Top Health Tips on Managing Gallstones

Can Homeopathy Help In Dissolving And Removing Gallbladder Stones?

Diploma in Diet and Nutrition, M.Sc - Psychology, BHMS, PG Hom (Lon)
Homeopathy Doctor, Delhi
Can Homeopathy Help In Dissolving And Removing Gallbladder Stones?
Are you experiencing a sudden pain in the right upper part and at the center of your abdomen? This might be an indication of the presence of gallbladder stones. These stones are deposits of digestive fluid which may form in your gallbladder.

Risk Factors Associated With Gall Stones:

Family history of gallstones

Women are twice as likely as men to develop gallstones


High cholesterol

High-fat diet

Rapid weight loss

Over age 60

In the case of gallbladder stones, you need to dissolve and remove them. Among the different modes of treatment of gallbladder stones, homeopathy is considered to be an ideal method.

Homeopathy successfully dissolves small and medium-sized gallstones and help you avoid the gallbladder removal. Homeopathy also provides fast pain relief in gallbladder attacks and can be used for prevention and treatment of biliary colic. The medicines are natural, effective and have no side effects. In patients with gallbladder removal homeopathy can alleviate the digestive disorders after surgery. Here is a list of the top homeopathic medicines, which help in dissolving and removing gallbladder stones:

Chelidonium: This is an effective homeopathic medicine used in the treatment of gallbladder stones. It treats the pain caused because of the stones and jaundice when the bile ducts are obstructed. The medicine is used when the skin turns yellowish, stool turns clay colored and the urine becomes dark. The patient may have an urge for having hot drinks. This medicine is also ideal for gall bladder problems in women during pregnancy.

Lycopodium: This medicine is the best natural cure for gall bladder stones when accompanied by gastric symptoms such as acidity, a bloated abdomen, or gas in the abdomen. Distension in the abdomen may occur even after taking a small meal. Gas rolls in the abdomen and it is difficult for it to pass out. Acidity is likely, which worsens after taking flatulent food containing starch. The patient s appetite may decrease and the craving for sweet and hot drinks increases.

Calcerea Carb: This is another effective homeopathic medicine for gallbladder stones. It is mostly used in case of obese patients who have a flabby and fatty constitution. The abdomen is full of excess fat with hardness and distension. Profuse sweating on the head and an increased sensitivity to cold air are other symptoms. The patient might crave for boiled eggs or unusual things such as lime, chalk and pencils. He may avoid hot food and crave for sweet drinks. The medicine is also used in relieving sour belching and sour vomiting.

Carduus Marianus: This is a very effective medicine in case of an inflamed gallbladder. Pain is experienced in the right upper abdomen and it is also accompanied by nausea and vomiting of burning fluid. It treats jaundice in gall stones as well.

Phosphorus: This homeopathic medicine is used in case of gall bladder stone patients who experience sour belching and vomiting after any meal. The patient will love cold drinks, chicken, ice cream and fish in his diet.

Homeopathic medicines treat gallbladder stones effectively without any side effects. In case you notice the symptoms of gallbladder stones, you should consult a homeopathic practitioner.
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Gallbladder Health - Foods that Can Help maintain it!

MD - Internal Medicine
General Physician, Nashik
Gallbladder Health - Foods that Can Help maintain it!
The gall bladder is a very small organ located behind the liver. This organ stores the bile created by the liver and releases it whenever needed. We rarely pay attention to this organ until there is a problem and most gallbladder related problems are very painful. Unknowingly you may be harming your gall bladder by eating certain types of food like red meats and saturated fats. On the other hand, eating some types of food can improve your gall bladder health. Some such foods are:

