Top Health Tips on Lung Cancer Imaging

Family History of Cancer? - Opt for a Preventive Health Check

Partners in Health
Multi Speciality, Gurgaon
Family History of Cancer? - Opt for a Preventive Health Check
The rising incidences of cancer have made it important for us to be vigilant about our health. It has been proven medically that if cancer is detected at an early stage -stage I & II , then the chances of cure and treatment along with full recovery are very high. For early cancer detection & for people at greater risk of cancer, PHC-Preventive Health Care plays a major role. Preventive Health Check is particularly important for the people who have a family history of cancer.

Hereditary Cancers:

Almost all cancers are caused by damage or mutation in their genes, which, may be acquired from environmental exposure, dietary factors, hormones or through normal aging. In 90% of cases, these genes are not passed from parents to children. These are known as sporadic mutations and the cancers that they cause are called as sporadic cancers. But 5-10% of cancers are caused by gene mutations which are inherited from one or both parents & passed on to the children .These are hereditary or germline mutations & these cancers are known as hereditary or familial cancers.

People /children, who carry gene mutations have a higher risk of developing cancer at an earlier age or at some point in their life time.

Some of the common such cancers, which run in families, are:

Breast cancer
Ovarian cancer
Colo-rectal cancer (cancer of large intestine )
Prostate cancer
Breast, ovary & colo-rectal carcinoma have well established gene mutation studies.Mutation of BRCA 1 & BRCA2 Genes is responsible for 85% of hereditary breast cancers.

Estimated life time risk for developing breast cancer in woman with BRCA1 & BRCA2 mutation is 56-87% & risk for developing-bilateral /contralatral breast cancer is about 20-40%. These statistics make a preventive health check for women with breast cancer history in their family a necessity. Mutation in these genes confers about 20-40% increased life time risk for developing ovarian cancer. Hence the presence of gene mutation for breast cancer can trigger ovarian cancer.

However as stated above, other environmental and lifestyle factors can also cause breast cancer other than genetic BRCA1 & BRCA 2 gene mutations.

Increasing age
Early menarche
Late menopause
First birth after the age of 30
Atypical lobular hyperplasia or Atypical ductal hyperplasia
Prior breast biopsies
Long term postmenopausal estiogen replacement
Early exposure to ionizing radiation
Other Familial Cancers:

Familial cancer syndromes associated with colo-rectal cancers are familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP).It is an autosomal dominant inherited syndrome with more than 90% penetrance, manifested by hundreds of polyps developed by late adolescence .The risk of developing invasive cancer is almost 100% .So such patients should start getting colonoscopy at an earlier age- say by 20yr of age & should undergo Total Collectomy on development of significant polyps .

Other familial cancer syndromes are hereditary non -Polyposis Colo Rectal Cancer (HNPCC), Gardner's Syndrome, Turcot's Syndrome, Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome, Juvenile Polyposis.

Cancer Assessment & Conclusion:

For breast cancer risk assessment, we have the GAIL model & IBIS model, which take into consideration ,all the risk factors, apart from BRCA1 & BRCA 2 gene mutation. These models calculate the over all life time risk of development of breast cancer for any lady. For this, you have to consult a specialist experienced in area of hereditary cancers, cancer risk assessment, genetic counseling & testing.

To conclude, all people with cancers in their family should undergo genetic testing & counseling, to detect high risk individuals should take adequate measures & treatment.
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Importance of Vitamin D & Vitamin B12

B.Sc. Food & Nutrition, M.Sc. Food & Nutrition
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Bangalore
Importance of Vitamin D & Vitamin B12
Your daily intake of delicious foods might not be enough for a healthy life. Your health largely depends on the consumption of right amount of vitamins. You can be protected from a plethora of disorders by the intake of foods rich in vitamin B12 and D. Here s why you need vitamin B12 and D:

