Top Health Tips on Living with AIDS

Ginger - 13 Health Benefits You Never Knew

Ayurvedic Doctor, Nashik
Ginger - 13 Health Benefits You Never Knew
There is probably no house in India, where dishes are prepared without the use of ginger. It forms an amazing spice that is savoury, both for spicy and sweet dishes and as a result, most Indian dishes include this spice for making them tastier and healthier. But did you know that both fresh and dried ginger has medicinal properties as well?

Here are the top 13 benefits proffered by ginger

Healing properties: Ginger can be used as a fresh root or a milled powder for healing all kinds of sores and cuts and it prevents spread of infections.

Helps in relieving pain: If you can boil ginger for a short time and drink the liquid, it can help in alleviating the chronic and acute pain caused by arthritis, rheumatism, abdominal cramps, back pain, bronchial asthma and bronchitis, neck stiffness, inflammation in the kidney and liver.

Regenerating properties: Ginger can help in increasing the blood circulation, eliminating toxins and regenerating the tissues that have been harmed with any kind of disease.

Fat burning abilities: Ginger can act as a fat burner and aids in weight loss. It can create a feeling of fullness and reduces sudden food craving so that you will not have to snack in between meals.

Anti-inflammatory properties: Regardless of what has triggered the cause of pain, ginger has the potential to set you free from it owing to the anti-inflammatory properties contained in ginger roots.

Helps in relieving sinusitis: Ginger has a notable impact on the health of those suffering from sinusitis. If you are suffering from asthma, you may have it too.

Alleviating nausea: Ginger root can soothe the nerve and can prevent headache, vomiting and migraine. It can relieve you from tiredness and soreness of muscles caused due to long voyages.

Fighting abdominal discomfort: By consuming ginger tea on regular basis, your digestion, as well as food absorption, can be prevented.

Reduction of inflammation: Ginger root helps in soothing swollen joints and tired muscles. It is also recommended for relieving pain and burning sensation.

Fighting menstrual problems: Dipping a towel in ginger tea and putting in the region of the uterus can aid in relaxing the muscles.

Relieving stress: A cupful of ginger tea can aid in improving the mood and reducing stress and tension.

Empowering the immune system: The antioxidants contained in ginger roots can help in strengthening the immunity system by reducing stroke risk and cleaning arteries.

Treating cancer: It has been proven that ginger tea can kill cancer cells.

There are specific rules and ways of consuming Aadrak (ginger) by people of different constitutions and regions. An Ayurvedic constitutional examination can help you in understanding which and when is the best way for you to consume ginger.
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Drinking Milk - Cause Male Breast (Gynecomastia)?

MD-Ayurveda, BAMS
Sexologist, Haldwani
Drinking Milk - Cause Male Breast (Gynecomastia)?
The development of a girl s breast at puberty is a major differentiating factor between the silhouette of a boy and a girl. However, sometimes, men too can develop breast tissue. This condition is known as Gynecomastia. While it is not fatal or very harmful to a person s overall health, it can cause emotional distress and affect a person s self-confidence.

Gynecomastia can be triggered by a number of factors including diet, lifestyle, hormonal imbalances etc. One of the most surprising causes of this condition is milk. This is because milk is considered to be rich in oestrogen. When talking of milk, it can be categorised as organic and non-organic milk. In order to increase the amount of milk, a cow can produce they are often injected with hormones. Milk collected from cows who have received such treatment is known as non-organic milk while milk collected from cows who have not received any form of treatment to boost milk production can be termed as organic milk. Non-organic milk may also have a higher than normal IGF-I level. This refers to an insulin-like growth factor that aids in the development of breast tissue.

The main reason milk consumption is encouraged is for its high calcium levels. However, you can get your calcium from other natural sources as well. Green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale and bok-choy are very rich in calcium and the calcium from these vegetables can be very easily absorbed by our bodies. Thus, skipping your glass of milk will not give you weak bones.

Gynecomastia can be treated. Increasing your intake of cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower can help absorb and remove oestrogen from the digestive tract before it goes into the blood stream. Spices like turmeric can increase testosterone levels and help balance hormones. Phytoestrogens like flax seeds and soy can also help treat gynecomastia by minimising oestrogen levels and reducing cholesterol.

Two ayurvedic herbs that can increase the production of testosterone and thus, help maintain a balance between oestrogen and testosterone are tribulus terrestris and cordycep. Red clover can also help reduce oestrogen levels. Sarsaparilla is yet another ayurvedic herb that can help treat this condition by strengthening muscles.