Fiber-rich foods: Fruits and vegetables are rich sources of fiber and a must in a balanced diet. Fiber helps keep the gall bladder healthy and also helps prevent gallstones from developing. An easy way to add more fibre to your diet is to incorporate a salad with your lunch and dinner.
Water: Water not only helps hydrate the body but also helps maintain the water levels required in bile. Ideally, a person should drink 8 glasses of water a day. This should not all be drunk at one time but should be spaced out through the day. Drinking too much water at one time will result in the body expelling it in the form of urine instead of absorbing it.
Foods rich in Pectin: Pectin is a dietary fiber that binds cholesterol in the stomach and helps in its removal from the body. Since cholesterol is one of the major causes for gall stones, eating pectin-rich foods helps reduce the risk of gallstones. Some foods that are rich in pectin include citrus fruits, strawberries and apples.
Flaxseeds: Eating just one tablespoon of flax seeds a day can boost your health in a number of ways. One of the many benefits of including flaxseeds in your diet is a healthy gall bladder. Flax seeds contain mucilaginous fiber or fiber that forms a gel. This type of fiber aids in the liver s synthesis of bile acids and thus keeps the gall bladder healthy.
Omega 3 Fatty Acids: Not all fats are bad for the body. Omega three fatty acids play an important role in producing anti-inflammatory compounds. Some rich sources of omega 3 fatty acids include olive oil, avocados and flax seeds.
Citrus fruits: Citrus fruits are very rich in vitamins like vitamin C. a deficiency of this particular vitamin can cause gall stones. For this reason, eat plenty of citrus fruits and other fruits and vegetables such as bell peppers and broccoli that are rich in vitamin C.
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Gallstones Disease

MBBS, MS - General Surgery
General Surgeon, Mumbai
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Types, symptoms, and treatment for Gallstones

Hi, I m Dr. Nimesh Shah. I m a consultant endoscopic, laparoscopic and G.I surgeon. I m attached to Global Hospital Parel and SL Raheja Fortis Hospital at Mahim, and I m also a director and partner at Sanjeevani Hospital, which is our hospital at Dadar. We have talked about gallstone disease as of now. Gallstone disease is a very common phenomenon observed in the Indian population. There are various types of gallstones that are available, that is either a pigment stone or a cholesterol stone. Pigment stone occurs because of hereditary spherocytosis or something wrong with your blood cells, which get destroyed more, and that causes gallstones.

The other cause of gallstones is a cholesterol inborn error. The other type of gallstones are cholesterol stones, which are due to inborn errors of metabolism of a cholesterol as either the cholesterol that is secreted by the liver is much more, or the water that is secreted by the liver is less. So the gall bladder which whose function it is to super-concentrate the bile concentrates much more than what is necessary, and you get crystallites of cholesterol stones formed. These are most common stones seen in the Indian population.

The symptomatology of this is usually bloating, a fullness of abdomen, a lot of flatulence, also some patients have a lot of refluxes, we call it a which is associated with gallstones hydro semi a. And also some patients develop severe pain which is called as a biliary colic, which may need medical intervention. The diagnostic modality that is used for gallstone disease is doing an ultrasound. An ultrasound will tell us on the thickness of the gallbladder, the type of stones, the multiple stones, or multiple small stones, or a single large stone. So the number of stones, if you have multiple stones, you may develop a biliary colic. If it s a large stone you may develop acute inflammation of the gallbladder, which will need hospitalization.

The gold standard of treatment is surgery. Surgery is usually done laparoscopically, wherein small holes are made in the tummy and the gallbladder is removed completely. If y=remove your gallbladder, there is no problem in your digestion or anything like that, because effectively, the bile that is secreted by the liver is a waste product of our body, it has no role to play in digestion. It only activates the enzymes of the pancreas when it mixes with the pancreatic juice in the pancreas in the intestine. The liver secretes about two and a half to three liters of bile every day, out of which 150 to 200 ml goes in the gall bladder. Out of the 200 ml, it is emptied every time you eat. So roughly about 800ml is concentrated by the gall bladder and is emptied into the intestinal...intestinal tract. Now vis- -vis, 2.5 liters is flowing straight into your intestinal tract. So it does not really hamper your digestion in any way.

Again going back to treatment as laparoscopic surgery is the preferred and gold standard of treatment worldwide, wherein three four small holes are made and the gall bladder is completely extracted. Some patients at some centers are doing the single port, that is a single hole through the umbilicus, which is technically much more difficult. There is always a percentage chance of having to cut open a patient during surgery that may be because of bleeding or abnormal abnormality, which is quite common in the gall bladder region.

