Top Health Tips on Living with Seizures

Top Homeopathic Remedies for Epilepsy Treatment

Homeopathy Doctor, Delhi
Top Homeopathic Remedies for Epilepsy Treatment
Epilepsy is a disease that affects the brain's nerve cells and triggers the release of abnormal electrical signals. This can cause temporary malfunctioning of the other brain cells and result in sudden loss of consciousness. Epilepsy can affect both children and adults.

Epilepsy can be treated in a number of ways. One of the most preferred forms of treatment is homeopathy. Homeopathy addresses both the physical symptoms of the disease and the underlying factors triggering it. Another big advantage of homeopathic treatment is that it has negligible side effects.

A few homeopathic remedies that can be used to treat epilepsy are:

Cicuta is very effective when used to treat cases of epilepsy where convulsions are marked by violent, body distortions. This can include the horrific backward bending of the spine. These convulsions also make the person's face turn blue and trigger a locked jaw. This can also be used to effectively treat epilepsy cases triggered by head injuries and worms.

Artemisia vulgaris
This is used to often treat cases of petit mal epilepsy which are characterized by staring into space, leaning forwards or backwards and stopping a sentence abruptly. It also addresses fear that triggers epileptic attacks.

Convulsions triggered by exposure to bright lights or shiny objects can be treated with this homeopathic remedy. In such cases, the patient may not lose consciousness but experiences jerks in the muscles of the upper body.

Cuprum met
This homeopathic remedy is used to treat seizures that are preceded by experiencing an aura in the knees. Other symptoms that characterize this sort of an epileptic attack are spasms that begin in the fingers and toes and gradually spread to the rest of the body and jerking of muscles. This can also be used to treat convulsions that accompany menstruation and follow the delivery of a baby.

Bufo rana
Not all epileptic attacks occur you are awake. Attacks that occur in your sleep can be treated with bufo rana. Such epileptic attacks are accompanied by experiencing an aura in the genital regions. This is especially helpful for women who experience seizures during menstruation.

Some epileptic fits are followed by a deep sleep. This type of epileptic attacks can be treated with hyoscyamus. Other symptoms addresses by this homeopathic medicine are fidgeting with bed clothes, fidgeting with fingers and muscular twitching.

These homeopathic remedies can be taken on their own or in combination with other medicines.
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Epilepsy - How To Handle It?

MBBS, MD, Fellow Rheumatology
Internal Medicine Specialist, Guwahati
Epilepsy - How To Handle It?
Epilepsy is a relatively common disorder. Most cases of epilepsy can be controlled with a combination of drug therapy and a healthy lifestyle. In some cases, surgery may also be advised. Epilepsy affects not only the lifestyle of the patient but also that of their caregiver. Each person reacts to epilepsy in a different way and hence the type of care needed also varies from person to person. While some patients have few seizures and require care only when they're having a seizure others need round the clock care.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind if a loved one suffers from epilepsy.

Know what type of epilepsy you are dealing with.
Not all epileptic seizures are the same. Find out what type of seizures your loved one suffers from and what are the possible triggers associated with Involve yourself in their lifestyle.

Epilepsy should not be a reason for your loved one to lock themselves in a room to stay safe. Participate in activities with them of you feel the activity may be a safety risk if they were to have a seizure; for example - swimming.

Notice seizure triggers.
Often an epileptic patient may not remember the seizure after it has occurred. As their caregiver, keep a seizure diary to track their seizures and its related triggers. Look for patterns in the triggers to their epilepsy attacks.

Keep them safe during a seizure.
When experiencing a seizure, the patient will lose consciousness, experience muscle convulsions and may grit his teeth. If the person is standing, hold them so that they do not fall. If they are lying down, try turning them onto their side. Do not put anything into their mouth.

Take care of them after a seizure.
After the seizure, people are most likely to be confused, tired and have a headache. Check for injuries and keep them calm till medical help arrives. Loosen clothing around their neck and ensure that there is nothing inhibiting their breathing.

Medical identification.
While someone who suffers from seizures often is likely to always have someone with them, others who have rare seizures may often venture out alone. In such cases, ensure that they always have medical identification on them. Also make sure that their friends, colleagues etc are aware of their medical condition.

