Top Health Tips on Managing Micturition Syncope

Hypothyroidism - Symptoms + Homeopathic Remedies

BHMS, MD-Homeopathy, PGPC - Preventive Cardiology
Homeopathy Doctor, Delhi
Hypothyroidism - Symptoms + Homeopathic Remedies
Hormones are chemicals produced by the body for optimal functioning of the various body systems. The thyroid produces thyroxin which controls body metabolism, and reduced levels affect metabolism. Deficiency of Iodine is the cause behind it as it is required by the body to produce thyroxin. Hashimoto s thyroiditis which is an autoimmune disorder is another cause.

Some common signs of it are extreme fatigue, intolerance to cold, constipation, puffy face, hoarseness of voice, increased cholesterol level, weight gain, muscle and joint pains and aches, altered menstruation and depression are some of the common symptoms.

Homeopathy has some very good remedies that are aimed at managing the person as a whole and not just the symptoms of hypothyroidism.

Calcarea Carbonica: The most common and popular homeopathic medicine, it is useful in patients who present with the following symptoms.
Intolerance to cold
Fat, flabby, fair person
Excessive sweating on the head
Peculiar food habits including craving for eggs, chalk, pencils, lime,
Aversion to fatty food substances
Constipation i.e. first part of stool is hard followed by softer stools
Excessive menstruation, prolonged and occurs earlier than the regular date, almost always associated with cold feet
Sepia Officinalis: Another significant remedy, Sepia is used when the patient has the following symptoms.
Weak, pale yellow, tend to faint easily in cold temperatures
Extreme intolerance to cold, even in a warm room
Irritable, indifferent
Significant hair loss
Excessive menstruation, occurs earlier than schedule, along with a bearing down feeling that the pelvic organs will pop out through the vagina, and so she always prefers to sit cross-legged
Constipation i.e. stool is passed out as small balls that is painful to pass
Craving for pickles and acidic food stuffs
Lycopodium Clavatum: Symptoms of patients in whom Lycopodium will be used are as follows:
Emotionally irritable and physically weak
Yellow face with blue circles around eyes
Excessive hair fall
Craving for hot foods and sweets
Gastric troubles with excessive flatulence
Acidity that worsens after eating starchy foods, especially in the evenings
Constipation with hard, painful, incomplete stooling
Graphites: Presenting symptoms where Graphites is mainly used include:
Intolerance to cold
Depressed emotionally, timid, indecisive, weeps listening to music
Bloated, gassy abdomen
Chronic constipation with hard, painful stooling process
Nux Vomica: The patient in whom Nux Vomica can produce wonderful results presents with the following symptoms:
Cold to the touch
Extremely temperamental, gets offended easily, extremely sensitive
Chronic constipation with scanty stools and a chronic urge to pass stools
Gassy, bloated feeling in the stomach
Desire for alcohol, caffeine, and other stimulations; fatty and spicy foods
Prolonged excessive menstruation
These are commonly used remedies; however, a detailed discussion with your homeopath is essential to zero in on the remedy that will work best for you.
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Headache - Certain facts one should know

General Physician, Durg
Headache - Certain facts one should know
Headache is a pain in any part of the head, including the scalp, upper neck, face (including the eye area).

A primary headache is caused by problems with or overactivity of pain-sensitive structures in your head. A primary headache isn't a symptom of an underlying disease.

What are the causes and triggers?

The three most common causes of a primary headache are:

Cluster headache
Tension-type headache
Some primary headaches can be triggered by lifestyle factors, including:

Alcohol, particularly red wine
Certain foods, such as processed meats that contain nitrates
Changes in sleep or lack of sleep
Poor posture
Skipped meals
Doctors focus on determining whether a headache has another cause. They also check for symptoms suggesting that a headache is caused by a serious disorder. If no cause is identified, they focus on identifying which type of a headache is present.

Tips that could help before seeking consultation:

Try to keep stress in check. Stay organized and prepared to minimize stressful situations. Have some fun, and don't overdo it at work.
Try incorporating meditation or yoga in your daily regime
Apply a heating pad, hot water bottle or warm compress to aching muscles. Or take a hot shower.
Apply an ice pack wrapped in a towel to the neck.
Practice good posture to ease muscle strain. While standing, keep shoulders back and head level, buttocks and abdomen pulled in. While sitting, keep your head straight and thighs parallel to the floor.
When to seek consultation?