The above information is a limited information. If you need to further know about the disease then you can contact me directly through Lybrate. Types, symptoms, and treatment for Gallstones

Hi, I m Dr. Nimesh Shah. I m a consultant endoscopic, laparoscopic and G.I surgeon. I m attached to Global Hospital Parel and SL Raheja Fortis Hospital at Mahim, and I m also a director and partner at Sanjeevani Hospital, which is our hospital at Dadar. We have talked about gallstone disease as of now. Gallstone disease is a very common phenomenon observed in the Indian population. There are various types of gallstones that are available, that is either a pigment stone or a cholesterol stone. Pigment stone occurs because of hereditary spherocytosis or something wrong with your blood cells, which get destroyed more, and that causes gallstones.

The other cause of gallstones is a cholesterol inborn error. The other type of gallstones are cholesterol stones, which are due to inborn errors of metabolism of a cholesterol as either the cholesterol that is secreted by the liver is much more, or the water that is secreted by the liver is less. So the gall bladder which whose function it is to super-concentrate the bile concentrates much more than what is necessary, and you get crystallites of cholesterol stones formed. These are most common stones seen in the Indian population.

The symptomatology of this is usually bloating, a fullness of abdomen, a lot of flatulence, also some patients have a lot of refluxes, we call it a which is associated with gallstones hydro semi a. And also some patients develop severe pain which is called as a biliary colic, which may need medical intervention. The diagnostic modality that is used for gallstone disease is doing an ultrasound. An ultrasound will tell us on the thickness of the gallbladder, the type of stones, the multiple stones, or multiple small stones, or a single large stone. So the number of stones, if you have multiple stones, you may develop a biliary colic. If it s a large stone you may develop acute inflammation of the gallbladder, which will need hospitalization.

The gold standard of treatment is surgery. Surgery is usually done laparoscopically, wherein small holes are made in the tummy and the gallbladder is removed completely. If y=remove your gallbladder, there is no problem in your digestion or anything like that, because effectively, the bile that is secreted by the liver is a waste product of our body, it has no role to play in digestion. It only activates the enzymes of the pancreas when it mixes with the pancreatic juice in the pancreas in the intestine. The liver secretes about two and a half to three liters of bile every day, out of which 150 to 200 ml goes in the gall bladder. Out of the 200 ml, it is emptied every time you eat. So roughly about 800ml is concentrated by the gall bladder and is emptied into the intestinal...intestinal tract. Now vis- -vis, 2.5 liters is flowing straight into your intestinal tract. So it does not really hamper your digestion in any way.

Again going back to treatment as laparoscopic surgery is the preferred and gold standard of treatment worldwide, wherein three four small holes are made and the gall bladder is completely extracted. Some patients at some centers are doing the single port, that is a single hole through the umbilicus, which is technically much more difficult. There is always a percentage chance of having to cut open a patient during surgery that may be because of bleeding or abnormal abnormality, which is quite common in the gall bladder region.

The above information is a limited information. If you need to further know about the disease then you can contact me directly through Lybrate.
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Gallstone - Know Forms Of It!

MBBS, MS - General Surgery
Diabetic Foot Surgeon, Mumbai
Gallstone  - Know Forms Of It!
These Gallstones don t cause any problems in most cases. But prompt treatment is required if stones block ducts and cause infections and inflammation in the pancreas. This may lead to the removal of the gallbladder through a surgery, known as cholecystectomy, which further includes techniques such as laparoscopic (keyhole) cholecystectomy or open surgery.

Although it is a less vital organ, the body can cope up even after removal.

Procedure of surgery:

The surgery involves the removal of gallbladder and gallstones through several incisions in the abdomen. In order to see clearly, the surgeon inflates the abdomen with air or carbon dioxide.
A lighted scope attached to a video camera is inserted into one incision near the belly button. The video monitor is used as a guide for inserting other surgical instruments into the other incisions to remove the gallbladder.
Intraoperative cholangiography is the X-ray procedure which shows the anatomy of bile ducts. This is done before the surgeon removes the gallbladder.
Bile flows from the liver through the common bile duct after the surgery into the small intestine. As the gallbladder has been removed, the gallbladder can no longer store bile between meals but has no effect or little effect on digestion.
In case of open surgery, the surgeon reaches the gallbladder through a large, single incision in the abdominal wall.
Complications after gallbladder surgery:

This surgery carries some degree of risk like any other surgery. Complications such as internal bleeding, infection, injury to nearby digestive organs, injury to the bile duct and injury to blood vessels.