Prevention: Vitamin B12 prevents us from certain cancers, including cancers in prostate glands, lungs, breast and colon. It also provides protection against heart diseases. Vitamin B12 also helps in prevention against Alzheimer s disease. Intake of vitamin D reduces the risk of developing multiple sclerosis, heart disease and flu.
Booster of happiness and health: It has been found that vitamin B12 boosts up your energy levels to a great extent. There are health drinks enriched with Vitamins to provide energy to your tired body. But it is best to have foods rich in vitamin B12 and other vitamins.
Forget depression: Vitamin D and B12 are known to benefit your health by keeping away depression. Therefore, it is very important to keep a check on the vitamins level of your body.
Helps protein metabolism: One of the primary functions of vitamin B12 is to boost protein metabolism in your body. If you are suffering from vitamin B12 deficiency, you will suffer from improper protein metabolism. However, the symptoms may get noticed after several years.
Protect your bones: It is the most essential function of vitamin D to absorb calcium and promote the growth of bones. Deficiency of vitamin D can lead to bone related diseases like rickets.
Help your brain: Vitamin B12 is good for the overall health of the human brain. It can prevent you from developing dementia in old age or brain shrinkage.
Good for digestive system: Vitamin B12 helps in the smooth functioning of digestive system. It provides protection against constipation.
Beauty matters: Vitamin B12 and D are known for their contribution towards gifting you a healthy skin, shiny hairs and beautiful and strong nails.
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Ginger - 13 Health Benefits You Never Knew

Ayurvedic Doctor, Nashik
Ginger - 13 Health Benefits You Never Knew
There is probably no house in India, where dishes are prepared without the use of ginger. It forms an amazing spice that is savoury, both for spicy and sweet dishes and as a result, most Indian dishes include this spice for making them tastier and healthier. But did you know that both fresh and dried ginger has medicinal properties as well?

Here are the top 13 benefits proffered by ginger

Healing properties: Ginger can be used as a fresh root or a milled powder for healing all kinds of sores and cuts and it prevents spread of infections.

Helps in relieving pain: If you can boil ginger for a short time and drink the liquid, it can help in alleviating the chronic and acute pain caused by arthritis, rheumatism, abdominal cramps, back pain, bronchial asthma and bronchitis, neck stiffness, inflammation in the kidney and liver.

Regenerating properties: Ginger can help in increasing the blood circulation, eliminating toxins and regenerating the tissues that have been harmed with any kind of disease.

Fat burning abilities: Ginger can act as a fat burner and aids in weight loss. It can create a feeling of fullness and reduces sudden food craving so that you will not have to snack in between meals.

Anti-inflammatory properties: Regardless of what has triggered the cause of pain, ginger has the potential to set you free from it owing to the anti-inflammatory properties contained in ginger roots.

Helps in relieving sinusitis: Ginger has a notable impact on the health of those suffering from sinusitis. If you are suffering from asthma, you may have it too.

Alleviating nausea: Ginger root can soothe the nerve and can prevent headache, vomiting and migraine. It can relieve you from tiredness and soreness of muscles caused due to long voyages.

Fighting abdominal discomfort: By consuming ginger tea on regular basis, your digestion, as well as food absorption, can be prevented.

Reduction of inflammation: Ginger root helps in soothing swollen joints and tired muscles. It is also recommended for relieving pain and burning sensation.

Fighting menstrual problems: Dipping a towel in ginger tea and putting in the region of the uterus can aid in relaxing the muscles.

Relieving stress: A cupful of ginger tea can aid in improving the mood and reducing stress and tension.

Empowering the immune system: The antioxidants contained in ginger roots can help in strengthening the immunity system by reducing stroke risk and cleaning arteries.

Treating cancer: It has been proven that ginger tea can kill cancer cells.

There are specific rules and ways of consuming Aadrak (ginger) by people of different constitutions and regions. An Ayurvedic constitutional examination can help you in understanding which and when is the best way for you to consume ginger.
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What Are The Symptoms For Diagnosis Of Blood Cancer?

Multi Speciality, Mumbai
What Are The Symptoms For Diagnosis Of Blood Cancer?
Cancer is the most dangerous and harmful disease of the world, which has various reasons to affect the body in any stage of life. This is also the good thing to know that there are a lot of treatments available in the medicine arena which can completely or partially treat cancer. But the individual and the family members of them need to be confident enough with the treatment and expertise of the doctor. Blood Cancer is a life taking disease and the treatment for it is must. The medicines should be start recovery from any age of the sufferer and stage of the disease. The treatment will have some side effects and fast to react to symptoms and should be affordable as well.