In addition to these dietary changes and herbal medicines, one must also exercise to reduce fat tissue in the chest area. Lifting weights or chest bench presses are ideal exercises to strengthen chest muscles and reduce gynecomastia.
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Things You Should Know About HIV/AIDS!

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS), MD - Alternate Medicine, Certified Course In Herbal(Ayurvedic) Medicine
Sexologist, Ludhiana
Things You Should Know About HIV/AIDS!
HIV or Human Immunodeficiency Virus is a type of immune disorder which attacks the immune system of the body and slowly destroys it overtime. The HIV virus targets the immune system and makes the body susceptible to other diseases. HIV infection can progress to AIDS although it may take up to 10 or 12 years to fully go into the last stage.

Risks and Causes
HIV is a communicable disease which spreads through only the following methods

It can spread from one person to another by means of unprotected sexual intercourse due to the exchange of bodily fluids.
The virus spreads if you share drug needles with someone who is already contaminated with HIV virus. It can also occur due to improperly trained medical staff that may reuse syringes although this is very uncommon.
The HIV virus transmits from the mother to the child during pregnancy through the placenta.
Any exchange of blood in significant amounts such as blood transfusion from a contaminated patient will result in infection as well although this is very rare.
Any other form of contracting the disease such as through kissing or food is a untrue and only propagates due to ignorance.

The initial symptoms of HIV infection are noticed after a few weeks although it can take a few months to come up as well. The initial symptoms may include
1. Severe headache along with intense pain in the muscles and the joints of the body.
2. Frequent appearances of rashes
3. inflation of the lymph nodes
4. Itchy skin
5. Disorders which stay for sustained periods such as an upset stomach or a cold.

The early symptoms disappear within 2 to 3 weeks without any treatment. The later symptoms might appear after few years (sometimes up to or more than a decade), which will stay. This is usually the time HIV is diagnosed. The symptoms now may also include
1. severe muscle fatigue
2. severe loss in body weight,
3. High fever and recurrent instances of sweating at the night time.
HIV is suspected if the later symptoms tend to last for a long time without any other diagnosable cause.

HIV can be treated by means of antiretroviral therapy which reduces the rate at which the virus multiplies. However, there is no cure for HIV as of yet.
In order to prevent yourself from getting HIV, you should adopt the following precautionary measures:
1. You should use protection every time when engaging in sexual intercourse and if you are unsure of your partner s HIV status.
2. You should use new blades in barbershops for shaving purposes in order to prevent yourself from HIV as well
3. If you are diagnosed with HIV/AIDS while you are pregnant, to prevent spreading it to your unborn baby, you might immediately need undergo a medical check-up and follow the doctor s advice.
4. Ensure that disposable syringes are used whenever they are being use for medical tests or treatments.
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Pros and Cons of Female Condoms

M.D.Medicine, Diploma in Diabetology
Sexologist, Jaipur
Pros and Cons of Female Condoms
Female condoms are generally pouches made of latex and polyurethane, which are used by women during sex in order to prevent pregnancy and thereby reduce the chances of infection by sexually transmitted diseases. Each end of these pouches are made of rings that are flexible. They should be inserted deep inside the vagina before sex is initiated and held in the position by utilizing the rings available at the closed end while the rings which are at the open end remain outside the vagina during sex.

Even though it can be safely used by most people, some women would find female condoms to be an inappropriate form of contraception and would not feel comfortable with their genital areas being touched. Thus, it is very important that the appropriate form of contraception be considered for you and your partner. Condoms should be used correctly. In case of need for extra protection, other options of contraception should be considered.

Pros of female condoms
1. Since the exchange of bodily fluids, such as semen and vaginal fluid is prevented, female condoms aid in offering protection against many sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV.

2. Condoms can prove to be reliable pregnancy averting methods if they are properly and consistently used.

3. Female condoms are only needed during the time of sex. Any form of advance preparation is not required, hence making them suitable for unplanned sex.

4. Prescriptions are not needed

5. The condoms are usually small in size, disposable as well as easy to carry

6. Usually, using condoms does not show any medical side effects.

7. Insertion of female condoms can be done up to a duration of eight hours before sex. The responsibility for utilizing condoms properly should be shared by the woman as well as the partner.

