Top Health Tips on Managing Eczema

Eczema - Role Of Homeopathy In Treating It!

Diploma In Gastroenterology, Diploma In Dermatology, BHMS
Homeopathy Doctor, Hyderabad
Eczema - Role Of Homeopathy In Treating It!
What is eczema?
Eczema is a common skin condition marked by itchy and inflamed patches of skin. It s also known as atopic dermatitis. It is more common in babies and young children and often occurs on the faces of infants. It also often appears inside the elbows and behind the knees of children, teenagers, and adults. In rare cases, atopic dermatitis can first appear during puberty or adulthood. It affects males and females equally.

What are the types of eczema?
When people refer to eczema, they usually mean atopic dermatitis. This is the common and chronic type of eczema.

Other types include:
Contact dermatitis is caused by contact with irritants. Burning, itching, and redness occur. The inflammation goes away when the irritant is removed. Dyshidrotic dermatitis affects fingers, palms of the hands, and soles of the feet. It causes itchy, scaly patches of skin that flake or become red, cracked, and painful. The condition is more common in women. Nummular dermatitis causes dry, round patches of skin in the winter months. It usually affects the legs. It is more common in men. Seborrheic dermatitis causes itchy, red, scaly rashes, particularly on the scalp, on the eyebrows, on the eyelids, on the sides of the nose, and behind the ears.

What Are Symptoms and Signs of Eczema?
Usually, the first symptom of eczema is intense itching. The rash appears later and is red and has bumps of different sizes. The rash itches and may burn, especially in thin skin like the eyelids. If it is scratched, it may ooze and become crusty. In adults, chronic rubbing produces thickened plaques of skin. Having one or more round areas is referred to as nummular (coin shaped) eczema and may be confused with fungal infections.

Some people develop red bumps or clear fluid-filled bumps that look "bubbly" and, when scratched, add wetness to the overall appearance. Painful cracks in the skin can develop over time. While the skin behind the ear may be involved, the outer ear itself is usually spared. Eyelids are often puffy, red, and itchy. The itching may be so intense that it interferes with sleep. Asteatotic eczema is a term often applied to describe patients who have thin, dried, cracked-appearing skin, usually especially bad on the lower legs.

What causes eczema?
chemicals found in cleaners and detergents that dry out the skin rough scratchy material like wool synthetic fabrics raised body temperature sweating temperature changes sudden drop in humidity stress food allergies animal dander upper respiratory infections

How is eczema diagnosed?
To diagnose eczema, a doctor will order a complete physical exam and ask you questions about your symptoms. There s no specific test that can be used to diagnose eczema. But a patch test can pinpoint certain allergens that trigger symptoms, like skin allergies associated with contact dermatitis (a type of eczema). During a patch test, an allergen is applied to a patch that is placed on the skin. If you are allergic to that allergen, your skin will become inflamed and irritated.

Foods to eat: Fatty fish You may be able to reduce your symptoms by eating fatty fish, such as salmon and herring. Fish oil contains high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, which are anti-inflammatory. You may also consider taking an omega-3 supplement. In general, it s recommended that you get at least 250 mg of omega-3 fatty acids daily, preferably from food.

Foods high in quercetin include:
Apples, blueberries, cherries, broccoli, spinach, kale, Foods to Avoid What you eat may not directly cause eczema, but it can trigger an increase in symptoms. This is especially true if you eat a food that you re allergic or otherwise sensitive to. Common food allergies include:

dairy products
soy nuts
Foods containing preservatives and artificial ingredients may also exacerbate symptoms. This includes foods high in trans fats, such as margarine, processed food, and fast food. Foods high in sugar may also trigger eczema flare-ups. Sugar causes your insulin levels to spike, which can result in inflammation.

Items typically high in sugar include:

some coffee drinks
some sodas
some smoothies
fast food items, such as burgers
Homeopathy has the best solution for eczema but in order to treat from the roots detailed history of the patient is essential. Homeopathy treatment is provided by considering detailed history like nature of the patient, his family history, habits, past history, etc.
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Eczema - How Homeopathy Can Handle It?