General symptoms
As said before that the symptoms of different types of the cancer vary but some general symptoms are there which are found in most of the cancer patients.

Sudden weight loss
Sudden changes in skin
Unusual bleeding
Haematology is less known, but a very important branch of medical science. This branch is concerned with the study of blood, blood diseases and the blood-forming organs as well. Treatment based on the Haematology for blood cancer can be quite successful as compared to general remedies. The modern Haematology made cancer easy to cure, comfortable and side effect less. This cost effective method of cancer cure give relief in lesser time and assures the improved quality of life as well. That is the reason that people around the world trust on treatment based upon Haematology because the treatment has all the basic qualities that made it the best cure for cancer.

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Just 1 Cigarette A Day Can Be Deadly - What Happens If You Smoke More?

Multi Speciality, Mumbai
Just 1 Cigarette A Day Can Be Deadly - What Happens If You Smoke More?
Smoking can cause irreparable damage to your mind and body. Chemicals in the tobacco travel to all parts of the body, leaving no area unaffected. According to available data, smoking causes 30% of all cancer deaths and about 80% deaths from emphysema and bronchitis. In addition to adversely affecting yourself, smoking also has a severe impact on your near and dear ones. According to WHO, about 600,000 people die every year from passive smoking. Out of the deaths that occur due to this, 1/3rd is that of children.

The Indian situation
While 85% of tobacco users worldwide consume it in the form of cigarettes, in India only 13% use it in that form. Additionally, 54% use it in the form of beedis. A study conducted on Indian smokers has revealed that an average of 8.2 cigarettes is smoked by an individual daily.

The study also revealed that the number of cigarettes smoked every year had grown to over 6 trillion. While 1 out of 10 adults dies from tobacco use worldwide, 5% of deaths in women and 20% of deaths in men in India are caused by cigarette and beedi smoking.

What happens when you smoke?
Cigarette smoke is made up of 4000 chemicals that are present either as tiny particles or gases and about 50 are known to lead to cancer, the toxin nicotine being one of them. In addition to nicotine, the chemicals that make up cigarette smoke also include tar and carbon monoxide. Prolonged exposure to these toxins can hamper your body's ability to filter air and clean the lungs. The smoke not only irritates the lungs but also causes excess production of mucus.

It also causes a paralysis of the tiny hair-like structures like cilia that line the airways and are responsible for removing dust and dirt from the organ. Paralysis of these hair-like structures also causes a buildup of mucus and toxic substances, leading to lung congestion. The extra mucus that is produced causes smokers to suffer from the very ubiquitous smoker's cough and chronic bronchitis.

It's also one of the many triggers of asthma, which brings about the narrowing and inflammation of the airways. Long-term exposure to tobacco smoke causes the destruction of the structure of the lung, walls of the airways as well as lung tissue. The result is a condition known as emphysema. Additionally, smoking also leads to cancer of the lung and over 80% lung cancer cases occur due to this habit.
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Zinc - 7 Reasons Why It Is Important For You!

Diploma in Nutrition
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Hyderabad
Zinc - 7 Reasons Why It Is Important For You!
Zinc is chemically a metal and a trace mineral with multiple health benefits. It is required by the body for a number of functions in small quantities on a regular basis. Some of its important roles include improving immunity, hormone production and promoting digestion, controlling inflammation, tissue growth and repair, etc. to name a few. It also helps in controlling free radical production and therefore has anti-inflammatory effects in reversing heart disease and fighting cancer.

About 5 to 8 mg of zinc is needed by a person per day, with smaller children needing it in the lesser range and women needing more of it. Natural sources of zinc include animal rich protein foods like animal meat and seafood. Dairy products, legumes, pulses and whole grains also contain good amounts of zinc. Modern-day foods contain added zinc and therefore are good sources too, though their availability and utility value for the body remain a question.