Cons of female condoms
1. Even though condoms are generally very strong, they are prone to splitting or tearing in case of improper use.

2. Availability of female condoms pales in comparison to the male counterparts and they are usually more expensive.

3. The outer ring might produce a cumbersome feeling.
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Vitamin B - Why Is It Important?

Master in Food & Nutrition, B.Sc. - Home Science
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Faridabad
Vitamin B - Why Is It Important?
Vitamin B is not one vitamin, but is a complex of 8 vitamins, which not only are essential for a good health, but also facilitates smooth functioning of our body. Further, each component of vitamin B aids in specific body function from managing our metabolism to hair health to prevention against migraine.

Vitamin B is a complex of following vitamins B1 (Thiamine), B2 (Riboflavin), B3 (Niacin), B5 (Pantothenic acid), B6, B7 (Biotin), B9 (Folate), B12. It is widely present in food sources and a person who eats a well-balanced diet will have the requisite amount of B complex in body.

Vitamin B1, also known as thiamine, is required for the body to make new cells and so has a significant role in the immune system. It is also known as the anti-stress vitamin as it helps in improving immunity and is required for breakdown of carbohydrates.
Vitamin B2, chemically known as riboflavin, is essential for red blood cell production and transporting oxygen throughout the body. It also has antioxidant properties and is known to reduce free radicals and reduces the risk of heart disease.
Vitamin B3, also known as niacin, is essential for cholesterol regulation. It promotes the formation of good cholesterol and so is essential for preventing the onset of heart disease. It also known for its anti-acne effects.
Vitamin B5, pantothenic acid, is essential for fat and carbohydration metabolism. It also is required for the production of hormones including testosterone and cortisol (stress hormones). It is also beneficial for the skin by reducing anti aging effects including reducing brown spots.
Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine, has a major role to play in sleep and mood regulation. It produces various neurotransmitters like serotonin, melatonin, and norepinephrine which are essential for emotional well-being. It also has anti-inflammatory properties and is useful in conditions like rheumatoid arthritis.
Vitamin B7 or biotin is known as the beauty vitamin, as it has major hair, skin and nail benefits. It is also essential for glucose level maintenance. It assumes great importance in pregnancy as it is important for normal growth of the baby.
Vitamin B9 or folate or folic acid is again very essential in pregnancy as deficiency can lead to neurological defects in the developing baby. It also plays a major role in carrying oxygen to the cells through the RBCs.
Vitamin B12 or cobalamin is essential to ensure that other vitamins are functioning properly. B12 deficiency leads to anaemia, as it enables the red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout the body. It is mostly present in non-vegetarian foods and supplements are commonly administered in anaemic people.
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AIDS - Can Ayurveda Treat it?

Vaidya Visharad
Sexologist, Narnaul
AIDS - Can Ayurveda Treat it?
The acronym for 'Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome' is AIDS. In fact, it must be understood that AIDS is not a singular disease, but a syndrome, or rather a set of diseases. People suffering from AIDS suffer from an immensely compromised immune system that makes them vulnerable to a number of diseases. Once infected with HIV, it may take anywhere between 5-10 years to develop AIDS.

Some of the major symptoms of AIDS are:

Lethargy and fatigue
Skin irritation
Drastic loss of weight
Loss of appetite
Bronchial ailments- which often lead to end stage tuberculosis of the lungs
Diarrhea, gastritis and dysentery
Prolonged fever
Sleeplessness and others
How is AIDS treated by Ayurveda?
Tonics, also known as Rasayanas in Ayurveda are administered for stimulating appetite and strengthening immunity. Once enough strength is regained, an elimination technique is administered by incorporating enemas, emesis and purgation in the treatment. This process is known as Sodhana and is carried out to eliminate toxins from the body.

Next the patient s blood is purified with appropriate herbal medications. Apart from this, AIDS patients are advised to perform regular exercise, yoga and pranayama.
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Ginger (Adrak) - 6 Reasons Why You Must Eat It!

Fellowship In Sexology, M-CSEPI, M.Ayu.D, Dipl.EMS, BAMS
Sexologist, Pune
Ginger (Adrak) - 6 Reasons Why You Must Eat It!
In the realm of Ayurvedic medicine, ginger is considered as a wonder root. Its medicinal purposes are many and it never fails to heal some of the most common to the more serious diseases. Ginger can be consumed raw, with other foods, or in a paste form. It is regularly used in most of the dishes that you consume on a daily basis because of its medicinal values. Here are some of the most important values that ginger has, due to which it is considered to be one of the most cherished remedy in Ayurveda.

