Top Health Tips on Managing Drug allergies

Onions - 9 Reasons You Must Consume Them!

MD, Panchakrma, BAMS, Ayurvedacharya
Ayurvedic Doctor, Nashik
Onions - 9 Reasons You Must Consume Them!
Onions are a part of the Allium group of vegetables and herbs, which additionally include chives, garlic, scallions and leeks. Allium vegetables have been known for a long time for their specialty of sharp flavours as well as for their curing and healing properties. Onions are a thick and layered vegetable and while they are low in calories, they are highly advantageous when it comes to a steady supply of vitamins, nutrients, minerals and cancer prevention agents. Here is how consuming onions can be very beneficial for your health:

Organosulfer compounds: Allium vegetables have broadly been known as cancer prevention agents, particularly stomach and colorectal tumours. They have beneficial and healing impacts are likely due to a limited amount of organosulfur compounds present in them as compared to other vegetables.
Folate: Folate, found in onions, may help with depression by keeping an overabundance of homocysteine from shaping in the body, which can keep blood and different nutrients from reaching the brain. Abundance of homocysteine hinders the growth of serotonin, which is the happiness hormone.
Vitamin C: Adequate intake of vitamin C is required for the building and support of collagen, which gives a sheen and volume to the skin and hair, respectively. Onions have abundance of vitamin C.
Other Vitamins: Onion contains common sugar, vitamins A, B6, C, E and minerals, for example, sodium, potassium, press and dietary fibre. More importantly, onions contain folic acid, which is very important for a woman s health especially for pregnant women.
Prebiotics: Prebiotics are not generally recommended in heavy doses, however, they sustain the good bacteria in your body. These valuable bacteria then help with the processing and digestion of your food. They help the immune system to a great extent. One such prebiotic is inulin, a water-dissolvable type of dietary fibre that is found in onions. It helps in preventing ulcers.
Sulfur: Sulfur helps in bringing down cholesterol and triglycerides. The allium and allyl disulphide in onions have likewise been said to get rid of vein stiffness by discharging nitric oxide. This may reduce the racing heartbeat, get rid of blood clots and decline the danger of heart diseases, vascular diseases and strokes.
Quercetin: Quercetin in onions is additionally helpful. It offers both cancer prevention agents and mitigating properties that may help the heart.
Cardio-vascular diseases: Onions are shockingly high in gainful polyphenols. These play a critical part in averting and decreasing the movement of diabetes, cancer and neurodegenerative and cardiovascular diseases.
Regular antihistamin: Quercetin helps in cell reinforcement. It has calming properties that may help fight the painful symptoms of chronic diseases like coronary illness and cancer. Quercetin has been successful in preventing histamine discharge (histamines are the chemicals that cause allergic reactions).
Therefore, onions should be consumed regularly in either a raw form or in your daily vegetables. They not only are easy to consume and digest, but also give you life-long health benefits.
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Paracetamol - How It Works On Your Body?

MD - Internal Medicine
General Physician, Nashik
Paracetamol - How It Works On Your Body?
Paracetamol is one of the most commonly consumed medicine to deal with minor pain, body ache, headache, fever etc. It can also be used for getting temporary relief from arthritis pain. This is readily available over the counter and can be obtained without a prescription. The dosage is available in the form of syrup, powder, solution, tablet, suspension, suppository etc.

Considerations to make before consuming paracetamol:
The risk of the medicine must be considered before consuming it. The health care professional should be reported for any allergy related problems. For a person facing allergy, one should carefully read the label before consuming it. Interaction of 2 paracetamol can prove to be fatal sometimes. The dosage, therefore, of these medicines should be consulted with the doctor. This being said, there are certain medicines which act best when they are consumed together. The outcome of the effect is based on the disease one is facing. The effectivity of this medicine can get influenced if the patient has a history of abusing alcohol, suffered from liver and kidney diseases in the past etc.

Proper use of paracetamol:
Paracetamol should be consumed with care. Prolonged consumption can damage the liver. The maximum dosage of this medicine should not exceed 3k milligrams in a day. This can be consumed before or after the consumption of food. Paracetamol in the form of syrup should be shaken well before use. There should be a minimum time span of 4-6 hours between two dosages of paracetamol. In the case of a missed dosage, the medicine should be taken as early as possible. It does not prove to be fatal in case a dosage is missed. Finally, it should be ensured that paracetamol is stored at room temperature and freezing is avoided.

It is of utmost importance to check the progress of the patient in case one is consuming paracetamol. During the process of consuming paracetamol, symptoms such as dark urine, stomach ache, nausea, weakness etc should be immediately reported to the stomach. For patients suffering from diabetes, any drastic change in the blood sugar level due to the consumption of paracetamol should be immediately reported to the doctor.