Zinc improves immunity i.e. the body produces T-cells when there is an infection or foreign body. These T cells also help in controlling and regulating immune responses and in people with zinc deficiency, the immune system is suppressed putting them at risk for infections and illnesses.
Zinc has a great role in maintaining skin integrity: Delayed wound healing is one of the first symptoms of zinc deficiency. People could also develop chronic ulcers or wounds. There is increased bacterial growth (reduced immunity), increased inflammation, and reduced re-epithelialization, all leading to poor skin health and delaying wound healing.
Zinc is essential for healthy gut function and it is one of the best remedies for diarrhoea. Deficiency can lead to leaky gut syndrome.
Zinc reduces free radical damage, which is responsible for chronic inflammation. Including an adequate amount of zinc in diet can reduce this inflammation, leading to preventing heart disease, reducing the incidence of cancer, etc. It also is shown to prevent cellular damage in the retina, thereby reducing the incidence of macular degeneration.
Zinc is essential for proper growth and development. Zinc deficiency is shown to produce shorter stature, anaemia, and delayed sexual maturation. During the growing years especially, it is very important to provide an adequate amount of zinc for the body, either naturally or through supplements.
Fertility and zinc also has a strong correlation. In males, it affects both the quantity and quality of sperm production. The sperm count was shown to improve with zinc supplementation in males who complained of low sperm count.
Controlling memory is another function of zinc. It determines how neurones talk to each other, which is essential for transmission of signals across the brain and formation of memory. In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!
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Radish Greens - You Will Never Throw Them Away After Reading This!

B.A. Sanskrit, BAMS, M.A. Sanskrit, MS -Gynaecology Ayurveda
Ayurvedic Doctor, Thane
Radish Greens - You Will Never Throw Them Away After Reading This!
While you may not consume 10 large radishes in a single sitting, a 100-gram portion serves a good nutritional value. Radish is an excellent source of vitamin C - 25% of the daily recommended value and helps in rebuilding of tissues, blood vessels and will keep your teeth and bones very strong. Vitamin C fights disease, increasing the immunity of your body, and helping to fight against all types of diseases, including stroke, heart disease, and cancer.

Radish is also known as 'Raphanus raphanistrum', can be eaten raw (in salads) or can be used in the preparation of different cuisines. While many people trash away radish greens, they are actually one of the best parts of this root vegetable. Although they are not among those classic leafy green vegetables, Radish greens are packed with some lesser known but important nutrients that can fill out a healthy diet.

Radish greens are an excellent source of vitamins (such as - riboflavin, thiamine, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6, folate, C, E, K), minerals (like - iron, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, copper, potassium, manganese, magnesium), protein, and dietary fiber.

What Are Radish Greens?
Radish greens are the green leaves on top of the radish itself. These radish greens have an earthen, peppery taste, making them a nutritional addition to any salad. Besides, they can also be used in sandwiches or salted for a healthy side dish. So, if you are among those countless people who just trash the radish greens away, change your ways and include this new food in your diet. Read on to know more about the benefits-

Let us get a quick look at the various benefits that radish greens have to offer:

The Radish leaves have antibacterial properties that go a long way to treat the condition of piles. For maximum results, crush the radish leaves, preferably the dry leaves to a fine powder, add sugar and water to it, mix well (make a paste) and consume daily. Alternately, one can also apply the paste at the inflamed area for some relief.
The radish leaves are laden with iron and Vitamin C and can work wonders for people with iron deficiency, low hemoglobin level, extreme weakness, and fatigue.
The high phosphorous content of radish leaves makes it vital for boosting the immune system.
Radish leaves are a rich source of dietary fiber and are also known for their natural laxative and diuretic properties (contain Vitamin B6) taking care of conditions such as constipation and kidney stones or gallbladder stones respectively.
Not known to many, but the radish leaves serve as an excellent remedy for Hyperbilirubinemia (increased level of bilirubin in the blood) triggered by a condition known as Jaundice.
The radish leaves play a significant role in regulating the blood glucose level and are highly recommended for diabetic patients.
The radish leaves are packed with many vital and essential nutrients and serves as a natural detoxifying agent, cleansing the body of the harmful toxins. The detoxification goes a long way to keep the body (both physical and mental) hale and hearty.
The application of a paste comprising of radish leaves, sugar, (take both in equal quantity) and water on the knee joints work wonders to alleviate the pain and discomfort triggered by Rheumatism.
The radish leaves have antiseptic properties and act as a natural moisturizer. Thus, the radish leaves take care of a myriad of skin problems such as dry and chapped skin, rashes, to name a few.
The consumption of radish leaves provides relief from colds and other respiratory infections and discomfort.
The flavonoids Anthocyanins present in radish leaves minimizes the risk of various heart ailments and cardiovascular disorders by many folds.
The radish leaves are also known for their anticarcinogenic and anti-inflammatory properties and play an instrumental role to ward off many health conditions including cancer.
How to use radish greens for Jaundice treatment