Help them maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Staying active is essential for people with epilepsy. Avoid contact sports and pick low impact exercises like walking, running or swimming. Following a buddy system is essential when an epileptic person works out.
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Homeopathy Treatment Of Cerebral Ischaemia & Cerebral Congestion

CME Course In Diabetes For Family Physicians, Certificate In Child Health, BHMS
Homeopathy Doctor, Gurgaon
Homeopathy Treatment Of Cerebral Ischaemia & Cerebral Congestion
Cerebral ischaemia or brain ischemia is a medical condition that restricts the flow of blood to the brain, resulting in an unmet metabolic demand. This leads to limited oxygen supply in the brain, which could result in the death of brain tissues, cerebral infarction or an ischemic stroke. Thus, a cardiorespiratory arrest, a stroke, and irreversible brain damage are few possible consequences of cerebral ischaemia.

People with compressed blood vessels, low blood pressure, congenital heart defects or sickle cell anaemia have a high risk of developing cerebral ischaemia since compressed blood vessels or very low pressure can lead to restricted blood flow. Also, sickle-shaped cells have a greater tendency to clot, causing obstructed blood flow.

Patients with cerebral ischaemia experience a host of symptoms, such as weakness in the body, problems with coordination and movement, vision and speech impairment and unconsciousness.

Cerebral congestion, on the other hand, refers to the excessive quantity of blood in the brain vessels, causing pressure on the cerebral substance. Cerebral congestion is of two types. It is termed as active when there is too much arterial blood flow and passive when there is undue quantity of venous blood in the veins of the brain. Both conditions cause symptoms, such as a severe headache, insomnia, irritability and unconsciousness. The patient gets little sleep and is disturbed often followed by dreams. When awake, the patient s mental activity in the brain is very high.

Homeopathy is now a well-established school of medicine backed with years of research and practice. Gone are the days when homeopathy was considered no more than an extension of herbal home remedies.

Homeopathic laboratories around the world produce a large number of medicines covering almost all ailments. The benefits of homeopathic treatment are now well established due to its holistic approach and minimal side effects. Homeopathy is undoubtedly a ray of hope for patients with cerebral ischaemia and cerebral congestion, as it delivers a comprehensive treatment plan designed to target the signs and symptoms of the disease and address its non-occurrence.

The medications deal with mild to severe symptoms, including inflammation of the brain, headache, vomiting, insomnia, stroke/convulsions and seizures. The stramonium drug, for example, deals with seizures. Belladonna is an effective remedy for sharp shooting headaches, a common symptom of cerebral congestion. Ferrum is believed to be a valuable remedy for brain ischaemia. Few drugs deal with the symptoms of both ischaemia and congestion nux is a suitable drug for the treatment of ischaemia as well as for passive cerebral congestion. Similarly, phosphorus can be used to treat brain ischaemia and congestion. Zincum metallicum is a highly recommended drug for chronic cases of ischaemia.

The treatment is comprehensive and long term and shows substantive results. Regular follow-ups and consultation with a homeopath specialist is the key to an effective treatment.
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Treatment of Brain Tumor With Ayurvedic Remedies

Cow Urine Theapy
Ayurvedic Doctor, Indore
Treatment of Brain Tumor With Ayurvedic Remedies
Absolutely indispensable to your existence is the proper functioning of your brain. Not only does your brain ensure a normal functioning of your body, but also it controls all your vital organs. Yet, brain disorders are among the most common diseases the modern populace has to confront. Tumorous growth in the brain affects the health of the brain in the most significant of manners. Be it benign or malignant, anomalous growth of the brain tissues leads to brain tumor. Some of the most evident causes of brain tumor are genetic dysfunctions, exposure to harmful radiations and immune-suppressants. You may detect the incidence of brain tumors through some of the more obvious symptoms like acute headaches, seizures, projectile vomiting as well as some fairly subtle conditions like a feeling of numbness, coordination problems, etc. The immediate recourse to brain surgeries and expensive treatments often do not yield the desired results. As a consequence, many seek an alternative therapy which can potentially soothe the trauma and fight the disease.