Side effects:
Certain rare side-effects of paracetamol include lower back pain, bruising, fever, cloudy urine, tarry stools, yellowish skin, bruising, skin rash, itching etc. Some common symptoms of overdosage of paracetamol include increased sweating, tenderness, swelling and pain in the lower abdomen area, vomiting and nausea, diarrhea, appetite loss, increased thrust etc. If any of these symptoms are faced during the consumption of paracetamol are reported, a healthcare professional should be immediately consulted to avoid any further complication. Frequent usage should also be avoided.
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Ginger (Adrak) - 6 Reasons Why You Must Eat It!

Fellowship In Sexology, M-CSEPI, M.Ayu.D, Dipl.EMS, BAMS
Sexologist, Pune
Ginger (Adrak) - 6 Reasons Why You Must Eat It!
In the realm of Ayurvedic medicine, ginger is considered as a wonder root. Its medicinal purposes are many and it never fails to heal some of the most common to the more serious diseases. Ginger can be consumed raw, with other foods, or in a paste form. It is regularly used in most of the dishes that you consume on a daily basis because of its medicinal values. Here are some of the most important values that ginger has, due to which it is considered to be one of the most cherished remedy in Ayurveda.

Anti-histamine properties: Often people get allergies to dust, pollens, dirt, and other impurities in the air. These allergies can be prolonged and the person suffers a lot. When you experience a bout of allergy, it is best to consume ginger in any form. Its anti -histamine properties help in reducing the allergic reaction and relieve the patient of the sufferings.
Stimulates digestion: Ginger is a regular herb used in every meal - mostly in the form of paste and at times as chopped pieces. This is because it aids the release of bile juices from the gall bladder, which in turn promotes smooth digestion.
Cancer: According to the researches carried out at Michigan University, it has been concluded that ginger powder has the ability to kill many cancer-causing cells. It is specially recommended to be consumed by medical practitioners if you suffer from lung, prostate, ovarian, and breast cancer.
Morning sickness: At times, you experience morning sickness with a heavy head and a bout of nausea. This mostly occurs when you are pregnant. In such circumstances, consuming ginger provides the necessary vitamin B6 to your body. This helps you to stabilise your condition in the morning and reduce weakness, laziness, and nausea.
Inflammation: Ginger root has anti-inflammatory properties, which help in reducing inflammation of any kind in the body. This means that whenever you have any kind of inflammation, you are asked to consume ginger so that the swelling and pain subsides to a considerable amount.
Menstrual cramps: Cramps are very common in women during their menstruation. To reduce the pain and cramps, ginger tea is often given to them. It is said that consuming ginger regularly during periods helps in reducing the pain and cramps that are associated with it.
In a gist, these are some of the essential qualities of ginger. These are the reasons as to why ginger is often consumed daily and seen as a home remedy as well.
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Hot Or Cold Water Bath In Winter - Which Is Better?

Modern Allopathic System of Medicine
Ayurvedic Doctor, Ahmedabad
Hot Or Cold Water Bath In Winter -  Which Is Better?
As the days become warm, you tend to turn the shower towards the cold water and as the days get cooler, bathing water usually gets warmer. A cold water shower can be very refreshing in the summer, similarly, a warm shower in winters can be quite relaxing. But have you ever thought about what actually is good for you? Well, there is no hard and fast rule about which one is better. As a general rule of thumb, according to Ayurveda, hot water should be used for bathing your body and cold water should be used for the head. However, when you clearly have to choose between hot water and cold water, a number of factors have to be considered, such as individual s age, constitution, habits, diseases, if any, season, etc.

Let s take a closer look

Age: Young children and elderly people will get more benefit from warm to a hot water bath. Teenagers and people up to the age of about 45-50 years can have a cold water bath. For students who need to be alert and be able to focus on their studies, a cold water bath is ideal.
Constitution: According to Ayurveda, there are three types of doshas; Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. If you have a pitta body type, you should bathe with cold water. On the other hand, if your body type is Vata or Kapha then, a hot water shower is much better for you.
Habits: Your habits can also influence the water temperature. If you like to bathe early in the morning, a cold water bath is advisable. However, if you like to bathe in the evening, try a hot water shower. As the evening is dominated by the Vata dosha, hence it is ideal. Similarly, if you like to exercise before your bath, you must bathe with hot water.
Diseases: If you are suffering from diseases caused by an imbalance of the Pitta dosha, you should bathe with cold water, such diseases include indigestion and liver disorders. If you are suffering from an imbalance of the Vata or Kapha dosha bathe with hot water. Diseases caused by the Vata dosha imbalance include arthritis, joint pain and foot pain. Those caused by kapha dosha imbalance include respiratory diseases and allergies.
Some Ayurvedic practitioners also advise alternating between hot and cold baths. What is important is that you should not bathe with water that is either too hot or too cold as bathing with really hot water can disturb the pH level of the skin, while bathing with water that is too cold can make you catch a cold. In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!
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Magnesium Deficiency - How it Affects Your Body?