Crush radish leaves and extract the juice using a muslin cloth
Consume 1/2 liter of this juice for 10 days
This is helpful in improving your condition of jaundice and hyperbilirubinemia. With so many health benefits, it would be foolish to exclude radish leaves from the diet.

In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!
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Homeopathic Approach For The Treatment Of Cancer!

MD - Homeopathy, BHMS
Homeopathy Doctor, Vadodara
Homeopathic Approach For The Treatment Of Cancer!
Cancer, the word itself is something that creates a dread. Thousands of people every year succumb to this particular disease and unfortunately, there has been no proper cure for it yet. Millions of researchers work day and night to find the perfect medication for cancer. Such research led to the conclusion that inclusion of homeopathy can be an integrated approach to cure cancer. Homeopathy is an age-old therapy which works on the theory of treating like with like, which basically means a homeopath would use tiny doses of the substance which would cause the illness if given in large doses. Homeopathy is more of an organic way of treating diseases.

Though there is no proof that homeopathy can actually cure cancer but people using this very way of treatment say that they feel better or more in control of the situation. Homeopathy as a cancer treating mechanism is more of a natural way which makes patients feel relaxed. It helps them to cope with the stress, the anxiety, and the depression. It also helps in keeping control over side effects and symptoms like tiredness, sickness, pain, etc. When it comes to cancer particularly, homeopaths target a malignant tumor itself and tries to reverse its growth. Usually, homeopathy is not the primary ground of treatment but it is used in combination with other approaches of treatment. Though homeopathy has an excellent track record of curing cancer in animals, however, for humans it is still not specifically used as a primary method of treatment.

Since cancer is a chronic disease, if untreated, will lead to death. Homeopathic treatment addresses the energy imbalance on a vital force that is why it is useful in treatment as well as prevention of cancer both. Homeopathy is really an integrated approach to treat cancer. That is why there are several researches going on around the world to find remedies. Scientists are looking into the effectiveness of homeopathy in various levels of treatment. It comes from the fact itself that if homeopathy can decrease or reduce cancer symptoms and side effects of treatment to whether it can increase or give a boost to the immune system.

Researchers are also looking up whether homeopathy can help children with cancer and other health conditions. Furthermore, homeopathic studies have been doing wonders for the past 200 years. It is one of the most ancient ways of medication and it is still well alive because of its effectivity. Moreover, it is a natural way of boosting the immune system and curing cancer might just turn out to be some homeopath researcher s magnum opus as a paper. Therefore, homeopathy will never die being the natural process it is and the way it makes people believe in it and this belief is the biggest cure.

Homoeopathy also controls and relieves the side-effects caused by chemotherapy and radiotherapy, thus by relieves the patients from suffering additional pain when as such they are suffering. From controlling the stage I to palliation in stage IV, homoeopathy works very well with the conventional therapy. Immunity is the biggest tool to either restrict the Cancer growth & spread, and Homoeoapthy is the system which targets the Immune system and strengthens it.

In short, it works as Immunotherapy for the Cancer patients. Homoeopathy has its own protocol to be followed for a different stage of cancer and different type of Cancer, patient without giving second thought should consult a Homoeopathic Physician who works closely with the Cancer cases.
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Spinach (Palak) - 5 Health Benefits You Must Know!