Types of gallstones:

There are three main types of gallstones. They are

Mixed stones: They are made up of cholesterol and salts. They tend to develop in batches.
Cholesterol stones: Mainly made of cholesterol, which is crucial to many metabolic processes. They can grow large enough to block the bile ducts.
Pigment stones: The colour of bile is greenish-brown, due to some particular pigments.
Medical factors to consider before cholecystectomy:

The most important factor is the consideration of your medical history. This is because the pre-existing conditions influence decisions on surgery and anaesthetic and information about any bad reactions or side effects from any medications would be helpful for surgery.

Self-care after the surgery:

Taking rest is the most important thing after surgery. Avoid things such as heavy lifting and physical exertion. The usual recovery period after the surgery is one week.
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Gallstones - Know The Different Types!

Bachelor of Naturopathy & Yogic Sciences (BNYS), in yoga and naturopathy, Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS), Bachelor of Physiotherapy
Ayurvedic Doctor, Delhi
Gallstones - Know The Different Types!
Gallstones can be the cause behind quite some pain and discomfort if not treated by an Ayurvedic medical expert. This helps you get over the ailment before it can inflict any more pain. Before learning about the treatments for the condition, it is important to learn what exactly is a gallstone? A gallstone as the name suggests is a peculiar stone-like formation found in the gall bladder. The stones vary in size and number from person to person and are mainly constituted from bile components that settle inside gallbladder. Gallstones as mentioned above are only stone-like formations and not really stones. They are formed from the cholesterol, bilirubin and salt contained in the bile.

How are gallstones diagnosed?
In the majority of cases, it becomes impossible to detect whether a person has gallstones or not. It is only when the stones close or block a specific duct and become the cause for inflicting some pain, does the chance of the presence of a gallstone crosses the mind. In case one is undergoing similar pain in the stomach, it is advised that you make your way immediately to an Ayurvedic medical expert, who will help you to recover from the condition with 100% natural medicines and treatments, with no side effects whatsoever.

Different types of Gallstones:
Another thing to be noted, before you start treatment for gallstones, is their type. There are distinctly two different types of gall stones. These are-

Pigment Stones: Pigments stones are smaller in size compared to the cholesterol stones and are usually larger in number and darker in colour. The main building component of these pigment stones is bilirubin. The bilirubin, in turn, comes from the bile, which is an enzyme secreted by the liver and carried into the gallbladder to be stored there.
Cholesterol Stones: The Cholesterol stones, on the other hand, are the most common kind of gallstone there is. 80% of the times, patients are detected to have cholesterol stones. These stones are characterised with a yellowish green colour.
Causes leading to Gallstone:
Only when gallstones reach a particular size or an overwhelming number that they start blocking ducts, which in turn cause the pain. But what results in the formation of these gallstones? There are a number of things that can lead to the formation of these stone like formations in your gallbladder. Some of these reasons include-

Increase in weight
A non-efficiently functioning gallbladder
Following a wrong diet
Over consumption of cholesterol rich food
Genes, and most commonly
While these are the common causes for bile stones, the most common causes of pigment stones are certain kinds of medical conditions, such as- sickle cell anaemia or other blood diseases and cirrhosis of the liver.

Ayurvedic cures for Gallstones:
According to Ayurveda, there are three doshas, namely the Kapha, pitta, and Vata, which lead to the formation of gallstones. Opting for Ayurvedic treatment helps you eliminate the requirement of harsh allopathic medication or for that matter surgery. The three major point covered by Ayurvedic treatment for gallstones include- modification in diet, herbal and all natural Ayurvedic medication and detoxification.