In people with headaches, certain characteristics are cause for concern; these people should immediately seek medical consultation:

It occurs more frequently than usual
Are more severe than usual
Worsen or don't improve with appropriate use of over-the-counter drugs
Prevent you from working, sleeping or participating in normal activities
Headaches that cause you distress, and you would like to find treatment options that enable you to control them better
Tenderness at the temple (as when combing hair) or jaw pain when chewing
The presence of cancer or a disorder that weakens the immune system
Use of a drug that suppresses the immune system
Red eyes and halos seen around lights
If you are experiencing certain other symptoms like- headaches that increase in frequency or severity, headaches that begin after age 50, worsening vision, weight loss
A headache can be a symptom of a serious condition, such as a stroke, meningitis or encephalitis. Go to a hospital emergency room or your local emergency number if you have the worst headache of your life, a sudden, severe headache or a headache accompanied by:

Confusion or trouble understanding speech
Fainting, drowsiness, confusion
High fever, greater than 102 f to 104 f (39 c to 40 c)
Numbness, weakness or paralysis on one side of your body
Stiff neck
Trouble seeing, speaking or walking
Nausea or vomiting (if not clearly related to the flu or a hangover)
If people with none of the above symptoms or characteristics start having headaches that are different from any they have had before or if their usual headaches become unusually severe, they should call their doctor.

Doctors can usually determine the type or cause of headaches based on the medical history, symptoms, and results of a physical examination. Depending on their other symptoms, the doctor may advise taking an analgesic or ask them to come for an evaluation.
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Homeopathic Medicines to Treat Intestinal Worms in Stomach

BHMS, MD-Homeopathy, PGPC - Preventive Cardiology
Homeopathy Doctor, Delhi
Homeopathic Medicines to Treat Intestinal Worms in Stomach
A number of worms/parasites can infest the stomach and intestines. Children are more prone, and contract them by ingesting uncooked foods or fruits, contact with animals, playing in soil, or even unhygienic water.
The most common worms include pinworm, threadworms, roundworms, whipworms, hookworm, and tapeworm.

Signs and Symptoms

Whatever the type of worm, the symptoms are more or less the same and include the following:

Allergies: When worm infestation happens, there could be blisters on the body and the oral mucous membranes and food sensitivity can occur.
Anemia: The parasites growing inside the stomach suck out nutrition from the food, and therefore the body is deprived of essential nutrition. It could lead to severe anemia in some cases.
Altered bowel movement: While some organisms produce constipation by blocking the colon, others result in diarrhea which is body s way of removing harmful substances from the body
Fatigue: Needless to say, all this results in extreme fatigue and dehydration for the infested person.
Abdominal bloating: The parasites produce gas, which produces a gassy, bloated sensation
Altered immune function: As most parasites induce an allergic reaction, there is an increased amount of immunoglobulin A in the circulation.
Other: Restlessness, dark circles under the eyes, bedwetting, headaches and light sensitivity.
Some of the most popular homeopathic remedies are listed below and aim at strengthening the child s overall health. As always, the child will be asked thoroughly for all symptoms and then a remedy identified.

Cina: Very useful for all types of worm, it is the most popular remedy. The child is irritable, angry, has a pale appearance with rings around the eyes. When asked more, there will be teeth grinding (bruxism) at night, may have had convulsions, crying at night, nose picking, extreme hunger, milky urine, bluish discoloration around the mouth.
Calcarea: The child is usually fat, flabby child with a strong appetite and craving for things like chalk, coal, and pencils. There is aversion to dairy products and meat. There will be a crawling feeling in the rectum and anus. There is profuse sweating from the head, causing a wet pillow.
Spigelia: The child will have a pale face, blue rings around the eyes, tendency to faint, nauseating sensation, and pain around the navel. Stool with mucus and worms are an indication for using Spigelia.
Caladium: The worm travels from the perineum to the vagina and causes the girls to constantly itch around the vagina
Teucrium: Used in pinworm infestation, where there is a lot of irritation in the rectum. A thin dilution or tincture of this medication is used.
Indigo: Very effective in roundworms. The child is usually melancholic, has intense pain around the bellybutton, and may have had convulsions.
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Blood Pressure - 5 Natural Ways to Control it!

MBBS, Diploma in Public Health ( Preventive and Social Medicine)
General Physician, Navi Mumbai
Blood Pressure - 5 Natural Ways to Control it!
5 Natural ways to control your blood pressure

Blood pressure rises with each heartbeat and falls as your heart relaxes. The normal blood pressure should be less than 120/80 mm hg. An increase or decrease on either end can cause various problems.

Here are some of the natural ways to control your blood pressure.