PG Diploma Nutrition & Dietetics, B.Sc - Home Science
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Delhi
Magnesium Deficiency - How it Affects Your Body?
We all know about magnesium as a mineral, but what most individuals do not know is the fact that it is a very important mineral for our bodily health. Magnesium is involved with more or less 300 complex metabolic processes in our body, thus earning the title of master mineral .

Here is a list of reasons why magnesium holds an important place in our body.

It is responsible for transportation of calcium across cell membranes. As such, it helps calcium get into the bone matter. Like we all know, magnesium is anti-inflammatory. It helps in waiving conditions mentioned below:

Alzheimer s disease
High blood pressure
Respiratory issues
So magnesium deficiency can definitely cause numerous problems in the human body. This element works in our body at a cellular level. It is important to have a check up done with the doctor to ensure the magnesium level, however, a simple a blood test cannot determine the presence or absence of it. Here are a few signs that might suggest that an individual is suffering from magnesium deficiency.

A lot of calcium deficiency which means brittle bones
Very poor heart health
A lot of unnecessary weakness
Very frequent muscle cramps at unusual situations
Tremors, nausea and unnecessary anxiety
High blood pressure and type 2 diabetes
Difficulty in swallowing the food
Poor memory
Lots and lots of useless confusion
Although individuals with magnesium deficiency suffer from these symptoms, it is not necessary that any individual suffering from such symptoms might have magnesium deficiency. So, the only way to improve magnesium amount in the body is by changing your diet and including magnesium rich foods or my supplementing your food with magnesium-based food products.

Magnesium overdose is close to impossible and so many would not check their magnesium intake. However, consuming too much of anything can never be a good idea. Excessive magnesium intake might end up causing the following issues:

Irregular heartbeats in individuals
Slow breathing
This excess amount of magnesium in the body might be due to the fact that not all supplements can be easily absorbed by the body. So it is a better idea to eat inexpensive food to keep the magnesium levels at par with the bodily requirements.

Here is a list of items that can relieve the deficiency symptoms of low magnesium.

Seeds of pumpkin
Seeds of sun flower
Soya bean
Black beans
Sesame seeds
Spinach and many more
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Best Homeopathic Remedies For Skin Allergies!

Diploma in Gastroenterology, Diploma In Pulmonary Medicine , MSCP, BHMS, SVD( skin and veneral diseases)
Homeopathy Doctor, Hyderabad
Best Homeopathic Remedies For Skin Allergies!
The skin is the largest organ in the human body, which measures about 2 square metres, that is approximately 22 square feet. Skin is not just the longest organ alone in our body, but also has numerous amazing roles which most of us don t realise actually. It not only protects our body from chemical, harmful radiations and sun. It also acts as a major storage area of energy, synthesizes vitamin D and the best indicator of any disorder in your digestive and immune system. But most of us don t identify the warning signs that our skin shows from the initial stage unless it becomes more severe and start to show drastic skin changes or allergies.

Homeopathy is the system of medicine, which not only identifies the problem of skin from the root level but also understands the nature of skin of each individual and treats the skin allergies without causing any harmful side effects. As allergies are not common for everybody it is very much necessary to identify the skin nature of every individual and the type of allergen by which the person is affected. Thus, homeopathy way of treating is best for skin allergies. Here are few best remedies for skin allergies used in homeopathy

Apis mellifica: It is the best remedy for hives and utricarial rash. It can be used for any type of allergies with severe burning, itching sensation and rashes
Natrum mur: Natrum mur is the commonly used homeopathy medicine for nasal and skin allergies
Sulphur: It is the top most natural homeopathic medicine for treating the skin allergies. It shows wonder in relieving the excessive itching and burning sensations
Rhus toxicodendron: It is used for treating person with eczema in which the person develops numerous vesicular rashes along with itching, swelling and tingling sensation over the affected area of skin.
Arsenicum: It is used for treating psoriasis, chronic uriticaria and chronic eczema.
If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a specilized homeopathy and ask a free question.
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Allergic Rhinitis

BHMS, MD - Homeopathy
Homeopathy Doctor, Navi Mumbai
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Hi, I am Dr Pradnya Mulay. I have 13 years of experience in classical homoeopathy. Today I am going to talk about Allergic Rhinitis.