Ayurvedic gallstone treatment includes detoxification, herbal medications and diet modifications. A common therapy is a liver flush, which can include olive oil, lemon juice and spices. Citrus fruits, vitamin C, tumeric and ginger may assist with reducing cholesterol in the gallbladder to prevent its buildup. You can also place a castor oil pack over the gallbladder area to purportedly alleviate pain and inflammation, improve circulation and promote healing of damaged tissues.

Naturopathic Treatment for Gallstones:
Gallstone treatment requires altering carbohyderate and lipid metabolism of the entire body, especially of the liver. This will mostly involve changing the foods you eat, as well as adding specific supplements to encourage particular biochemical paths in the body. The details of this process consist of three major categories of actions.

Normalize bile composition leaving the liver
Dissolve existing gallstones in the gallbladder
Prevent the reabsorption of bile and cholesterol in the small intestine
Naturopathic treatment will start with a high-quality nutrition program made to reduce your body's tendency to produce excess cholesterol. It will also use a variety of nutritional supplements to break up fat deposits in the liver. Still other agents, both herbs and supplements, can dissolve existing gallstones. The exact details will vary from one individual to another depending on your medical history. As always in Naturopathic Medicine, the treatment program is customized to you and your individual situation.
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Know How Homeopathy Helps to Manage Obesity!

BHMS, VLIR Belgium, Canadian Academy Of Homeopathy
Homeopathy Doctor, Navi Mumbai
Know How Homeopathy Helps to Manage Obesity!
Obesity and the role of homoeopathy in its management

Obesity is a condition associated with having too much fat or adipose tissue in the body. A person having a Body Mass Index of 30 or more is called obese.
If not treated in time, obesity can put you at risk for over 40 chronic medical conditions including, but not limited to High cholesterol, Type 2 diabetes, Heart disease, Gallstones, Hypertension, Sleep apnoea (shallow breathing when you sleep), Osteoarthritis, Respiratory problems, Certain cancers (colon, breast and endometrial).

Primary causes of Obesity

When it comes to causes, there are several that directly or indirectly give rise to this health condition. Some of them are lack of physical activity, unhealthy eating habits and poor diet, family history, lack of sleep, use of certain medications.

Role of Homeopathy in Obesity Treatment

Homeopathy treats obesity with remedies for the different aspects of the condition prescribed on the basis of the causes, symptoms of obesity and patient s disposition. Before arriving at the right remedies, a homeopath goes through your case history to ascertain whether you re predisposed to this health condition. Factors like lifestyle and eating habits, along with other health conditions, are also taken into account for coming up with the right treatment plan.

How does it work?

The remedies that are prescribed to treat the condition work by regulating your body s metabolic processes, and improving your digestive system. More specifically, while lowering your food intake they act on your digestion and absorption powers, so that there s less fat build-up. At the same time, these remedies also help in reducing the effects that low food consumption may cause namely, fatigue and hyperacidity. Again, in contrast to conventional medicines that operate by inducing a feeling of full stomach or limit the absorption of nutrients, homeopathy remedies work by treating the symptoms responsible for weight gain by working on improving your metabolism.

What are the remedies offered by homeopathy?

For this health condition, homeopathy offers about 189 remedies that are tailor-made to suit your specific condition. A remedy for an obese child would be different from the one that has been prescribed for a menopausal woman. Likewise, there are specific homoeopathic remedies for obesity caused by hypothyroidism. A homeopath is the best person to guide you on the appropriate remedies specific to your case.
Homeopathy, as an alternative branch of medicine, provides you with a safe and holistic solution for removing excess fat from your body, consequently leading weight loss.
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5 Best Homeopathic Remedies For Gallbladder Stones!

Homeopathy Doctor, Navi Mumbai
5 Best Homeopathic Remedies For Gallbladder Stones!
Homeopathy can very well dissolve gall stones of small and medium sizes, and relieve the gall bladder and body permanently from the pain, suffering and complications coming from gall stones. One of the benefits of homeopathic treatment for gall stones is that your gall bladder does not need removal, and being an important organ for producing digestive enzymes, it is better to keep it in your body. The other benefit is that you get a side effect-free treatment, which is completely efficient and practical, and costs really low compared to other modes of treatments and surgeries.

