should not be done without medical supervision.
Biologic products like EpiPen, eye drops or injectable substances should not be used, if they are cloudy. In fact, most of these should be kept for a very short period after opening.
With any expired medicine, keep your doctor posted, especially your chronic meds to seek further advice and information.
The place and the way the drug is stored also may help in retaining its strength. A drug stored in the fridge is safer than something stashed away in a cupboard with a lot of other things. Keep these in mind, and take a call!
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Shankhpushpi - 11 Most Important Reasons To Consume It!

Unani Specialist, Delhi
Shankhpushpi - 11 Most Important Reasons To Consume It!
Shankhpushpi is a perennial herb. It is considered to be one of the most wonderful gifts of nature to mankind. It is a type of morning glory that belongs to the Convolvulaceae plant family. Its scientific name is Convolvulus Pluricaulis. The flowers are blue, pink or white in color, and are about 2mm 5mm in size. They grow in rocky and sandy areas under xerophytic conditions and is mostly found in areas of Bihar and Punjab in India. It is also seen in the deserts of the Sahara.

Importance: Shankhpushpi is a very important herb of Ayurveda due to its therapeutic benefits. It mainly takes care of the nerves by supporting and promoting healthy brain and mind. It enhances brain power, improves memory and concentration and the ability to recall. When combined with other herbs, the formulation created is used for treating conditions, such as schizophrenia, depression, epilepsy and aggressive behavior disorders.

Parts Used: Shankhpushpi is often used as a paste, powder and tonic for different formulations. The parts that are used for these formulations are the leaves, flowers, stem, roots, seeds and ashes.

The Shankhpushpi plant has lots of health benefits

Shankhpushpi syrup is very good for brain development of children. It is effective if children take it regularly for three months. It improves their memory, learning, grasping power and intelligence. It should be given to them along with Bramhi, Sharkara, Nimbu Satva and water
It rejuvenates the nervous function by promoting memory and concentration
It helps in relieving stress and has the ability to calm a mind
It supports the flow of blood in the brain
It treats fatigue, nervous debility and low energy level
A tonic made from Shankhpushpi works as a psychostimulant and tranquilizer
Shankhpushpi tonic is often used to treat hypotensive syndromes
It improves the balance and vitiation in kapha-vata-pitta doshas
It works as antioxidant and antacid
The herbal extract possesses spermatogenic properties, so it is used to treat cases of sperm debility
It can treat urinary system ailments
It is important to keep in mind that to get the best results, one has to use the best quality herbs in the right quantity. Shankhpushpi is a wonderful remedy for a number of problems, however, no herb should be taken without consulting an Ayurveda practitioner. In case of a concern or query consult an expert & get answers!
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Magnesium Deficiency - 5 Signs You Are Suffering From It!

PGD In Ultraasonography, Non Invasive Cardiology Course, MD - Medicine, MBBS
General Physician, Narnaul
Magnesium Deficiency - 5 Signs You Are Suffering From It!
Magnesium is one of the most abundant mineral found in earth, and a good 60 percent of all the magnesium in the body is stored in your bones. A small percentage is also present in your blood and this nutrient is beneficial for healthy bones and in regulating blood pressure. It also enables proper nerve functioning, good blood circulation, strong immune system and a healthy heart.

Magnesium deficiency can lead to a number of ailments including hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, chronic back pain, etc. Asthma is also widely known to be associated with magnesium deficiencies and can lead to irregular heartbeats and panic attacks. Magnesium deficiency occurs mainly due to unhealthy diet, alcohol abuse, excessive vomiting, and long-term diarrhea. Here are a few signs that indicate that you are suffering from magnesium deficiency.

Muscle cramps: Regular muscle cramps are the first symptoms of magnesium deficiency. Magnesium is extremely important for muscle growth and regeneration. It increases the intake of calcium and potassium- the two key elements important for muscle functioning. If you experience regular cramps, consult a physician immediately. Also, frequent muscle twitching and eye twitching might be symptoms of magnesium deficiency.
Migraine: Migraines are caused by a number of reasons and one such reason can be low magnesium levels in your body. Severe migraines should never be ignored as it can be due to an underlying medical condition. Check with your physician as in some cases, migraines can be treated if magnesium deficiency is addressed.
Irregular heart beat: Irregular heartbeats and rhythms are the biggest symptoms of low magnesium levels in the body. Magnesium is extremely important for proper functioning of the heart and proper blood circulation in the body. If you are suffering from these symptoms for quite some time, seek medical attention immediately.
Anxiety and restlessness: Restlessness and anxiety can be a norm of life for some people. There can be many explanations for this and one is magnesium deficiency. Magnesium can make our body and mind calm, and lack of this nutrient can cause depressions and restlessness. Increasing your magnesium level can help in reducing anxiety levels and restlessness.
Fatigue and weakness: If you are experiencing black outs and constant weakness, then you may be suffering from low magnesium levels. Magnesium plays an important role in breaking down glucose into energy. This energy is needed for metabolism and fights the weakness of your body. Lack of magnesium can be harmful in the long run and you might experience extreme instances of weakness and fatigue.
Magnesium intakes: Always have a healthy magnesium rich diet to supplement your magnesium levels. You can best get them from foods such as almonds, avocado, bananas, beans, and pumpkin seeds. You can also opt for milk, cashews, potatoes and yogurt. You can intake magnesium supplements too, but do consult with your doctor before taking them.
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Fruits - Best Time To Consume Them!

1 year attachment-dietitian, Post Graduation Diploma-Nutrition and Dietitics, BSC Homescience
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Jalandhar
Fruits - Best Time To Consume Them!
Undoubtedly, eating fruits contributes to good health and provides a range of other benefits to your body. Nevertheless, you must follow some simple guidelines so that you eat fruits the right way. Eating fruits as and when you like doesn't do much good. Therefore, it is essential to know when and how to consume fruits in order to fully benefit from it.

Right time to eat fruits:

1. Eating fruits as the first thing in the morning is preferable as you gain all the nutrients your body requires; which keeps you nourished and energized. Eating fruits on an empty stomach promotes good health and helps you shed the extra kilos. Additionally, it also prevents digestive problems and keeps you in good shape as your body fully absorbs all the vitamins, good carbohydrates and fiber present in the fruits.

2. Eating fruits between breakfast and lunch is also an option that can help you maintain a proper diet. If you choose to have your fruit helping after breakfast, it is essential to adjust the proportion and time of both the meals accordingly. A fruit helping after breakfast should keep you full for at least two hours, thereby ensuring proper digestion. Make sure you balance your meals accordingly and do not end up overeating.

Why fruits should be avoided after meals?

1. Even though fruits have high nutrition value, they also contain calories. If you consume a bowl of fruits just after your meal, chances are that your body may get more calories than it requires. No matter how healthy fruits are, eating them after meals can cause significant weight gain. Also, it is essential to keep in mind to not make your diet fruit heavy as then your body is deprived of nutrition present in meats, vegetables, dairy products and whole grains.

2. It is of utmost importance that you avoid eating fruits just before going to bed. Fruits contain a lot of sugar which can, in turn, increase your energy levels thereby keeping you awake when you need to sleep instead.

The above discussed points must have made you understand the perfect timing to eat fruits to maximize their benefits. Hence, start off with these habits today so that you live a happy and healthy life forever.
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