MD - Homeopathy, BHMS
Homeopathy Doctor, Vadodara
Eczema - How Homeopathy Can Handle It?
Eczema is a skin condition, which causes boils to pop up all over the skin, resulting in frequent itching and burning pain. It lasts for a long period, which is why it is known as a chronic skin condition. The most common cause of Eczema is allergies, which leads to skin inflammation.

Normally, doctors opt for antibiotics and steroid creams, but they give only temporary relief. However, Homeopathy offers a complete cure for Eczema. Here are the Homeopathic remedies for Eczema:

1. Graphites: Graphites are usually prescribed when there is oozing of thick and sticky discharge from the affected area. Graphite's are also usually good for patients who are obese and suffering from constipation.

2. Mezereum: Mezereum is usually used when a crust has formed. It is especially effective when the crust is on the head. The pus gets accumulated just below the crust and is accompanied by severe itching, which worsens especially at night. This type of Eczema is best treated with Mezereum.

3. Hepar Sulph: Hepar Sulph is considered the best remedy when there is intense itching, deep cracks in the skin as well as very high sensitivity to cold. The sensitivity to the cold can be extremely intense when you have Eczema.

4. Dulcamara: Dulcamara is another very good medicine for Eczema, especially when you are overly sensitive to cold. However, it does not deal with deep cracks in the skin or intense itching. Dulcamara is indicated for Eczema of rainy season.

5. Sulphur: Sulphur is one of the best cures for Eczema when you experience a burning sensation in your skin. When the Eczema is aggravated by heat or in the summer season, Sulphur is excellent Homeopathic medicine. Family history can be a major cause behind heat-aggravated Eczema.

Treatment of Eczema normally requires some months of observation and care.
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Custard Apple (Sharifa) - Amazing Health Benefits You Must Know!

Ayurvedic Doctor, Kanpur
Custard Apple (Sharifa) - Amazing Health Benefits You Must Know!
Custard apple, popularly known as 'sharifa' or 'sitaphal' in India, is liked by people of all age groups. Though it can be eaten as raw fruit, custard apple is widely used as an ingredient in the form of desserts, smoothies, shakes, and snacks. But, do you know that besides its delicious taste, custard apple also exerts numerous health benefits?

Well yes, custard apple is full of anti-oxidants and vitamins which help the body fight many diseases. Also, it has loads of potassium, vitamin A, copper, phosphorus, fiber, calcium - the list is endless. The high anti-oxidant properties are excellent for skin, heart, bones and blood pressure. The copper content in custard apple helps cure constipation, indigestion problems and gastrointestinal infections such as diarrhoea. Let us take an insight as to why you should consume 'sitaphal' this season.

Keeps your heart healthy: Custard apples are high in potassium and magnesium, both of which are essential for keeping cardiac diseases at bay and controlling blood pressure levels. Also, vitamin B6 and dietary fibre present in custard apple help to keep the blood cholesterol levels normal, thereby reducing the incidence of cardiac arrest and other heart ailments considerably.
Reduces Asthma: Vitamin B6 also acts as a defensive shield, protecting individuals from inflammation of the bronchioles (which may often give rise to asthma and breathing problems).
Prevent Diabetes: Custard apple is a rich source of vitamin C, potassium, iron, magnesium, and dietary fibre, all of which help reduce the risk of type-2 diabetes. They regulate the blood glucose level. However, for maximum benefits make sure to consume the fruit in moderate amounts.
Helps In Weight Gain: Custard apple, with its high-calorie content, is an ideal choice for people who are underweight and trying frantically to put on some weight.
Perfect For Pregnant Women: Custard apple is a wonder-fruit for pregnant women. Being a rich source of dietary fibre, copper, and vitamin B6, custard apple goes a long way to alleviate the symptoms of constipation and morning sickness (especially nausea) in pregnant women. When consumed regularly during pregnancy, it helps in producing more breast milk. Custard apple also contributes significantly towards the development of the brain, nervous system and immune system of the foetus.
Cures arthritis: Magnesium present in custard apple maintains a healthy balance of fluids and electrolytes in the body. This removes the excess of fluids and acids in the joints which leads to inflammation. The end result is reduced risks of arthritis and rheumatism.
Prevents Skin-Aging: Custard apple is a rich source of antioxidants and protects the skin from the damaging effects of free radicals. Free radicals are tiny reactive oxygen molecules that can cause damage to your skin. Custard apple has the ability to fight free radicals thereby, preventing the skin from becoming prone to skin-aging, acne, psoriasis, and eczema. It enhances the production of collagen proteins, thereby maintaining skin elasticity and youthfulness.
Prevents Skin Diseases: The active compound 'Acetogenin' present in custard apple, contributes towards minimizing the incidence of skin cancer. Also, custard apple acts as a natural moisturizer and a detoxifier, keeping the skin hydrated with the elimination of toxins that can be harmful to the skin.
While the health benefits of custard apple are immense, the seeds of this fruit are harmful and should never be consumed. In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!
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Eczema - How You Can Prevent Its Flare-ups?