1. Having a diet low in sodium

In the event of a high blood pressure, curtail the consumption of foods that are rich in sodium. However, research reveals that sometimes it is not just enough to cut down on sodium in your diet. A person suffering from high bp should consume foods rich in minerals like calcium, magnesium and potassium as well to keep his/her bp in check.

2. Drink plenty of water and curtail the consumption of alcohol

In case a person suffers from low blood pressure, it is advisable to drink plenty of water as low blood pressure is usually accompanied by bouts of dehydration, and consumption of water can help increase your blood pressure. Also, health drinks, which are rich in electrolytes, help your raise blood pressure. But one should avoid drinks that are high in sugar, and abating your alcohol consumption also helps to quite an extent.

3. Burn extra calories and exercise regularly

Blood pressure usually increases with weight. Being overweight can lead to sleep apnea, which is marked by disruptive breathing while you sleep, which in turn condition can lead to increased blood pressure. Studies have found that weight loss is one of the most effective ways to control high bp. Regular physical activity is also advised to maintain a stable blood pressure.

4. Avoid long, hot showers

The hot water in showers and spas can expand your blood vessels, which can often lead to a drop in blood pressure. A common sign of this would be dizziness and fainting while taking a bath. Therefore, for people suffering from this condition, using warm water rather than hot water is advisable.

5. Completely avoid stress

One of the contributing factors of high blood pressure is chronic stress. Stress tends to affect blood pressure in indirect ways. Many react to stress by overeating, consumption of alcohol and smoking, all of which can increase your blood pressure. Try to know what triggers your stress and take steps to avoid it.
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10 Things To Know About Adolescent Anxiety

Master In Counselling Psychology
Psychologist, Delhi
10 Things To Know About Adolescent Anxiety
Anxiety is a common issue with growing teenagers. It is not the typical anxiety before exams or academic projects. It is more than that. Anxiety may be the result of the hormonal changes, which predominantly affect the adolescent years of growth. While your body copes with different changes, your mind tangles between the future liberty and present restrictions. Knowing certain facts about this anxiety trail can help you to cope with it.

1. Anxiety is not always a disease: Anxiety is not always a disease. It is a normal phenomenon among adolescent teenagers. However, in certain cases it may be severe for some teenagers. They may feel crippled with anxiety. Under such cases, one would require psychiatric help.

2. Talk to someone: A great way to relieve yourself from stress due to anxiety is to speak with someone. It can be a friend or someone close to share your thoughts. If you know the reason of your anxiety, share it, discuss it. You will definitely feel better.

3. Take a break: Entertainment and break from academic work and schedule is necessary for teenagers to lower anxiety traits. However, if the anxiety is due to peers, you may even take a break from them and engage in family.

4. Cry out loud: It is not a silly thing to cry when you are stressed under anxiety. Crying is an emotional outburst which essentially relieves the stress due to anxiety and lets you control the emotional disturbed state of mind.

5. Good sleep: Sleep is necessary for both mental and physical rest. You need to overcome from the fatigue of routine works, stressful events, peer factor, etc. Catching the essential 8 hour sleep is a great way to overcome anxiety issues.

6. Don t be conscious: Anxiety is a common factor among all your peers. You are not the only one coping with anxiety stress. So, take it light. Relax and don t be conscious about your anxiety problems. Consider them to be temporary.

7. Be confident: Losing confidence under the stress due to anxiety can be even more disastrous. The effects will never be better. So be confident about whatever you do, whether right or wrong. Every person learns from his own activities. Whether right or wrong, everything will give you a lesson. So you will never be a loser, you will win a lesson.

8. Don t feel stupid: Being stressed with anxiety is not abnormal or stupid. Everything is okay with you, and you are not the stupid fellow out there.

9. You are not weak: Anxiety is not a sign of weakness. You can rather make it your strength. Fight it back and keep your energy and enthusiasm high.

10. Anxiety is temporary: As you move ahead of the adolescent period, anxiety will faint. You will be more confident and matured, able to tackle anxiety. So consider it to be an affair of a few years.
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Anorexia - Causes and Symptoms

MS - Psychotherapy & Counselling
Psychologist, Chennai
Anorexia - Causes and Symptoms
Anorexia is a common eating disorder which is identified by abnormally low body weight, intense fear of gaining weight and a distorted perception of body weight. The problem is not only related to your dietary patterns but it also related to your mental state. People with this disorder are generally self-conscious, have a low self-esteem and are overly concerned about their external appearance.