Replete with the benefits of ancient medicinal knowledge, Ayurveda offers remedies, which heal the diseases without causing any side-effects. The natural, herbal therapies improve your immunity from within; enhance your bodily strength and your will to live. It also aborts abnormal cell growth and helps in normal regeneration. Some of the most reliable Ayurvedic remedies have been enumerated below.

1. Aswagandha: Aswagandha herb has fascinating healing properties. They play a major role in restoring strength and immunity in your body. It is endowed with anti-inflammatory properties and is beneficial anti-oxidant. It supplements the essential nutrients, which improve the functions of the brain and minimize the adverse effects caused by harmful radiation.
2. Curcumin: Curcumin has been known to disintegrate malignant cells from your body. It not only is a great anti-oxidant, but also improves immunity. It has gained popularity as a cure for brain tumors as well.
3. Guggul: Guggul is known to revitalize the damaged cells and impart good health. It enhances oxidation potentials of the body and speeds up recovery from brain tumors.
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Recurrent Seizures - How They Affect You?

Homeopathy Doctor, Pune
Recurrent Seizures - How They Affect You?
Epilepsy or seizers is a neurologic disorder, which can also be classified as a chronic dysfunction of the human brain. Epilepsy is a condition that is common to both adults and children and the symptoms for the same can be spotted in any person, regardless of age or time. Though the condition can be troublesome, there is no reason to fear it. Epilepsy is curable and can be omitted with regular homoeopathic medication and treatments. If you have epilepsy, read on to find the best cures and treatments for the condition.

How epilepsy affects you?
Epilepsy is a condition of the brain, where it is forced to suddenly put a stop the normal electronic activities that it is used to performing. Symptoms of recurring seizures include-

Sudden disorientation
Confusion or inability of registering any activity around you
Uncontrollable and contorted shaking of the body
Suddenly stricken with fear
Gritting of teeth
Losing all consciousness, etc.
If you have noticed any or more than one of these symptoms, it is time to give the doctor a visit. A homoeopathic specialist, in this case, can prove to be the most helpful.

Types of seizures or epilepsy:
Epilepsy again can be classified into some varieties, depending on which part of the brain it is affecting. Some of the different kinds of epilepsies include-

Partial Seizures: Partial Seizers are further classified into simple partial seizures, absent seizures and complex partial seizures. The first variety is characterised by jerking of the body and slight impairment of sight and sound. The second variant is characterised with momentary unconsciousness, slight twitching of the facial muscles and upward gaze. The last variety if, characterised by heavy jerking of the body, almost like in a trance and last for over a minute.
Generalised Seizure or Convulsion: The Generalized seizure is a more engaging form of epilepsy that affects the whole body and results in profuse convulsion. This kind of seizures is characterised by complete loss of consciousness, heavy jerking caused due to muscular contractions, severe breathing difficulty, reddening of the face and post attach back aches.
These different types of seizures are caused depending on the area of the brain that they involve.

Best homoeopathic treatments for seizures:
Homeopathy has come up with some of the most valuable and well-researched treatments to cure epilepsy in individuals. Some of the most noted remedies and medications include-

Calcarea Carbonica
Cuprum Metallicum
Bufo Rana
Kali Bromatum
Enanthe Crocata
Nux Vomica
Cicuta Virosa
Causticum, etc.
These remedies are designed to positively affect different kinds of epilepsies, with different intensities and in different stages. These are only a handful of cures for seizures suggested by homoeopathy. Visiting a professional, homoeopathic, medical specialist will allow you to recognise the type of epilepsy you have and also find the best remedy for the same.
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When To Seek Medical Help For Epilepsy?

MBBS, MD Psychiatry
Psychiatrist, Gurgaon
When To Seek Medical Help For Epilepsy?
Epilepsy is a form of chronic disorder and it is characterized by recurrent seizures. The episodes of epileptic seizures may differ from person to person. These seizures could be a result of genetic disorder or a result of trauma or stroke. During a seizure, a patient may also experience symptoms of neurological disorders and sometimes lose consciousness.