MBBS, Diploma in Venerology & Dermatology (DVD), DDV, MD - Dermatology , Venereology & Leprosy
Dermatologist, Pune
Eczema - How You Can Prevent Its Flare-ups?
Are you experiencing skin itchiness and development of dry, scaly rashes on your skin? This indicates you have eczema, which is a group of skin diseases occurring due to the inflammation and irritation of skin. Atopic dermatitis is the most common form of eczema. The disease can be controlled if proper treatment is undertaken.

Itchy skin is the most common symptom of eczema. In some cases, the itching starts before the development of the rash. The rash appears most commonly on the back of the knees, face, hands, wrists and feet. The affected areas become dry and thickened and in people with a fair complexion, the areas may turn reddish initially and then become brown.

The specific cause of eczema is yet to be determined. However, the condition is associated with an overactive response by the immune system to an external irritant. This response leads to eczema. The condition is more common in people who have a family history of allergies or asthma.


As the condition turns the skin dry and itchy, certain creams and lotions are recommended to be used in order to keep the skin moist. You should apply these products when your skin is damp, ideally after taking a shower. This helps the skin in retaining moisture. You can use a cold compress to ease the itching.
Several creams such as hydrocortisone cream and ointments which contain corticosteroids are prescribed in order to reduce inflammation.
In case the affected area becomes infected, antibiotics should be taken to eliminate the infection-causing bacteria.
Antihistamines are used for reducing the severity of the itching.
Prevention of Eczema Flare-ups

Moisturize your skin frequently
Avoid sudden changes in humidity or temperature
Abstain from overheating and sweating
Try to reduce stress
Avoid starchy material
Avoid soaps, detergents and solvents, which are harsh
Be aware of food items which trigger eczema flare-ups
It is recommended for you to consult a dermatologist if you experience any symptom of eczema. This will help you with a quick diagnosis so that you can start the treatment without further worsening of the symptoms. In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!
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Eczema In Children - What Should You Know?

Diploma In Gastroenterology, Diploma In Dermatology, BHMS
Homeopathy Doctor, Hyderabad
Eczema In Children - What Should You Know?
Eczema in Children:

-Also known by the term 'atopic dermatitis', eczema is more prevalent in infants and children. This article discusses the possible causes of eczema in children.
-Eczema is one of the most bothersome and chronic disorders of the skin. Atopic eczema is the type commonly observed in children, while contact eczema is more prevalent in adults.
-The arms, and the region behind the knees, are the commonly affected sites. However, any part of the body may be affected.


-The classic symptoms include the appearance of red-brown bumps or patches on the affected area.
-This may be accompanied with itching, which gets severe at night. When these bumps or patches are scratched, they may leak and crust over.
-Other symptoms which indicate the onset of eczema include cracked skin, that may become thick and have a scaly appearance.
-These symptoms occur both in children and adults. Symptoms specific to children include crusting or oozing rash on the face and scalp.


-Eczema is believe that some malfunction in the immune system when accompanied with dry, irritated skin, could be a contributing factor in the onset of this condition in children and adults.

-Although experts are not sure about the exact causes of eczema, they have been able to determine triggers that can worsen the symptoms of this condition.