Vedicgram Ayurveda
Ayurvedic Doctor, Noida
Spinach (Palak) - 5 Health Benefits You Must Know!
The food we eat affects our mind and body in various ways. There are many kinds of foods that have varied kinds of effects on how our body behaves due to the nutritional properties of the same. Spinach is a well known green vegetable that is rich in iron and various other nutrients. Since time immemorial, this vegetable has been used in various forms like soups, curries and much more so that we may enjoy the health benefits of the same.

Let us find out more about the health benefits of spinach with these quick pieces of information.

Prevents cancer: One of the foremost qualities of having spinach on a regular basis is that it helps in the prevention of cancer. This is due to the fact that the level of chlorophyll that one may find in spinach is absolutely apt when it comes to blocking the entry and effect of carcinogenic material and elements in our body. These are the elements that may enter our body due to pollution as well as through some kinds of processed food. So one will need to eat plenty of spinach, especially in today s day and age of adulterated food and pollution, so as to mitigate the effect of these elements and prevent cancer. Spinach is also highly recommended for those people who have a history of cancer in their family, and hence, are at a higher risk of getting the same.
Helps in managing one s diabetes: Alpha lipoid acid is one of the most well-known antioxidants that can be found in spinach. This is one of the rare elements that helps in lowering the glucose levels in the body even as it increases sensitivity towards insulin. This, in turn, helps in taking care of one s diabetes without constant hospitalisation and medication. It also helps in managing diabetes through a neuropathy approach.
Brings down blood pressure: Spinach is of great value for patients who have been suffering from problems like hypertension as it brings down the blood pressure levels. This is because spinach manages to negate the effect of sodium, which may be found in the body. This happens due to the high potassium content, which may be found in this leafy green vegetable.
Increases the health of bones: When we have spinach on a regular basis, our bones also get the benefit of the same. The risk of bone fracture is literally reduced to half due to the high level of vitamin K and protein content of this vegetable.
Gives you good skin and hair: With the constant ingestion of spinach, one can also get shining hair and glowing skin due to Vitamin C and collagen element that is found in abundance in this vegetable.
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Cow Urine - Can It Help Manage Cancer?

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)
Ayurvedic Doctor, Kanpur
Cow Urine - Can It Help Manage Cancer?
Cow Urine is used for purposes of therapy in traditional Indian medicine and is called Gomutra. The use of cow urine for therapeutic purposes has a long history in Indian culture. In India, cow is considered to be a sign of spirituality. Urine from a cow that is pregnant is believed to contain special minerals and hormones. It should be noted that cow urine therapy is not a nourishing process. Instead, it is cleansing and detoxifying in nature.

Pharmaceutical Benefits of Gomutra are:
1. Used in Ayurvedic treatment of cancer and leprosy.
2. Anaemia can be treated using a mixture containing Triphala (Ayurvedic herbal rasayana formula made of three equal parts of Bibhitaki, Haritaki and Amalaki), Cow milk and Gomutra. The mixture is known as Mahayograj Guggul.
3. It is used in the treatment of fever. A mixture that contains Gomutra along with ghee, yoghurt and black pepper is used. Sore throats can be treated by gargling a mixture of cow urine distillate along with honey and turmeric powder.
4. A mixture of daruharidra and gomutra can be used to treat epilepsy.
5. In Nigeria, convulsions in children are treated using a concoction made of garlic, tobacco, rock salt, cow urine and lemon basil juice.
6. Gomutra is also helpful in treatment of peptic ulcer, asthma and certain liver ailments.
7. Some Indian scientists from CSIR (Council of Scientific and Industrial Research) received a US Patent for a mixture of cow urine distillate, which acts as an antibiotic. The purpose of the cow urine is to behave like a bio-enhancer, which promotes the antimicrobial functions of antifungal and antibiotic agents.
8. A US patent was acquired in 2010 by a research department of Deolapar and National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI) for a drug based on gomutra, which validated its claims of being an anti-cancer drug. The mixture is claimed to prevent DNA damage caused by oxidation.
9. A water extract of Daruharidra (Tree Turmeric) called Rasanjana is administered with cow urine as a medication to treat Kapha originated skin diseases.
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