Causes of Anorexia

Biological factors - These factors represent that anorexia can be congenital or it may have developed over time. Congenital means that disorder is hereditary in nature and is passed on from the parents to the offspring. On the other hand, it may develop in people who are more sensitive and have an inclination towards perfection.
Psychological factors - Anorexia can also be caused due to certain specific personality traits and emotions that might be possessed by you. For instance, anorexia is more likely to happen to young women who are really worried and conscious out the way they look externally. Additionally, people who are either emotionally not too strong or suffer from anxiety issues can develop this disorder easily.
Environmental factors - The type of a cultural set up you are living in also plays an important role in developing this disorder. For instance, the western culture is all about slim and fit people, whereas the oriental countries are not so bothered about the same.
Symptoms of Anorexia

Emotional symptoms - This category of symptoms includes behaviors and a thought process aimed towards losing weight and minimizing your food intake. Some of the symptoms belonging to this type include:

Forceful vomiting to lose calories
Staying hungry
Excessive physical activity or exercise
Denial of hunger
Social withdrawal
Depressed moods
Physical symptoms - These symptoms are self-explanatory and are clearly visible on the human body. These include:

Extreme weight loss
Thin appearance
Abnormal blood count
Dizziness or fainting
Discoloration of the fingers
Hair that thins, breaks or falls out
Soft, downy hair covering the body
Low blood pressure
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Sudden Loss Of Consciousness - Ways You Can Cope With It!

Non Invasive Services
Cardiologist, Mohali
Sudden Loss Of Consciousness - Ways You Can Cope With It!
When you see someone faint all of a sudden, it leads to chaos around, and you are perplexed not knowing the reason. The sudden fainting or loss of consciousness is Syncope. Syncopal episodes are generally prompted by an unexpected, momentary fall in the flow of blood to the brain, leading to a person passing out and losing muscle control.

Falling causes blood flow to return to the brain, resulting in the person regaining consciousness. The duration of Syncopal episodes is generally for a few seconds or minutes, and it can happen to anyone regardless of age. It does sound scary to lose consciousness suddenly but educating yourself about the signs and symptoms, and the possible causes are the best ways to cope with Syncope.

The trademark sign of syncope is that the patient regularly passes out. The symptoms leading to such a black out episode include:

Legs feeling heavy
Blurry vision
Being puzzled
Rising body temperature
Dizziness and the person going pale
Epigastric distress
Drop in blood pressure
Weak pulse
However, the extreme symptoms include exertion, chest pains, labored breathing, lower back pain, heart palpitations, constant headaches, central neurologic shortfalls, diplopia and slurred speech.

Syncope can be triggered by an unresolved medical ailment or from sudden changes in the environment. Falling unconscious can also be caused by emotional stress. Other causes include severe pain or an uncharacteristically low blood sugar. Many people faint when they see blood. Syncope can also be prompted by extreme dehydration coupled with low blood sugar. Syncope can be due to a genetic disorder and can also be caused by a medicinal side-effect.

Ways to cope with Syncope
A person who has had syncopal episodes earlier must know a few things especially when he/she lives alone or while at work or outside. A few tips to manage when you feel a syncope episode is approaching:

When you start feeling the symptoms react with anti-gravity approaches instantly. Either sit down with your head in between knees or lie down so that the blood flow to the brain is recovered.
Seek for a safe and secure place to faint. This is crucial so that you are least hurt in case you fell unconscious.
If you had fainted, when you regain consciousness take time to get on foot. Lie down for some more time and ensure that the blood flow is restored.
Stay hydrated after the episode and it is a good practice to stay well-hydrated always.
Syncope is fairly common, but it is generally people above eighty face a larger risk of being hospitalized due to it the problem. In case one thinks that he or she is facing syncopal episode, they must consult a doctor immediately and get all the necessary tests done to handle it properly.
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Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis - 7 Signs Your Child Is Suffering from It!

MBBS, MD - Internal Medicine, Fellowship in Rheumatology, MRCP Rheumatology (London)
General Physician, Kurnool
Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis - 7 Signs Your Child Is Suffering from It!
Arthritis is a disease usually associated with elderly people, but it can also affect children. When arthritis affects children, it is known as juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. This disorder affects the musculoskeletal structure of a child and can cause pain, stiffness and swelling in the muscles, joints, ligaments and bones. In some cases, it can also affect the internal organs. With medication and therapy, the symptoms of this disorder can be managed and the quality of the child s life can be improved.