These may include:
-Stress (in adults)
-Exposure to changing temperature
-Low humidity levels
-Use of soaps, detergents, etc.
-Certain foods
-Certain man-made fabrics

Types of Eczema:

Atopic Eczema:
The most common of all types, atopic eczema is also known as infantile eczema. This form generally affects people who are extremely sensitive to allergens in their environment such as pollens, dust, animals skin or hair, and certain foods. Many experts believe, that children suffering from this condition may be genetically predisposed to get eczema from parents or family members who have history of hay fever, asthma, or other allergies. Atopic eczema is characterized by an extremely itchy red patch on the skin, that may sometimes swell, and develop into fissures that may crack and ooze out clear fluid or even blood. The infected skin seems to be crusty and scaled.

Hand Eczema:
This is a chronic form of eczema that only infects the hand. Hand eczema, also known as hyperlinear palms is caused due to constant hand washing with harsh soaps, detergents, or contact with strong chemicals like bleach, etc. Eczema on hands develops shiny red blisters and lesions that are quite painful. People who have this form of eczema find it difficult to perform their daily activities, as there are many chances of aggravating the eczema blisters.

Varicose Eczema:
Varicose eczema affects the skin on lower legs, and is caused by poor blood circulation. It commonly affects older people mostly on the shins and ankles. This condition predominantly affects people suffering with varicose veins. Varicose eczema should not be left untreated for long time, as they develop into stubborn ulcers that don't heal easily. Large varicose eczema tends to turn sore, and develop deep in the skin, which upon cracking leaves the skin vulnerable to other types of skin infections.

Contact Eczema:
Contact dermatitis occurs when the skin is exposed to irritants, resulting in an allergic reaction. It either occurs or aggravates only when the skin comes in contact with a specific substance, else it largely remains dormant. Chemicals or even natural oils present in cosmetics, deodorants, skin cream and lotions, shampoos, body soaps, fragrances or deodorants, cleaning products may cause allergic reactions. This allergy commonly affects people who spends many hours working in the soil. Certain medications also can cause contact eczema. People can develop this form of eczema while consuming foods that contain certain herbs, or chocolate or caffeine.

Nummular eczema:
Adults are more prone to develop nummular eczema. Its name has been derived from the Latin word nummus, which means coin. This type produces coin shaped patches of infected skin (hence the name), mainly on the legs, arms or chest. It usually occurs in adults.

Seborrheic Eczema:
Seborrheic Eczema first develops on the face or neck around the nose and at the scalp line. In infants, it is termed as cradle cap, while in adults it is known as dandruff. This eczema causes extremely greasy pink or yellow patches, which are often covered by scales.

Dyshidrotic Eczema:
Commonly known as pompholyx or vesicular eczema, dyshidrotic eczema mostly affects the hands and the feet. It is characterized by small itchy blistering bumps, that cause an extreme burning or itching sensation.

Discoid eczema:
Discoid eczema occurs as round red scaly patches of blisters, usually affecting the arms and legs.They become itchy and can ooze fluid, causing the infection to spread.


-Eczema treatment in children or in adults for that matter, attempts to reduce the inflammation and itching, as well as prevent future flare-ups.

-Apart from medication, some patients may be recommended to expose their skin to controlled amounts of natural sunlight.

-This process is known as light therapy. In case of infants, parents are advised to keep their babies away from skin irritants, and extreme temperatures.

-Using baby bath oils, lotions or creams helps to keep the skin hydrated, thus avoiding dry skin. If these measures do not provide relief, babies may be given oral antihistamines by the doctor.

- They help in reducing the itching, and encourage drowsiness which helps at bedtime.

- Apart from the above treatment options, parents can help their children recover with the help of a few self-care measures.

- These may include avoiding triggers, helping them to avoid scratching, giving them warm baths, choosing appropriate baby soaps, and using cool compresses (as it helps in reducing scratching). Using humidifiers and making your kids wear loose, smooth-textured cotton clothing, are some other effective ways to cope with the condition.