Anti-histamine properties: Often people get allergies to dust, pollens, dirt, and other impurities in the air. These allergies can be prolonged and the person suffers a lot. When you experience a bout of allergy, it is best to consume ginger in any form. Its anti -histamine properties help in reducing the allergic reaction and relieve the patient of the sufferings.
Stimulates digestion: Ginger is a regular herb used in every meal - mostly in the form of paste and at times as chopped pieces. This is because it aids the release of bile juices from the gall bladder, which in turn promotes smooth digestion.
Cancer: According to the researches carried out at Michigan University, it has been concluded that ginger powder has the ability to kill many cancer-causing cells. It is specially recommended to be consumed by medical practitioners if you suffer from lung, prostate, ovarian, and breast cancer.
Morning sickness: At times, you experience morning sickness with a heavy head and a bout of nausea. This mostly occurs when you are pregnant. In such circumstances, consuming ginger provides the necessary vitamin B6 to your body. This helps you to stabilise your condition in the morning and reduce weakness, laziness, and nausea.
Inflammation: Ginger root has anti-inflammatory properties, which help in reducing inflammation of any kind in the body. This means that whenever you have any kind of inflammation, you are asked to consume ginger so that the swelling and pain subsides to a considerable amount.
Menstrual cramps: Cramps are very common in women during their menstruation. To reduce the pain and cramps, ginger tea is often given to them. It is said that consuming ginger regularly during periods helps in reducing the pain and cramps that are associated with it.
In a gist, these are some of the essential qualities of ginger. These are the reasons as to why ginger is often consumed daily and seen as a home remedy as well.
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Ayurveda - Can It Help Treat HIV?

Ayurvedic Doctor, Nashik
Ayurveda - Can It Help Treat HIV?
If you indulge in unprotected sex, there are chances that you might get infected with HIV or the human immunodeficiency virus (a virus that gradually attacks the immune system). HIV is an infectious virus which can cause to AIDS or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome if left untreated. HIV may be transmitted via different ways, and becoming infected with HIV by having anal or vaginal sex without a condom is the commonest of all. Although there are several treatments for HIV, Ayurveda is considered to be the best form of natural treatment.

Ayurvedic treatment for HIV
Here are a few Ayurvedic remedies for treating HIV:

The first step is to provide a healthy atmosphere to the patient. The patient should be given easily digestible foods, which provide nourishment to the body. Regular and easy exercises should be undertaken by the patient, who should also participate in productive activities.
Several Ayurvedic tonics and rejuvenators or rasayanas are given to the patient in order to boost his immunity level. The overall system gets strengthened, and the appetite gets stimulated.
When the patient gains some strength, shodhana techniques are used for eliminating toxins from the body via purgation, emesis and enemas. Certain ghee-based medicines are also given to the patient. Proper medication purifies the blood. Measures for correction of liver issues should also be taken.
Your diet should consist of preparations made of ghee and soups. You should avoid oily, spicy and acidic food items. A little amount of alcohol may be taken as that aids the digestive process.
Regular exercise causes the blood to heat, which may weaken or eliminate the virus in some cases.
There are some herbo-mineral compounds, which are prepared using an Ayurverdic formula. These compounds have rasayana and vajikara effects and are considered to be effective for HIV patients.
There are several proprietary Ayurvedic medicines, which help in improving the condition of patients infectedwith HIV. These may include Chyawanprash, Raktavardhak and Sookshma Triphala. These keep the HIV infectionat bay. Shatavari Kalpa,Guduchi and Kalmegh are other effective Ayurvedic medicines.
Chyawanprash is an effective Ayurvedic remedy which is used for the treatment of HIV. It is considered the best Ayurvedic tonic for rejuvenation from HIV. The Indian gooseberry or aamlaki is the main ingredient of Chyawanprash, which is rich in vitamin C. It also contains naturally-occurring antioxidants. Gooseberries are antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral in nature. Chyawanprash comprises of 35 Ayurvedic herbs, which enhances the effect of the main ingredient in treating HIV.
Ayurvedic remedies and methods for the treatment of HIV are harmless and totally safe. There are no side effects, and Ayurvedic remedies only improve the symptoms of HIV, and no deterioration is caused in the condition of the patient.
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Chickenpox Marks - 5 Ways to Treat Them!