Medical help for epilepsy
Epilepsy itself cannot be cured using medication, but proper medicines help in eliminating recurrent seizures. These medicines stabilize the electrical activity within the brain preventing seizures.

How effective is the medication for epilepsy?
The success of controlling seizures using medicines depends on the type and severity of the epilepsy. Medicines for epilepsy are usually very effective and may fully keep seizures under control. However, controlling seizures caused due to brain problems may be more difficult. Usually, epilepsy medicines can control seizures for a long period of time when they are taken regularly.

When is medical help needed?
The decision about when to start medicines for epilepsy is a tricky one. This is because a first seizure cannot confirm whether a person has an on-going epilepsy problem. A second seizure may occur after many years or may not happen at all. Prediction of seizures is also quite difficult.

The severity of seizures also indicates when to start medicines for treatment. In case a first seizure is quite severe, medication should be started at once. Some people have very mild seizures even though they may be recurring in nature, and medication can be avoided in this situation.

All the pros and cons must be thought over before starting medications for the treatment of epilepsy. It is advisable to wait for a second seizure and then start medications for treatment. In most cases, medication is started after a second seizure occurs, twelve months within the first seizure. You should always consult a doctor to know when you need to start taking medicines to treat the condition.

For making the most out of the medicines to control seizures, you should follow certain steps:
1. You must take medications exactly as your doctor has prescribed.
2. Before switching to generic versions of your medicines or before taking other prescribed medicines, you must consult your doctor.
3. You should never stop taking the medicines.
4. In case you experience enhanced depression, mood swings and suicidal thoughts, you should talk to your doctor immediately.
5. In case you have migraine, you should let your doctor know so that he can prescribe you anti-epileptic medicines, which also prevent migraines.

Medicines cannot treat the underlying cause of epilepsy, but these help in controlling seizures and this is the most common symptom of epilepsy. Medication should be started at a proper time and must be continued without stopping.
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Seizure Or Epilepsy

MBBS, MD - Internal Medicine, Fellow In Pain Management, DM - Neurology
Neurologist, Gurgaon
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I am Dr. Sankalp Mohan hoon, neurologist, Vashi, Navi Mumbai. Aaj hum baat karenge seizures ya epilepsy ki. Ab seizures kya hain? Seizures ko hum aam bhasha mein mirgi, daura, fit ya aakdi bhi kehte hain. Seizures ke lakshan kya hai? Seizure kayi prakar ke hote hain aur jis prakar ke seizure hain uss hisab se uske lakshan bhi hote hain. Commonly seizures ke seizure hone se hath pair akad jaate hain, hath pair jhatke marne lag jaate hain ya fir aapki aankhein upar chali jati hain, jaban cut jati hai, muh se jhaag nikalne lagta hai, yeh usually 2-3 minute tak rehta hai aur insaan behosh ho jata hai iske bad jo ek adh ghante tak bhi reh sakti hai. Ab kuch logo ko sirf ek part of the body yani ek hath ya ek pair mein jhatka ya akdi aati hai jise focal seizures kehte hain. Kabhi kabhi insaan sirf gumsum ho jata hai, use yaad nahi rehta hai kya hua kuch, kuch samay tak aur voh respond nahi karta hai jo absent seizures hote hain ya complex partial seizure ho sakta hai.

Ab seizures ke kya kaarand hai? Seizures jo hain chote bache se leke boodhe tak kisi mein bhi ho sakta hai, iske jo kaarand hai vo bachcho mein alag type ke hote hain aur boodhon mein alag type ke hote hain. Generally yeh kabhi kabhi jaise shareer mein sodium kam hone ki vajah se, sugar kam hone ki vajah se jo log alcohol bahut jyada lete hain unhe ho sakta hai ya koi bahut samay se alcohol le raha hai aur suddenly chord de use bhi ho sakta hai. Kayi bar hume koi kaarand nahi milta jise idiopathic seizures bolte hain. Ab epilepsy kya hai? Jisko baar baar seizures aate hain usko hum ek syndrome bolte hain vo epilepsy hota hai. Ab aam taur par jab kisi ko seizure aata hai to hum kuch tests karte hain, blood tests, MRI karte hain, EEG karte hain. Jyadatar log almost 50% log jo hai voh ek dawai se respond kar jaate hain.