- Children must be educated about the importance of drinking plenty of water, and keeping their skin moisturized.
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How Ayurveda Can Help in Allergic Dermatitis Treatment

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS), MD - Alternate Medicine
Ayurvedic Doctor, Karnal
How Ayurveda Can Help in Allergic Dermatitis Treatment
Skin allergies causing dermatitis are very common and can be caused by allergic reactions to food substances like peanuts or eggs. However, it is more common when there is physical contact with some allergens, for example, nickel (used in belts and artificial jewellery; rubber in watch straps or wristbands). The person would usually develop an itch and rash, which could be localised or generalised.

Ayurveda believes in a two fold management of allergic dermatitis. While the first one is aimed at improved skin care routine, the second one is aimed at using natural remedies for managing dermatitis (rash and eczema).


Avoid soap or use a mild soap, as it removes the acidic layers of the skin, which are essential for preventing infections.
Use cold plain water in summer or take a warm bath during the winter season.
Use a smooth, soft towel, and avoid rubbing.
For dry skin, apply oil on your skin for an hour before taking bath. Alternately, add olive oil or neem oil to your bath water.
Do not take frequent, long, or hot baths.
Avoid stepping out during extreme weather.
Keep away from blankets and woollens.
Ensure your diet does not contain usual allergy-producing stuff like peanuts, eggs, milk, cheese, fish, etc.
Avoid artificial jewellery, rubber footwear, fur, and synthetic fabrics which can increase the rash and eczema.
Overall, get enough physical and mental rest, avoid taking the stress, and sleep well and eat well.
Avoid scratching the affected skin.
Preferably wear cotton and avoid wearing tight-fitting clothes.
In addition to the above overall skin care measures, the affected area needs to be given additional care and treatment to relieve the symptoms.

With its soothing properties, honey is proven to be very effective in treating many skin conditions. It can be diluted with water and applied on the affected area.
This provides relief from the itching, which is very common with blisters. This is especially useful in the area under the eyes.
Crushing a cup of oatmeal and adding it to the bath water helps in cleansing the skin and removes the dead skin. It also provides relief against irritation, soothes the skin, and provides relief from the itching.
The juice of the tender leaves of tephrossia purpurea (sarapunkha) and terminal catapa (jangali badam) can be applied to the affected skin, which provides great relief. Twice a day, after meals, tries panchanimbaadi choornam.
A paste of sesame oil, juice of arka and turmeric can be applied on the affected part.
Mix two teaspoonful of pancha tikta ghrita guggul in warm milk and have it on an empty stomach. This mixture is an effective remedy for eczema.
Kadirarista mixed with water in equal proportions can be consumed twice daily after meals.
The next time you are faced with allergic skin reactions, try these measures and see the benefits for yourself.
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Ways To Prevent Hair Loss With Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathy Doctor, Agra
Ways To Prevent Hair Loss With Homeopathic Treatment
Numerous individuals suffer from hair loss and hair fall problems, which inevitably cause low self-esteem and low self-confidence. Although this is not a life threatening condition, this disorder can cause serious self-esteem issues in individuals. Most individuals with extreme hair loss issues are uncomfortable in having a social life and face a constant suffering from within.

There have been numerous kinds and types of medications for treating and preventing hair loss. However, homeopathy has proven to be amazing without causing any side effects. Homeopathy is an alternative medicine which uses no harsh chemicals and works on the principle of triggering the healing process in the body.

Possible situations that cause hair loss-


Too much vitamin A intake

Pregnancy (hormonal changes and stress)



Lack of protein


Various hormonal imbalances

Deficiency of vitamin B

Thyroid problems

Alopecia Areata

Drastic weight loss


Homeopathic medicines stimulate the hair roots to promote regrowth. The medicines used in Homeopathy to aid hair regrowth are all of natural origin and therefore, safe for use among persons of all age groups. The main advantage of opting for Homeopathic medicines for hair regrowth is the absence of any related toxic side effects. Some of the most common homeopathic treatments to prevent hair loss are-

Hair loss due to Alopecia Areata: This disorder is caused due to the immune system, which mistakes hair for foreign objects and attacks it, thereby causing erratic loss of hair. The individual loses hair in patches haphazardly. There are numerous medicines for specific treatments of Alopecia. Some of them are listed below-

Fluricum Acidum: This not only fights alopecia, but is also efficient in preventing hair fall after Syphilis, where hair breakage, hair fall and hair tangles increase immensely.