Allergic Rhinitis is also known as Hay fever. It occurs when your immune system over reacts with the particles of air, and you are allergic to them. You get sneezing, runny nose as your reaction to the immune system. Those particles which set an allergic reaction in the body are called as allegiance. Patients with allergic Rhinitis get symptoms for many years, often in years or certain times in a year. Sinusitis and ear infections most of the times accompany with Allergic Rhinitis.

Symptoms- You get sneezing, runny nose; your nose, throat and ear becomes itchy; you loose sense of smell; your eyes and nose becomes watery and itchy; unable to breathe properly through nose, discharges are usually clear and thin but they may become cloudy and yellowish if there is associated sinus and nasal infection.

The main causes of Allergic Rhinitis are pollens from trees, grass, animal dandruff, cockroach. At work place, we find wood dust, cereal dust, chemicals, lab animals, strong odour, smoke etc.

If it happens because of pollens it attacks you certain time in a year.

If it happens because of dust which is indoor, it may attack you all the time.

If you consult a doctor, he will examine you completely, he will ask, what are the symptoms? when do you get them? what are the factors which aggravate them? what are the factors which make them worst? to know the probable cause. Depending on the severity, the doctor may ask for skin test in which the small amount allegiance is put on the skin to see the reaction. what we can do is, we must take precautions, like,

To stay indoors when the pollen amount is high outside.
Clean your house often to get rid of dust and cockroaches.
Homeopathy has great remedies for Allergic Arthritis. It treats the problem from the root, that is, the hyper activity of immune system. It repairs immune system, thereby controls hyper activity. The body reacts normally to the same thing which previously was allergic. We advise you to take homoeopathic medicines for Allergic Rhinitis.

To know more about Allergic Rhinitis, you can contact me through Lybrate or can also visit my clinic.

Thank you.

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Apple Cider Vinegar - 8 Amazing Health Benefits You Never Knew!

Ph.D - Food Science and Nutrition
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Pune
Apple Cider Vinegar - 8 Amazing Health Benefits You Never Knew!
Raw apple cider vinegar is one of the best natural health remedies for detoxification, helping your body digest food more easily and for a quick burst of energy. Apple cider vinegar can also be used for personal care like conditioning your hair, whitening your teeth and as a household cleaner. Some other benefits of apple cider vinegar:

Helps tummy troubles: Apple cider vinegar has some antibiotic properties which help in treating diarrhea, particularly caused by bacterial infection. Sip some apple cider vinegar mixed with water to treat an upset stomach. According to some remedy experts apple cider vinegar contains pectin which helps soothe intestinal spasms.
Remedy for allergies: Apple cider vinegar thins the mucus, supports the immune system & clears the sinus. Drink 1 teaspoon of vinegar mixed in a glass of water for allergies.
Soothes a sore throat: It can be used to soothe sore throat. Acidic properties of apple cider vinegar helps kill the germs in the throat. So, you can gargle with a mixture of apple cider vinegar (1/4 cup) & warm water (1/4 cup) every hour to get a relief from sore throat.
Lowers cholesterol: Several animal studies have shown that apple cider vinegar can lower triglycerides, cholesterol & blood pressure. This has to be confirmed in case of humans.
Helps weight loss: Many human studies suggest that apple cider vinegar if consumed with proper lifestyle changes help in weight loss. Including it in the diet increase the satiety which helps in less consumption of calories & thus helps in losing weight.
Kill fungus on skin: Antibacterial & anti fungal properties of apple cider vinegar kills bacterial & fungal infections on skin. Rub two times a day on the infected area to get a benefit.
You can add apple cider vinegar in salad dressing, homemade mayonnaise etc and get benefit of it. Another popular way of consuming it is mixing with water and drinking as a beverage. The dosages vary from 1-2 tsp to 1-2 tbsp. As excess of anything is harmful. So, do not exceed the recommended dosage. Excess consumption may have harmful effects.
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How Ayurveda Can Help in Allergic Dermatitis Treatment

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS), MD - Alternate Medicine
Ayurvedic Doctor, Karnal
How Ayurveda Can Help in Allergic Dermatitis Treatment
Skin allergies causing dermatitis are very common and can be caused by allergic reactions to food substances like peanuts or eggs. However, it is more common when there is physical contact with some allergens, for example, nickel (used in belts and artificial jewellery; rubber in watch straps or wristbands). The person would usually develop an itch and rash, which could be localised or generalised.

Ayurveda believes in a two fold management of allergic dermatitis. While the first one is aimed at improved skin care routine, the second one is aimed at using natural remedies for managing dermatitis (rash and eczema).