Hence, it is important to recognise the signs and symptoms of this disease. Some of the symptoms to look out for are:

Pain: Complaints of pain in the joints or muscles on waking up from bed can be a sign of juvenile arthritis. This may affect a child s jaw, neck, hands, knees and feet. For most children, moving around helps relieve some of the pain. Unlike the pain triggered by an injury, this kind of pain develops slowly and affects both symmetrical joints.

Joint stiffness: Children affected by this disorder may complain of stiff joints which hamper normal movement and activities. As with pain, this stiffness is usually worst in the morning and improves with movement.

Swelling: Redness and inflammation of painful joints is another symptom of this disorder. The joint may also feel warm to touch. This swelling may come and go or persist for several days. The joints of the hands, feet and knees are most susceptible to swelling.

Fever: Frequent fever accompanied by fatigue can indicate juvenile arthritis. These fevers usually come on suddenly and are relieved after a short time. Also, they do not exhibit any signs of respiratory or stomach infections.

Rashes: Rashes that are symptomatic of this disorder appear commonly over the knuckles, nose bridge or on the trunk, arms and legs. This often takes the form of a faint, pink rash that persists for weeks but unlike other rashes, it does not itch or ooze.

Weight loss: Drastic weight loss and an unexplained loss of appetite can also signal this disorder. In such cases, the child may also appear fatigued and showcase symptoms of associated malnutrition disorders.

Eye problems: Persistent troubles with eyesight such as pain, blurred vision and redness of the eye can be a sign of juvenile arthritis. In some cases, this disorder also causes the iris and uveitis as well as the middle layer of the eye to appear inflamed. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a rheumatologist.
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Link Between Heart Diseases and High Blood Pressure

PhD, Human Energy Fields, Diploma in PIP, EFI, Aura scanning for Health evaluation; Energy field assessment, Fellowship Cardiac Rehabilitation, Cardiac Rehabilitation, MD (Ayur - Mind Body Med), Mind Body Medicine
Non-Invasive Conservative Cardiac Care Specialist, Pune
Link Between Heart Diseases and High Blood Pressure
Blood pressure is the measure of the resistance to the natural flow of blood in the blood vessels. The major, minor and few smaller blood vessels themselves have a thin muscular lining that keeps the vessel supple and aids the flow of nutritious blood within its tube-like structure. The vessel walls resist the free flow causing a reverse pressure that is referred to as Blood Pressure. This pressure strains the heart muscles (Left Ventricle more) to contract strongly to push the nutritious blood into the body circulation system.

Due to numerous factors, there is an increase of resistance within the blood vessels that leads to an increase in blood pressure. At a later stage, this results in lack of adequate blood flow to the end tissues and an accumulation of fluids in the various tissues/organs and a mismanagement of the nutrition-detoxification rhythmic cycle of the body. This takes a long time to develop and unless the last stage hampers body functions, it is not detected. Hence, blood pressure is known as a silent disease.

Systolic and diastolic are the two rhythms corresponding to the expansion and contraction of the heart chambers during pumping of blood into the body. This rhythm creates two distinct pressures within the blood vessels. Systolic is when the heart ventricular chamber contract to pump blood into the body, so the pressure is higher. This indicated the force or strain on the heart to push blood into the circulatory system. Hence, this count is considered significant in evaluating health parameters.

High BP as a disease is declared when three or more readings taken at different times of a day or on consecutive days shows increase in BP. Higher the BP, more strain is exerted by the heart. Since the heart is essentially a muscular organ, the muscles of the heart get affected. Sometimes, the heart muscles increase in mass and size making the heart chambers smaller in volume. This further deteriorates the circulation capability leading to numerous diseases. The strain of pumping nutrition to different body organs is also felt by the heart itself. Lack of nutrition can lead to death of cardiac tissue leading to heart failure. High blood pressure makes the heart walls thicken and becomes stiffer which makes it even more difficult to pump blood. Thickening of the heart muscles is also known as left ventricular hypertrophy and cause heart failure.

A systolic blood pressure reading that is higher than 140 mm Hg or a diastolic blood pressure higher than 90 mm Hg characterizes by high blood pressure. High blood pressure is said to be responsible for 50% of the recorded cases of ischemic strokes and also increases the risk of hemorrhagic strokes.

When heart cannot pump with enough force, there is a mismanagement in the intra-cellular and tissue fluid restoration. This puts a great strain on the kidney function. In due course of time, numerous organs of the body suffer and depending on the body constitution, immunity for rejuvenation and restoration of order, the person suffer from numerous diseases.