Chickenpox Marks - 5 Ways to Treat Them!
The worst part about being diagnosed with chicken pox is that even after the virus leaves your body, your skin is still marked with scars from the blisters. Like any other scar, in most cases these scars fade with time but this process can be quite slow. Scars, especially those on your face can also affect your self confidence and image. Luckily, there are a number of ways to deal with scars and fasten the fading process.

Here are a few tips to help reduce scars caused by chickenpox:

Vitamin E: Vitamin E not only helps hydrate the skin, but is rich in anti-oxidants that promote the production of collagen and protect the skin from free radicals and other impurities. Vitamin E can be found in foods such as almonds, spinach and papaya. They can also be consumed in form a capsule or used in form of oil. Including vitamin E rich foods in your diet or massaging the scars with vitamin E oil can work wonders in getting rid of scars.
Coconut water: Coconut water is not only delicious, but also rich in nutrients essential for the skin and lauric acid and cytokines. This helps regulate cell growth in the skin and balances the pH levels. It also has anti bacterial and anti fungal properties that prevent breakouts. Along with drinking coconut water, you could also apply it directly on the affected areas to help speed the recovery process.
Lemon juice: Lemon juice is one of the richest sources of vitamin C. This aids in collagen production and keeps the skin elastic and strong. It is also rich in alpha hydroxyl acids that help heal damaged skin. Lemon juice also has bleaching properties that help scars fade. Lemon juice can be diluted with water or applied directly on the skin.
Aloe vera: Aloe vera is known for its anti oxidant and anti microbial properties. This can protect the skin from bacterial infection and help soothe and heal skin. Its anti inflammatory properties also help relieve itching and redness caused by chickenpox blisters. Aloe vera also boosts collagen production and moisturizes the skin. Aloe vera can be used by applying the gel within its leaves directly on the skin and allowing it to dry. This can be repeated 3 to 4 times a day for best results.
Baking soda: Scarring in cases of chicken pox is caused by scratching the blisters to relieve irritation and itchiness. Baking soda helps prevent the formation of scars by soothing this irritation and exfoliating the skin. It also helps balance the pH levels of the skin. A paste of baking soda and water can be massaged onto the affected areas to remove dead skin cells and prevent scarring.
All the above mentioned remedies will help you get rid of the scars and give you a beautifully glowing skin.
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Top 5 Myths & Misconceptions About HIV & AIDS!

FHM Fellowship In HIV Medicine, MD, MBBS
HIV Specialist, Hyderabad
Top 5 Myths & Misconceptions About HIV & AIDS!
For nearly 30 years, HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) and AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) have been shrouded in myths and misconceptions. In some cases, these mistaken ideas have prompted the very behavior that cause more people to become HIV positive. Here are the top five myths about HIV, along with the facts to dispute them.

Myth No. 1: I can get HIV by being around people who are HIV-positive.

The evidence shows that HIV is non communicable and does not spread through touch, tears, sweat or saliva. You cannot catch HIV by:

Breathing the same air as someone who is HIV-positive
Touching a toilet seat or doorknob handle after an HIV-positive person
Drinking from a water fountain
Hugging, kissing, or shaking hands with someone who is HIV-positive
Sharing eating utensils with an HIV-positive person
Using exercise equipment at a gym

You can get it from infected blood, semen, vaginal fluid, or mother's milk.

Myth No. 2: I can get HIV from mosquitoes.

Because HIV is spread through blood, people have worried that biting or bloodsucking insects might spread HIV. Several studies, however, show no evidence to support this, even in areas with lots of mosquitoes and cases of HIV. When insects bite, they do not inject the blood of the person or animal they have last bitten. Also, HIV lives for only a short time inside an insect.

Myth No. 3: I'm HIV positive, my life is over.

In the early years of the disease epidemic, the death rate from AIDS was extremely high. But today, antiretroviral drugs allow HIV positive people and even those with AIDS to live much longer, normal and productive lives.

Myth No. 4: My partner and I are both HIV positive there's no reason for us to practice safer sex.

Practising safer sex, wearing condoms or using dental dams can protect you both from becoming exposed to other (potentially drug resistant) strains of HIV.

Myth No. 5: You can't get HIV from oral sex.

It's true that oral sex is less risky than some other types of sex. But you can get HIV by having oral sex with either a man or a woman who is HIV positive. Always use a latex barrier during oral sex.
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