Avoid soap or use a mild soap, as it removes the acidic layers of the skin, which are essential for preventing infections.
Use cold plain water in summer or take a warm bath during the winter season.
Use a smooth, soft towel, and avoid rubbing.
For dry skin, apply oil on your skin for an hour before taking bath. Alternately, add olive oil or neem oil to your bath water.
Do not take frequent, long, or hot baths.
Avoid stepping out during extreme weather.
Keep away from blankets and woollens.
Ensure your diet does not contain usual allergy-producing stuff like peanuts, eggs, milk, cheese, fish, etc.
Avoid artificial jewellery, rubber footwear, fur, and synthetic fabrics which can increase the rash and eczema.
Overall, get enough physical and mental rest, avoid taking the stress, and sleep well and eat well.
Avoid scratching the affected skin.
Preferably wear cotton and avoid wearing tight-fitting clothes.
In addition to the above overall skin care measures, the affected area needs to be given additional care and treatment to relieve the symptoms.

With its soothing properties, honey is proven to be very effective in treating many skin conditions. It can be diluted with water and applied on the affected area.
This provides relief from the itching, which is very common with blisters. This is especially useful in the area under the eyes.
Crushing a cup of oatmeal and adding it to the bath water helps in cleansing the skin and removes the dead skin. It also provides relief against irritation, soothes the skin, and provides relief from the itching.
The juice of the tender leaves of tephrossia purpurea (sarapunkha) and terminal catapa (jangali badam) can be applied to the affected skin, which provides great relief. Twice a day, after meals, tries panchanimbaadi choornam.
A paste of sesame oil, juice of arka and turmeric can be applied on the affected part.
Mix two teaspoonful of pancha tikta ghrita guggul in warm milk and have it on an empty stomach. This mixture is an effective remedy for eczema.
Kadirarista mixed with water in equal proportions can be consumed twice daily after meals.
The next time you are faced with allergic skin reactions, try these measures and see the benefits for yourself.
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How Can You Manage Common Allergies?

MD - General Medicine, CCEDM, Fellowship In Neurology & Stroke, Post Graduate Diploma in Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes
Diabetologist, Navi Mumbai
How Can You Manage Common Allergies?
Allergies are a reaction of your immune system to any foreign matter, such as pet dander, pollen or bee venom, and not everyone is affected in the same way.
Antibodies are substances produced by your immune system to protect you from harmful invaders that can cause infections or make you ill.
The immune system produces antibodies when it comes into contact with allergens. Your immune system can recognise any allergen as threatening even if it s not. As a result, your skin, airways, digestive system or sinus gets inflamed.
Allergies can vary greatly in severity from mild irritations to anaphylaxis (a likely life-threatening emergency). Allergies are mostly incurable; however, there are various treatments available to alleviate allergy symptoms.
Common triggers of allergy include:
Airborne allergens, such as mould, dust mites, animal dander and pollen.
Certain foods, especially milk, eggs, shellfish, fish, soy, wheat, tree nuts and peanuts.
Insect bites, such as wasp stings or bee stings.
Medications, specifically penicillin-based antibiotics or penicillin.
Latex, or any allergen you touch, causes skin infections.
Symptoms of allergy depend on its type.
Hay fever (allergic rhinitis) symptoms include:
Itching of the roof of the mouth, eyes or nose
Stuffy, runny nose
Swollen, red or watery eyes (conjunctivitis)
Symptoms of food allergy include:
Tingling mouth
Swollen throat, face, tongue or lips
Anaphylaxis (a critical, deadly allergic reaction)
An allergy caused by insect stings can manifest in symptoms such as:
Swelling at the site of the sting
Hives or itching
Breathing problems, wheezing, coughing or chest tightness
A drug allergy can lead to symptoms such as:
Itchy skin
Facial swelling
Atopic dermatitis (skin allergy) symptoms include:
Reddened skin
Peeling or flaky skin
Treatments of allergy include:
Avoiding Allergens: Your doctor can help you take necessary steps to recognise and avoid the allergens that trigger allergies. This is usually the most relevant step in the prevention of allergic reactions and reduction of symptoms.
Medicines to Lower Symptoms: Eye drops, nasal sprays or oral medications are commonly prescribed to reduce reactions and alleviate symptoms.
Immunotherapy: If the allergy is severe or other treatments fail to relieve symptoms, allergen immunotherapy is recommended. In this treatment, you get injected by a number of clarified allergen extracts over the years.
Emergency Epinephrine: If your allergy is severe, your doctor will provide you with an emergency epinephrine shot that you can carry with you everywhere.
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