Phosphorus: This is very effective in treating alopecia and can also be used to heal other gastrointestinal problems, blood, bones and nervous tissue problems.

Calcarea carbonica: This is one of the best homeopathic medication for hair regrowth. It also prevents itching and sweating of the scalp.

Vinca minor: This is very effective in treating alopecia along with dandruff. Abnormal hair growth can also be treated with this medication.

Hair loss due to Dandruff: Dandruff is a common problem and the worst part is that it brings intense hair fall with it. Dandruff is caused generally due to eczema and psoriasis. The medications that can be used are as follows-

Psonorium: Best treatment for preventing dandruff and hair loss caused along with it
Mezereum: Heals rashes and lesions and tackles hair fall in crusty scalps
Kali sulphuricum
Natrum muriaticum
Pulsatilla pratensis
Baldness: Mostly affects men. Some of the recommended medicines include:
Baryts carbonica
Lycopodium clavatum
However, it is advised that in case of hair loss, before you consume any medicines, visit a homeopathic practitioner for a thorough treatment.
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Atopic Dermatitis - How it Can be Treated?

Atopic Dermatitis -  How it Can be Treated?
Out of many different type of skin infections people suffer from, atopic dermatitis is one that is fairly common. This condition often affects infants and young children, but may also persist into adulthood or affect adults as well. Patients suffering from this disease often see it alternate between flares and periods of remission where it may seem like the condition has cleared up completely. In many cases, children who have experienced a permanent remission from it are left with dry skin that is easily irritated.

The exact cause of this skin condition is not clear, but it is understood to be triggered by a combination of hereditary and environmental factors.

People with highly sensitive skin have the highest risk of suffering from this condition.
It has also been associated with a number of other atopic disorders such as asthma and seasonal allergies along with allergies to certain types of food.
Dry skin, redness and excessive itchiness are common symptoms of this condition. Other symptoms vary from person to person and their reaction to the itching. Ideally, you should not scratch your skin, if you suffer from atopic dermatitis. Scratching and rubbing the skin can worsen the condition. In some cases, this can lead to the development of thick, leathery skin while in other cases it could lead to the development of papules or raised bumps on the skin. Further scratching of these papules can make them infected and crusty.

The treatment for this skin condition depends on the patient s age, overall health and symptoms presented. There are three main goals of treatment for atopic dermatitis; healing the skin, preventing flares and treating symptoms as they appear. Much of caring for the skin involves developing skin-care routines, identifying exacerbating factors, and avoiding circumstances that stimulate the skin's immune system and the itch-scratch cycle.

Skin care is the first aspect of treating this condition. It is essential to keep the skin clean and follow a simple regimen.
Avoid using multiple soaps, lotions, fragrances etc and have a lukewarm bath with a mild chlorine solution.
Moisturize your skin immediately after your bath before drying your skin.
Pick creams instead of serums and try to pick one that is as free of fragrances and chemicals as much as possible.
Medication for this condition usually involves corticosteroid creams and ointments.
Immune moderators may also be prescribed to suppress the immune system and speed up the healing process.
Antibiotics to treat this condition may also be prescribed in pill or cream form, though the former is often found to be more effective.
In rare cases, the patient may also need to be hospitalized for a few days. This restricts the patient s exposure to allergens and irritants.
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Know How to Treat Genital Sores!

B.A.M.S., M.D.(A.M), EX-M.R.C.G.P., EX-M.R.S.H., EX-M.S.I.E.C.U.S, EX-M.S.S.S.S.
Sexologist, Mumbai
Know How to Treat Genital Sores!
The red and itchy sores in genital area, which can cause immense pain are genital sores. They usually spread through infection that has occurred during sexual contact. There may also be bleeding if rubbed or scratched. This is usually a form of sexually transmitted infection which can be caused due to dermatitis or other allergies. Genital herpes and syphilis as well as bacterial diseases like chancroid can also cause the occurrence of this condition.