But before one goes for a homeopathic treatment, a complete evaluation of the patient s case history must be done so that the right medicine can be given as per the case, history, severity etc. Here is a quick look at the commonly used homeopathic medicines, which doctors, depending on your case history, may prescribe for your gall stone.

Homeopathic medicines used for treating gall stones

Calcarea carbonica: If you have a family history of kidney and gall stones, are anxious and slow, overweight with high deposits of triglycerides and cholesterol, then you would be given this medicine.
Chelidonium: If you get pain in any or both of the two patterns pain originating under your right shoulder blade and pain in the upper right abdomen, which spreads to the back, you will be prescribed this one.
Lycopodium: This medicine is usually recommended in case you have a family history of stones in kidney and gall bladder, along with other complications like, chronic digestive disorders, high cholesterol, gastric problems, constipation, peptic ulcers, gas and bloating. The patient may usually get biliary colic pains late in the afternoon. He or she may also get irritated easily, and hate contradicting opinions.
Natrum sulphuricum: The patient may have any or some of the problems like chronic diarrhea, gall stone pain, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, depression, obesity and problem in joints. On top of that the patient may be too sensitive to changes in humidity and weather. In such a case, Natrum sulphuricum is given.
Nux vomica: If a patient suffers from nausea, colic pains, spasmodic pains, heartburn and acidity, gas and bloating, and takes too much of rich and oily food and drinks, then this medicine is used to treat gall stones for him or her.
As you can see, there is a remedy for all types of patients. Hence in case of small to medium sized gall stones, you can always retain the gall bladder, avoid surgeries, and keep patience with systematic homeopathic treatment from an expert doctor. You will get positive results soon.
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Gall Bladder Surgery - How To Prepare For It?

ENT Specialist, Faridabad
Gall Bladder Surgery - How To Prepare For It?
Surgery using a laparoscope is the most common way to remove the gallbladder. A laparoscope is a thin, lighted tube that lets the doctor see inside our belly. It is a minimally invasive surgery in which small incisions and specialized tools are used to remove a diseased or infected gallbladder.

The gall bladder is a small organ that sits right under the liver and is credited with bile storage, which can help the body in breaking down various kinds of fats that enter it. So, what all do you need to know about this operation? Read this list.

Reasons for Gall Bladder Operation: The gall bladder is not a very efficient organ. It can lead to blockages and choking as the bile it stores can become very thick and difficult to handle. Also, this bile can start to harbour deposits that are hard ball like substances, usually known as gall bladder stones. The size of these stones can vary from the size of a grain to the size of a golf ball.

Further, these gall bladder stones can cause infections which can lead to symptoms like nausea, vomiting, bloating and more. Another reason can also be the gall bladder disease known as chloelithiasis, which can cause abdominal pain. Inflammation in the pancreas, also known as pancreatitis, can lead to gall bladder open removal surgery.

Risk: While the gall bladder removal surgery is usually considered a safe one, with little or no complications, there are risks attached to this surgery too. These include sudden and excessive bleeding and the creation of blood clots, allergic reactions to the drugs used as well as anaesthesia, blood vessel damage, accelerated heart rate which leads to an increased risk of contracting a heart attack or heart disease, infections, inflammation or swelling in the pancreas, and injuries caused to the bile duct during surgery.

You might also need this type of surgery if you have the following:

1. biliary dyskinesia, which occurs when the gallbladder doesn't fill or empty correctly due to a defect
2. choledocholithiasis, which occurs when gallstones move to the bile duct and potentially cause a blockage that prevents the gallbladder from draining
3. cholecystitis, which is an inflammation of the gallbladder
4. pancreatitis, which is an inflammation of the pancreas

Laparoscopic surgery is preferred over open cholecystectomy surgery because the smaller incisions that are made reduce your risk of infection, bleeding, and recovery time.

Preparation: To prepare for your gall bladder removal surgery, the doctor may ask you to have a prescription fluid so that your bowels are flushed clean. You may also be asked to fast for at least six hours before the surgery so that there is no hindrance to the same. Also, the use of an antibacterial soap to bathe is usually prescribed so that the risk of contracting infections decreases.