Jab voh ek dawai se respond nahi karte toh unhe doosri ya teesri dawai dalni padti hai jise hum refractive seizures kehte hain. Aise mein jaroor aapko specialist ke pass jana chahiye, kabhi kabhi hume video ranging ki bhi zarurat pad jati hai aur kuch mareej hote hain kuch epilepsy syndromes aise hote hain jisme hum surgery bhi kar sakte hain jo kuch gine chune centres mein hi hoti hai. Ab important cheez yeh hai ki jab kisi ko seizure ho tab aapko use ek side letana hai taki vo aspirate na kar jaye ya choke na hojaye, doosri important cheez ye hai ki aapko uske muh ke andar koi bhi vasto nahi dalni hai jaise chamach ya fir hanky jo hum normally daal dete hain usko nahi dalna hai aur aapko turant hospital hi leke aana hai. Toh ant mein main itna hi kehna chahunga ki seizure ek aam bimari hai, kayi logo ko hota hai aur log jo hai isme ekdum normal life lead kar sakte hain bus kuch precautions lene hote hai jaise driving avoid kare, swimming avoid kare ya uchaiyon pe jana avoid kare aur acha sleep le, alcohol avoid kare. Thank you. Thank you for watching this video. For more information you can contact a

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Seizures - What Are The Common Types Of It?

MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, MS - General Surgery, MCh - Neuro Surgery
Neurologist, Raipur
Seizures - What Are The Common Types Of It?
When particular nerve cells in the brain don't function properly, it leads to epilepsy, which is a common brain disorder. There are several variants of epilepsy, and the one that you are suffering from would play a major role in the type of seizure you are likely to have.

Here are the two most common type of seizures:

Common types of Seizures

Generalized seizures: This type of seizures take place when nerve cells on both sides of the brain start misfiring. They may lead to black out, fall or muscle spasms.
Focal seizures: It starts in a particular area of the brain, and the names of the seizure are based on the affected area of the brain. They may lead to both emotional and physical effects which may affect the way a person feels or sees or hear things that have no real presence. In particular cases, the symptoms of focal seizures are regarded as some other kinds of mental or nervous disorder.
Seizures are not considered an either-or thing since some people tend to have a particular type of seizure which gradually alters its course. It is not always easy to classify certain types of seizures which are called unknown-onset seizures and may lead to both physical and sensory symptoms. Both focal and generalized seizures can be categorized into various groups. The most common are listed below:

Subcategories of focal and generalized seizures:

Simple focal seizures: It may change how the senses read the surroundings of a person. It can make a familiar taste or smell appear strange. Some people feel dizzy or visualize flashes of light or make the affected individual feel nauseated or sweaty.
Complex focal seizures: It normally happens when a part of the brain which controls emotion and memory gets affected. The affected person may feel awake even when he has lost consciousness. It can take several minutes for a person to come out of the problem.
Secondarily generalized seizures: It starts when a part of the brain spreads to the nerve cells. They may lead to a few physical symptoms including muscle slackness and convulsions.
On the other hand, there are six variants of generalized seizures:

Clinic seizure: The muscles tend to have spasms which make a face, neck, and arms jerk rhythmically. It can last for minutes together.
Tonic-clonic seizure: These are the most notable type of seizures and leads to stiffening of the body, jerking and shaking along with the loss of consciousness. It can last between 1 to 3 minutes, and in case they go for a longer span, it is important to seek immediate medical attention. It may lead to breathing issues and may cause the person to bite his tongue or cheek.
Tonic seizures: When the muscled in the legs or arms or trunk tense up for more than 20 seconds, it is called a tonic seizure. If the affected person is in standing position, he or she may end up falling.
Other types of generalized seizure include atonic seizure, absence seizure and myoclonic seizure which are commonly seen in people who have epilepsy.
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Recurrent Seizures - How Can They Affect You?