Here are a few ways in which this may be treated:

Medication: The general physician or gynaecologist can prescribe a number of drugs that can help in treating this ailment. To begin with, you may have to ingest oral antibiotics or antiviral medication that can ensure that the bacteria do not get a chance to fester, grow and spread. Corticosteroids can also be prescribed for particularly severe cases. Pain relievers can help in soothing the area and the blisters in the genitals, while anti itching drugs like hydrocortisone can ensure that you do not scratch the area which can also lead to bleeding.
Surgical Removal: A particularly troublesome bout or sores can be removed with the help of non-invasive and surgical procedures depending on the severity of the situation. You may be required to go under medical observation for a few hours or days after the procedure to ensure that there are no complications or further cases of infection.
Intermittent Treatment: After the initial treatment where you will most likely go through a week long course of antiviral medication, or three weeks of antibiotic therapy, you may have to go through antiviral therapy every now and then. This is especially recommended if yours is a recurring case. Doctors usually recommend the ingestion of pills for two or three days as soon as you start to experience the painful symptoms and eruptions.
Suppressive Treatment: Very frequent outbreaks can make the doctors prescribe an antiviral pill a day, which will basically act towards suppressing an attack. This kind of treatment is especially helpful if you have had more than six outbreaks in a span of twelve months. This can bring down the risk of outbreaks by about 80%, as per medical studies. This can also reduce the risk of passing on the infection to a partner. If you are taking this kind of treatment, you should see your doctor at least once or twice a year too.
Taking home remedies like a warm compress or sitting in a warm tub of water with a few drops of antibacterial can also help. But you must see a doctor before treating these sores at home. You can also prevent the same by practicing safe sex.
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Best 5 Homeopathic Medicine for Dermatitis Treatment - Safe Remedies

Homeopathy Doctor, Delhi
Best 5 Homeopathic Medicine for Dermatitis Treatment - Safe Remedies
Dermatitis is a disorder where inflammation on the skin is caused. It is also known as eczema. Itchy, erythematous, vascular or crusting patches appear on the skin. Dermatitis denotes an acute condition, and eczema refers to a more chronic condition of the disease. Any form of dermatitis can be cured effectively using homeopathic medicines. Homeopathy helps in decreasing the severe itching associated with the disease and also the frequency of relapse.

Here are some primary homeopathic medicines, which are used in the treatment of Dermatitis:

Sulphur: This is said to be the best homeopathic medicine for treating Atopic Dermatitis. Very effective results are obtained when sulphur is used to cure dermatitis. It is used mainly when the skin gets excessively dry and develops scales, accompanied by itching. The itching reaches its peak during the night and is followed by a heated sensation in the affected area. In cases where sulphur is used, the skin looks dirty and unhealthy. The patient also has an increased craving for sweets and tends to avoid bathing.
Graphites: This medicine is the best natural remedy for Dermatitis which occurs in the folds of the skin. It may occur in the folds of the elbow, knee, behind the ear and neck. There may be rawness with the itching and eruptions occur in the skin folds. Glue-like discharge from the affected area is also indicated. Graphite also treats eczema on the face, nose, chin and the eyelids.
Rhus Tox: This is an effective homeopathic medicine used in the treatment of dermatitis due to asthmatic disorders. Rhus Tox is used when the skin turns red in color, and the itching is severe. Fluid-filled eruptions appear on the skin. Scaling of the skin is also common among asthmatic patients who develop dermatitis. Rhus Tox is usually used for dermatitis, which happens during the monsoon.
Mezereum: This is a very useful homeopathic medicine used for treatment of dermatitis where weeping eruptions appear on the scalp. The medicine is also used to cure oozing eruptions, which occur on the scalp. Mezereum is used when a thick scab is formed on the scalp which discharges thick pus. Ulcers and vesicles are likely to appear on the scalp.
Natrum Mur: It is used in cases of dermatitis where dry eruptions occur along the hairline, or in the margin of the scalp. Crusting takes place along the hairline as well. The patient develops an extra craving for salty food.
Homeopathy is a very effective form of medicine used for the treatment of dermatitis and there are homeopathic remedies for all types of dermatitis conditions. Not just the symptoms but the entire disease is cured from its roots using homeopathy.
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