While this surgery can be a simple one, you will have to take due care after the surgery to ensure that the recovery is fast and virtually pain free.
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Sudden Weight Loss - Why Is It Bad?

MBBS, DNB (General Medicine)
General Physician, Delhi
Sudden Weight Loss - Why Is It Bad?
Sudden weight loss is extremely common. It is mainly adopted by people who are depressed because of their weight and want to reduce weight rapidly. There can be various reasons why people would want to adopt sudden weight loss techniques. Few of these reasons are obesity, feelings of social neglect, heart diseases and inactivity or lethargy.

Sometimes many people want to reduce weight as soon as possible. They try to lose weight by dieting or by consuming certain medications. This might result in a lot of complications such as:

If you reduce weight rapidly, it might cause the skin to be left behind and also it will cause the skin to sag. This also creates stretch marks on the surface of your skin from where you intend to lose weight. This might give a very unsightly appearance to your body. So it is better to reduce weight slowly.
Many people try to starve themselves while dieting to get faster results. This is extremely harmful for your body. It can result in dehydration and sometimes also lead to nausea or fainting.
Rapid weight loss can also make you lose water from your body. This can be extremely detrimental for your health. It is difficult to burn a lot of calories in a short time instead you might be burning water from your body which is very harmful.
Sudden weight loss is not a permanent solution. You should be very careful while adopting rapid forms of weight loss exercise or diet, you might lose weight for a limited period, but since your body isn t trained to adapt to temporary and rapid changes, you might start gaining weight rapidly instead.
Rapid weight loss can also lead to the formation of gallstones. It can also cause infection because of obstruction in the normal flow of the bile from the gallbladder to the intestine.
Hair loss can also occur, if you are trying to lose weight rapidly. Protein intake gets reduced when you follow a strict diet plan for rapid weight loss. This can make your hair extremely brittle and dry hence causing it to break.
If you want to reduce weight, it is better to follow a diet chart which does not make you starve and rather balances your diet.
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Gallbladder and Gallstones Diet

B.H.Sc (Food Science & Nutrition), M.H.Sc (Food Science & Nutrition)
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Mumbai
Gallbladder and Gallstones Diet
What do you need to know about your diet if you have gallstones or a gall bladder removed?

When you have a problem with your gallbladder, like gallstones, the doctor may recommend a gallbladder surgery for gallbladder removal. Your gallbladder is an organ that you can live without, but some people need to avoid certain foods after gallbladder removal.

What is the function of a Gallbladder?

The gallbladder is a small organ that sits under your liver. It stores, concentrates and helps secrete bile that helps digest fatty foods.

Bile is made in the liver and stored in the gallbladder until ready to be used to help in the process of digestion. When we eat, this signals the gallbladder that bile is needed. The gallbladder contracts and pushes the bile down into a duct that carries it to the small intestine, where it breaks down any fats eaten.If the bile becomes too concentrated or supersaturated , substances in the bile can harden and form small stones that look like gravel. They can range in size from a tiny seed to as large as a golf ball.

Generally, they are made up of cholesterol (a type of blood fat) but can include calcium and/or bile pigments. Gallstones take years to form. If you need to have surgery to remove your gallbladder, your liver still makes enough bile for normal digestion. Despite of the fact stated above, it is not unusual for people to have difficulties in food digestion post gallbladder surgery. The common problems experienced are bloating, diarrhea and gastric problems after eating fatty foods. You need to avoid FAT, Spices and GAS Producing Foods in large quantities:

Ghee and Oil
High FAT meats
High FAT dairy products
Fried Foods
Seeds and Nuts
Whole grain products
Suggested Intake:

A low fat diet includes a wide range of foods such as vegetables, potato and legumes such as lentils and kidney beans, all varieties of bread, pasta and rice with oil free sauces, grilled or steamed fish or skinless chicken, grilled lean meat and low fat milk or soy drinks.
Drink plenty of water (eight to ten glasses a day). Consult a nutritionist for a proper diet plan to start with after surgery and then gradually increase the intake. Stay Healthy!
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