BHMS, DHMS (Diploma In Homeopathic Medicine & Surgery)
Homeopathy Doctor, Mohali
Recurrent Seizures - How Can They Affect You?
Epilepsy or seizers is a neurologic disorder, which can also be classified as a chronic dysfunction of the human brain. Epilepsy is a condition that is common to both adults and children and the symptoms for the same can be spotted in any person, regardless of age or time. Though the condition can be troublesome, there is no reason to fear it. Epilepsy is curable and can be omitted with regular homoeopathic medication and treatments. If you have epilepsy, read on to find the best cures and treatments for the condition.

How epilepsy affects you?
Epilepsy is a condition of the brain, where it is forced to suddenly put a stop the normal electronic activities that it is used to performing. Symptoms of recurring seizures include-

Sudden disorientation
Confusion or inability of registering any activity around you
Uncontrollable and contorted shaking of the body
Suddenly stricken with fear
Gritting of teeth
Losing all consciousness, etc.
If you have noticed any or more than one of these symptoms, it is time to give the doctor a visit. A homoeopathic specialist, in this case, can prove to be the most helpful.

Types of seizures or epilepsy:
Epilepsy again can be classified into some varieties, depending on which part of the brain it is affecting. Some of the different kinds of epilepsies include-

Partial Seizures: Partial Seizers are further classified into simple partial seizures, absent seizures and complex partial seizures. The first variety is characterised by jerking of the body and slight impairment of sight and sound. The second variant is characterised with momentary unconsciousness, slight twitching of the facial muscles and upward gaze. The last variety if, characterised by heavy jerking of the body, almost like in a trance and last for over a minute.
Generalised Seizure or Convulsion: The Generalized seizure is a more engaging form of epilepsy that affects the whole body and results in profuse convulsion. This kind of seizures is characterised by complete loss of consciousness, heavy jerking caused due to muscular contractions, severe breathing difficulty, reddening of the face and post attach back aches.
These different types of seizures are caused depending on the area of the brain that they involve.

Best homoeopathic treatments for seizures:
Homeopathy has come up with some of the most valuable and well-researched treatments to cure epilepsy in individuals. Some of the most noted remedies and medications include-

Calcarea Carbonica
Cuprum Metallicum
Bufo Rana
Kali Bromatum
Enanthe Crocata
Nux Vomica
Cicuta Virosa
Causticum, etc.
These remedies are designed to positively affect different kinds of epilepsies, with different intensities and in different stages. These are only a handful of cures for seizures suggested by homoeopathy. Visiting a professional, homoeopathic, medical specialist will allow you to recognise the type of epilepsy you have and also find the best remedy for the same.
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Epilepsy And Seizures In Children - 6 Ways To Deal With It!

Diploma in Child Health (DCH), F.I.A.M.S. (Pediatrics)
Pediatrician, Muzaffarnagar
Epilepsy And Seizures In Children - 6 Ways To Deal With It!
How to care for your child with paediatric epilepsy?

Epilepsy is defined as a neurological disorder, which affects people of all age groups. However, the cases of seizures are found more in young children (likely to occur in as many as 4% of children) than in adults. It is still not known as to why a developing brain is more prone to seizures than a mature brain. A child is said to be suffering from epilepsy when they occur frequently.

As parents your responsibilities are compounded if your child has epilepsy. You not only have to pay heed towards the normal concerns of his/her upbringing but also have to look into your child's emotional aspects, while dealing with the disorder in your day to day life.

You can help your child deal with the condition in the following ways:

1. It is quite likely that your child may feel resentful and develop emotional issues, such as depression or low self-esteem. Help your child cultivates positive attitude towards life and his/her disease.

2. Try to make your child come to terms with reality by helping him/her to understand that even though he/she may be different, he/she shouldn't look upon the condition as something that is abnormal. It is best to help your child concentrate on his/her strengths at such times.

3. Help your child participate in activities of his/her choice to instill positivity in life.

4. Make sure your other children understand their sibling's ailment and if he/she feels neglected try and spend more time with him/her. If need be, seek family counselling to make everyone understand how to deal with your child's illness.

5. Learn about your child's medication schedule thoroughly and also find out what he/she needs to do in case a dose of medication is missed.

6. Develop an environment where he/she feels comfortable and can easily share a concern or anxieties.

If you would like to consult with me privately, please click on consult.
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