Diabetes worsens the situation of BP and adds to the deterioration of heart health, blood vessel health. Poor heart functioning leads to different symptoms like:

Shortness of breath
Swollen ankles or feet
Difficulty lying flat on your back
Bloating and nausea
Irregular pulse
Frequent urge to urinate at night
Due to disturbances in BP and other factors leading to lacking of nutrition to the heart tissue. Heart Disease complications are commonly seen with symptoms as follows:

Radiating or dull pain, especially in the chest, radiating in the arms, especially left arm, neck, back and in the stomach especially in women.

Shortness of breath; change in breathing patterns and heaviness in chest
Dizziness and fainting sometimes
Irregular pulse and palpitations
Sudden onset of excessive sweating
Unexplained fatigue, weakness and depression
Heart Disease can be treated with natural ayurvedic medicaments successfully in more than 80% of patients. Numerous ayurvedic medicines have been clinically evaluated to show positive changes supported with clinical investigation. Since ayurvedic medicines are targeted to reaching the root cause of the disturbances and to reduce the burden of the disease they go beyond the relief of symptoms.

Natural Ayurvedic medicines also participate in the rejuvenation of the heart muscles, the blood vessels, the detoxification of the body and re-balancing of health parameters, Ayurvedic treatment options are gaining great relevance and patient opt for such treatment in greater numbers from all over the world. These treatments are non-invasive and very cost effective. They are good to be taken from prevention to after angioplasty, stent or bye-pass to treat the cause of disease.

Ayurveda is a health science that takes into consideration lifestyle modifications, adequate detoxification, re-balancing body element and strengthening the system from all aspects. Ayurvedic medicines have proved useful in the treatment of Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Vascular disease (leading to atherosclerosis, blockages, wear-tear of blood vessels) and Heart disease. Today, these treatment options are gaining importance and acceptance in our society.
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World Heart Day - How To Diagnose Aortic Valve Stenosis?

DM Cardiology
Cardiologist, Delhi
World Heart Day - How To Diagnose Aortic Valve Stenosis?
World Heart Day which is celebrated every year on 29th September was created by World Heart Federation. It was aimed at informing people around the world about cardiovascular disease (CVD). It is a global campaign through which the federation unites people in the fight against the CVD burden as well as inspires and drives international action to encourage heart-healthy living. Aortic valve stenosis is a heart condition in which the valve to the biggest artery- the one which provides oxygen-rich blood to our body, called aorta, is narrowed. This prevents the valve from opening fully, obstructing the blood flow from your heart into your body.

When the aortic valve doesn t open, your heart needs to work harder to pump blood to your body making the heart muscle weak. If left undiagnosed aortic stenosis is fatal.


These symptoms should spur you on to seek medical care right away:

Chest pain or tightness

Feeling faint with exertion

Shortness of breath

Fatigue after increased activity

Heart palpitations rapid, fluttering heartbeat

Heart murmur

The disorder doesn t produce symptoms right away and is usually diagnosed during routine physical exams when your doctor listens to your heart with a stethoscope. He usually hears a heart murmur resulting from turbulent blood flow through the narrowed aortic valve.

Diagnostic Tests

There are other ways to diagnose aortic valve stenosis and gauge the severity of the problem, like:

Echocardiogram This produces an image of your heart using sound. It is the primary test to diagnose a heart valve problem. Sound waves are directed at your heart here and these bounce off your heart and are processed electronically to provide images of your heart. This test helps your doctor check diagnose aortic valve stenosis and its severity plus chalk out a treatment plan.

Electrocardiogram (ECG) In this test, patches with electrodes are attached to your chest to measure electrical impulses given out by your heart. These are then recorded as waves on a monitor and printed on paper. Though this can t diagnose aortic stenosis directly, it can tell you that the left ventricle in your heart is thickened which normally happens due to aortic stenosis.

Chest X-ray This allows the doctor to see the shape and size of your heart directly. If the left ventricle is thickened, it points to aortic stenosis. It also helps doctor check the lungs. Aortic stenosis leads to fluid and blood in the lungs, causing congestion.

Exercise Tests Exercise is used to increase your heart rate and make your heart work harder. This test is done to see how your heart reacts to exertion.

Computerised Tomography (CT) Scan This means a series of X-rays to create images of your heart and observes the heart valves. It is also used to measure the size of aorta and the aortic valve.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) This uses powerful magnets and radio waves to create images of your heart and valves.

Once aortic valve stenosis is confirmed, you may have to go in for monitoring or heart valve surgery according to your doctor s advice.
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